Who the hell are ya?!

Started by eiseyrokker, Jun 25, 2008, 03:28 AM

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hey tater, I recognize your back drops in South Dakota.  I took my mom there last year. I am totally in love with the Black Hills and the Badlands.

great pics


It's great out there, they haven't done much with crazy horse. It is magnificent. It is amazing how big this country really is until you travel it and see the wide open spaces.  I thought deadwood was cool. We did sturgis and bought a butt  load of t-shirts.
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe


did you see any of these guys? ( I got this from a couple of years ago)


No not this trip. The herds were not out.  We did see a ton of the wild mules, those guys a pretty ballsy, they will come right up to  you and  will give you some religon on a motorcycle with no protection. I am actually glad we didn't run into any MASSIVE buffalo.  I don't want to be the first to get mounted by a buffalo.
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe


Well, I am Joe.
I live in Olympia, WA.
I sell insurance for a living.
I am sper into music, movies, and video games. I play guitar, a bit of piano, and I got a starter banjo this past christmas that I'm still rying to get into.  Fav., bands of all time are Polvo, Rex, Slint, M. Ward, Neko Case,  Lift to Experience, and a whole lot of other stuff.  Fav movie ever is Schitzopolis. Also really into to Asian cinema currently. I own an xbox 360, a Wii that is sadly underused, and a PS2 which I still rock out on.
I am amrried, to a wonderful wonderful woman who I totally don't deserve. WE have been married for 4 yrs as of June 19th.  
I am turning 30 on July 20th, and have an odd fear of getting into my 30s.  I still feel like a teenager.  Where di my 20s go? :)
I am originally from Maryland, right outside of DC.
I am shy, until I know you really well, then my 'odd' side comes out.
And finally, I love you folks. Been around here quite a long while, but dont post much.  But I am always here, lurking while at work, or before bed.  
I'll try to post a picture or 2 sometime.  
Take it easy!


Hi joe!
didn't mention it in my earlier post, but I am a greener grad!
Oly Girl since 1994 (and proud)!


I don't know how to do this. I'm Jenny and i think i'm the second youngest jacket-er here. 17 on the 28th of this month. I live in boston and it's totally awesome. I like pizza. and pizza parties. and also napping and saved by the bell, or napping WITH saved by the bell. i've played the trumpet for close to ten years, and i like it and i'm a nerd, but i don't care.  i don't like a whole lot of people, but the people i do like i like a lot. i'm neurotic and a worrier. i worry about everything and everything that i possibly can. i'm obsessive compulsive to the point where my foods can't be touching each other on a plate. but somehow i've found someone that'll put up with that bullshit and we've been together for 6 months and it's wonderful and he just finished art school and we're making a comic book this summer and it will be on sale and all of you should buy it.

i really like music from new zealand recently
other favorite music includes animal collective (panda by himself, also), pavement, dirty projectors, tall dwarfs, faust and phil elvrum of course.

i wish i watched more movies.
i want to go to tufts when it's time for htat and do the joint program with either the new england conservatory or the school of the museum of fine arts, and if that don't work out then i'm moving to new york and hopefully going to NYU or the new school or some tiny liberal arts school nobody's heard about.

Oh, and this is my passport picture. I have angst, and I think i'll regret this before it expires in 2017.

Angry Ewok

Name: Bradley Smith
Most folks call me Brad. My family has always called me Bradley, but not long ago I noticed that a lot of my closer friends, or at least the ones who hold some special endearment towards me, also call me Bradley. I don't know why that happens like that, but I think it's neat. I don't have a preference between the two, so I always introduce myself as Brad. Nice to meet you.

Forum Alias: Angry Ewok
I'm a star wars dork and since I'm absolutely fearless at 5'5, the name is perfect.

Occupation: Serigraph Artist & Printer, Webmaster
I work for a hapless publishing company... it's rough and my pay is awful, but I'm hoping I can gain enough studio experience running our silk-screen press that I will be able to go into business for myself someday. I love the entire process of silk screening - from the design to the physical printing. I've been fortunate to be able to do a freelance art and design for a couple of years - more this year than all of the years previous, it seems.

Background: All of this is true.
I was born in Georgia, overlooking the Kennesaw Mountain battlefield. My home was in Marietta, where most of the actual fighting occurred. Likely because of this, and my family history, I love American history, wars in particular, and I consider myself a modern Southern Gentleman. I was raised on a sail boat, so I'm also a seaman at heart - I got my sea legs before I was a week old and am thus immune to sea sickness. Despite that I suffer from galeophobia, the fear of sharks. I now reside in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. I love Alabama Football... I am a Crimson Tide season ticket holder.

