I want a swan song . . .

Started by red, Jun 09, 2009, 08:27 PM

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the fruit bats love makin' made all the kids cry

Vadie Stark

Not the one thing. I used to think I
could at least some way put things right.

Vadie Stark

Not the one thing. I used to think I
could at least some way put things right.


Quoteme too

Hey, etb, why do you have to be such an asshole about this? You and mickeyreds and leon were late to the party, and missed what a great place this was...people are leaving because it's changed, and sadly, it's changed because of people like YOU, who seem to enjoy driving people off! And I know that you haven't done anything directly to most of these folks, but it's the general, continual bullshit flowing from you clowns that's the problem. I know you think it's funny, but most other people here think it's rude to post a stupid fucking certificate like that as a response to someones genuine concern. It's posts like this (times several hundred) from you clowns that has bogged this place down in the past several months.

mickeyreds, leontheslut, and edtombell: I don't like what you post. The board would be a better place without you - that's not personal juegement, that's a fact.  
"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."

Vadie Stark

Quoteme too

Hey, etb, why do you have to be such an[highlight] asshole[/highlight] about this?[highlight] You[/highlight] and mickeyreds and leon were late to the party, and missed what a great place this was...people are leaving because it's changed, and sadly, it's changed because of [highlight]people like YOU[/highlight], who seem to enjoy driving people off! And I know that you haven't done anything directly to most of these folks, but it's the general, continual[highlight] bullshit[/highlight] flowing from [highlight]you clowns[/highlight] that's the problem. I know [highlight]you[/highlight] think it's funny, but most other people here think it's rude to post a stupid [highlight]fucking[/highlight] certificate like that as a response to someones genuine concern. It's posts like this (times several hundred) from[highlight] you clowns[/highlight] that has bogged this place down in the past several months.

I'm not [highlight]here to play morality cop.[/highlight] I'm here to tell mickeyreds, leontheslut, and edtombell that I don't like what they post. [highlight]The board would be a better place without them - that's not, personal juegement that's a fact.  [/highlight]

Not the one thing. I used to think I
could at least some way put things right.


Quoteme too

Hey, etb, why do you have to be such an asshole about this? You and mickeyreds and leon were late to the party, and missed what a great place this was...people are leaving because it's changed, and sadly, it's changed because of people like YOU, who seem to enjoy driving people off! And I know that you haven't done anything directly to most of these folks, but it's the general, continual bullshit flowing from you clowns that's the problem. I know you think it's funny, but most other people here think it's rude to post a stupid fucking certificate like that as a response to someones genuine concern. It's posts like this (times several hundred) from you clowns that has bogged this place down in the past several months.

mickeyreds, leontheslut, and edtombell: I don't like what you post. The board would be a better place without you - that's not personal juegement, that's a fact.  

Some people just can't help themselves.  They were born assholes.   Again, it's like that one dude that walks into a party, that doesn't know anyone, and is instantly an asshole.  It's one thing to be kind of an asshole in general, but to walk into a party and instantly start your asshole guns a blazing pisses people off.   It's a free country but that doesn't mean we like you.  How about some intellegent input, oh I don't know, once every 10 posts or so?  Would that be too much to ask?  

Didn't you guys create your own thread that you can be assholes in?  Here's an idea, if you don't like the fucking threads that people are saying goodbye in, than stay the fuck out of them.  Seems pretty simple to me.

I've always thought Jacket fans were pretty like minded and looked at the world with the same eyes.  
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.

Vadie Stark

Quoteme too

Hey, etb, why do you have to be such an asshole about this? You and mickeyreds and leon were late to the party, and missed what a great place this was...people are leaving because it's changed, and sadly, it's changed because of people like YOU, who seem to enjoy driving people off! And I know that you haven't done anything directly to most of these folks, but it's the general, continual bullshit flowing from you clowns that's the problem. I know you think it's funny, but most other people here think it's rude to post a stupid fucking certificate like that as a response to someones genuine concern. It's posts like this (times several hundred) from you clowns that has bogged this place down in the past several months.

mickeyreds, leontheslut, and edtombell: I don't like what you post. The board would be a better place without you - that's not personal juegement, that's a fact.  

Some people just can't help themselves.  They were born assholes.   Again, it's like that one dude that walks into a party, that doesn't know anyone, and is instantly an asshole.  It's one thing to be kind of an asshole in general, but to walk into a party and instantly start your asshole guns a blazing pisses people off.   It's a free country but that doesn't mean we like you.  Fuck you. How about some intellegent input, oh I don't know, once every 10 posts or so?  Would that be too much to ask?   Or is it all asshole all the time with Leon and "Mickeyreds"?   Oh well, "Who Fucking Cares?" right mickey?

Didn't you guys create your own thread that you can be assholes in?  Here's an idea, if you don't like the fucking threads that people are saying goodbye in, than stay the fuck out of them.  Seems pretty simple to me.

I've always thought Jacket fans were pretty like minded and looked at the world with the same eyes.  

Not the one thing. I used to think I
could at least some way put things right.


Quoteme too

Hey, etb, why do you have to be such an[highlight] asshole[/highlight] about this?[highlight] You[/highlight] and mickeyreds and leon were late to the party, and missed what a great place this was...people are leaving because it's changed, and sadly, it's changed because of [highlight]people like YOU[/highlight], who seem to enjoy driving people off! And I know that you haven't done anything directly to most of these folks, but it's the general, continual[highlight] bullshit[/highlight] flowing from [highlight]you clowns[/highlight] that's the problem. I know [highlight]you[/highlight] think it's funny, but most other people here think it's rude to post a stupid [highlight]fucking[/highlight] certificate like that as a response to someones genuine concern. It's posts like this (times several hundred) from[highlight] you clowns[/highlight] that has bogged this place down in the past several months.

I'm not [highlight]here to play morality cop.[/highlight] I'm here to tell mickeyreds, leontheslut, and edtombell that I don't like what they post. [highlight]The board would be a better place without them - that's not, personal juegement that's a fact.  [/highlight]

Oh, another cute picture...I don't understand what you're saying though. You've highlighted all the good words, so you must understand what I was trying to get across.

I've NEVER been one to say that only one style or group can exist here on this board, I've only asked everyone to be considerate of each other. You're not capable of that, because you're an asshole, so I called you out. Quit pissing in the pool little boy. It's not funny.
"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."


Oh, and you were right about one thing...it is my personal judgement that this would be a better board without you here. But it's also most other people's judgement too, and it's also a [highlight]fact.[/highlight]

There you go, I started your coloring project for you. Now post another funny little picture and go off snickering with your clown friends.
"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."

capt. scotty

I've NEVER been one to say that only one style or group can exist here on this board, I've only asked everyone to be considerate of each other. You're not capable of that, because you're an asshole, so I called you out. Quit pissing in the pool little boy. It's not funny.

Everyone has the right to have their quarrels here, but dont bring up pool pissing!  >:(

If you havent tried it recently, you should. It feels radical and creates a warm spot and gets a bad rep from little kids. Trust me, babies know whats up more than you think (naps, breastfeeding, not having to wipe their own ass) and us older folks should follow their lead more often.
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

Vadie Stark


Take a work break I'm sure your boss would rather have you do that than spend time on the board. The first pic was for errolesqe not for you, the second was for the other guy not for you. I'll post what and where I want like anyone else. I don't care what you think or if you or anyone else here likes me or what I post.

Not the one thing. I used to think I
could at least some way put things right.

at dawn


Take a work break I'm sure your boss would rather have you do that than spend time on the board. The first pic was for errolesqe not for you, the second was for the other guy not for you. I'll post what and where I want like anyone else. [highlight]I don't care what you think or if you or anyone else here likes me or what I post. [/highlight]


=the problem with America