Passion: My Morning Jacket
My first concert ever was an MMJ performance. I've been to 9 shows since June 2005 and I have three more scheduled this year. I've met the entire band, several staffers, and over a dozen fellow Jacketeers and Vikings. Since the beginning I've wanted to design a poster for an MMJ concert. I've also wanted to visit The Tennessee Fire - something I was able to do a couple of weeks ago. One day, I want my art on an MMJ album - even if it's just the liner notes or the sticker that's slapped onto the center of the vinyl. One day, I want to follow MMJ on an entire leg of a tour. The best thing ever would be if MMJ performed on stage with The Muppets.

--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


Hey Jenny, what was that about terrible ID photos and not realizing that Moustache March would be FOUR YEARS LONG?

The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Ha! Well at least you're smiling! I just look like i've got permanent 'tude.
Which isn't necessarily false, but when I'm 26 I think i'll be (i hope to be) less cheeky (and yes, i mean that in every sense of the word.)


But the cheeks are adorable!

Tom- You look like a late 70's/early 80's porn star, minus the bad hair.


QuoteBut the cheeks are adorable!

Tom- You look like a late 70's/early 80's porn star, minus the bad hair.

Haha, I had a whole lot of pervy fun with that moustache!

My favorite was being able to pull of the Southern Gentleman relatively convincingly...
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Damn Tom, that second one is bad ass. You need a slow, deep southern drawl for that pic.

Hi, I'm Mike. I live in a bedroom community outside of St Louis, MO. I'm originally from Omaha, NE (GO HUSKERS). Married 11 years with 2 kids. Trying to learn to play guitar and it's going sloooooooowly. I've now met 2 of our members and soon will meet a third. I have a long list of y'all I'd love to meet and have a beverage of 3 with.

I work in downtown St Louis for formally Ralston Purina, now part of the world of Nestle. Yes, that means I work for Willy Wonka. Some of you may remember about a year ago I was on the verge of quitting and having a breakdown of sorts because of my job. Thankfully I'm in a better position that is still stressful at times (and my boss is the living version of Dr Jekyl and Ms Hyde) but it's much better.

I love food and booze. Vodka and beer/ale/stouts are my drinks of choice. I'll also pound Sirazh like there's no tomorrow. All time favorite dish is Beef Wellington. BBQ seriously moves me. I haven't meet too many desserts I didn't like.

I'm kinda of a sci-fi and fantasy dork. I used to run marathons and 1/2 marathons but stopped as my knees suck gopher balls so now I just hit the elliptical and stationary bikes. I would like by favorite bands but it's too long. It would include MMJ, Flaming Lips, Beatles, Doors, Supergrass just to name a few. I cook, clean, and love to do yard work. I have a deep seeded passion for redheads (but didn't marry one, go figure)

Anything thing else I missed?

Here is a pic of me and the Mrs. on our 11th Anny

Here is a horrible pic of me just f'n hammered trying to play (pre haircut)

mmmm mmmm my attempt at being artsy with a camera.

wharf rat

Hello, I'm Matt.  I am 35, married to the girl I met as a sophomore in college back in '92.  Next month will mark our 10th anniversary.  We have two sons, 6 and 2, who are the loves of our lives.
I first found this forum when I was just looking for some info. on MMJ.  Before this, I never really was involved in a forum, but the folks on here seemed pretty cool and passionate about MMJ, so I lurked for a while before setting up an account (about a month before all the shit hit the fan), and I must say I'm glad I opened that account.  It's pretty cool that many of you have some sort of relationship with the band and also each other.  .  Mabye I'll run into a few of you somewhere down the line, my wife and I will be at Waterfront Park, and I'm dragging a friend to Detroit.
I love anything outdoors, do alot of hiking with the family, also love gardening.  Linville River Gorge area is one of my favorite places to backpack, and I love sinking my toes in the sand, mostly at various NC beaches.  I like most sports and I think my 6 year old is going to follow in my footsteps.  I'd like to have a conversation with Jim about faith, I think he could teach me a few things.
As for music, there are so many to list, but the Dead is and always will be at the top.  MMJ, of course (when I first found these guys, there music touched me ), and the Avett Brothers, Ekoostik Hookah (I've been seeing these guys since they started out), Joni Mitchell, The Band.  I also live in a college town, Athens, OH, so I check out as much local music as I can.  Southeast Engine is one local band that some on here may have heard of.

The boys and me

Sam really liked his log

They both love to fish

My wife will not like me posting this, you know the whole camping, no shower thing!


hey guys... popping up from forum oblivion...

my name's ali, i'm from australia. uh... g'day. i don't have any pix of me handy, but i'll find something to post up here....

i'm an architect, living in melbourne for the past 6 years. i grew up in tasmania, an island off the south coast of australia (yes, we do exist, and we do have tasmanian devils, although i wouldn't advise patting them, they'll rip your hand/arm off :) )

i've not been posting here for a while as i've been running a large construction project that has completely taken over my life, but is nearly finished (4 weeks to go), so for those poor patient souls who i owe mixtapes to, i haven't forgotten you and you will see a package from me shortly.

as well as being a bit of an architecture nerd, i'm very much into music - i love finding new things that take my fancy, even if they are weird, mainstream, dorky... who cares. (flight of the conchords album anyone??) if i like it, i like it.  i play violin, piano, have been teaching myself bass guitar for a while, and recently have taken possession of a lovely red electric guitar of my brother's so when i get some time i'll be playing around on that.  this is now sounding a bit "personals", but i love history, learning languages (french, a bit of japanese, german), and chocolate.  it's also been a ginormous pleasure to get to know the people on this board, who have time & again shown themselves to be among the most interesting, diverse, musically-literate bunch of people i have yet to come across. if i lived closer, it would be a pleasure to hang out with any & all of you. if anyone comes over for a holiday, give me a bell.

other than that, i'm single (work haspure & simple killed my social life) turning 30 in about 6 weeks and planning a holiday to the land of the lord of the rings (here's hoping it's filled with jemaine clement clones!).  i STILL haven't seen mmj, cos they haven't toured here for what seems like forever... but guaranteed when they do announce a tour, you will probably hear the screams of joy from where you guys are!!!  :D
love a song for the way it makes you feel



How's that bass been doin? What have you been building that's been so consuming?

Hey girl!
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Ali!!! Another Aussie! I'm Serena, I'm 18 and I work in a freight company. It's my first job so I don't plan on staying. Im just saving for a trip to Seattle cause I want to visit the Soundgarden. I haven't figured the rest of my life out yet. I play guitar, drums and a little bass. I want to learn keyboards but I'm too lazy. I do photography too and I used to ride horses. I found MMJ from the Picture In A Frame (PJ) dvd and loved them instantly. Favourite bands are: Foo Fighters, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, The Police, Queen The Who, Zeppelin, Neil Young, Taylor Hawkins and the Coattail Riders, Kings Of Leon, Tom Petty and of course MMJ. Favourite musicians are Taylor Hawkins and Matt Cameron.  :)
How loud can silence get?


hey, ali!

glad to see you back, and it's nice to hear that although you're busy, things are going well.

best wishes!
all facts begin as dreams dreamt by the wizard


Hi, my name is Braden. I live in Sacramento, California, and other than a five year run after college in the Bay Area, I've lived in the Sacramento Valley my whole life. I'm married to the sweetest woman I've ever met - it'll be two years this September. I work as an engineer, designing mechanical systems for buildings. Most of the time I think my job is pretty cool.

I LOVE the outdoors, love to backpack, and have always loved the feeling of being in deep wilderness (jeez, lovefest around here). The Sierra Nevada mountains are my favorite place in the world. I also fish as often as I can. I'm a huge Raiders fan. I love books, and read mostly fiction. Lonesome Dove is probably my favorite book EVER. As far as music goes, first comes the Stones, then, well...

Politically, I'm fiscally conservative/socially liberal, which probably aligns me most with the Libertarians, though I officially have no party affiliation, and can't stand politicians. I love religion, all religions really, though I mostly like learning about them and keeping a safe distance. I love drinking...lately it's been good tequila (Don Julio Reposado) and cheap beer (Miller Lite). I ride my bike to work. When I say bike, I mean bicycle.

"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."


My name is Eric, I'm 31, and I've been a jacket fan for about 5 years now. My wife Carolyn and I live in Chicago and have been happily married forĀ about 2 and a half years. I have since converted her into a jacket fan as well. We love being outside. Whether it be camping or just hangin with our friends. Here's a pic of us on a float trip in Missouri last summer:

We have a goofy ass pooch named Gracie. She's a part english bulldog, part beagle. This is her about 3 months old:

Huge fan of music. I'm in a few bands right now. One is a cover band and the other an original. We actually just got signed to a local small label and are recording now. I play bass and acoustic guitar. I'm totally fanatic about the Chicago Cubs, probably to a fault but oh well. Here's the misses and I doing what we do best - boozin it up at Wrigley:

And here's a cool pic that was taken while camping last year in Wisconsin. I just like the way it looks: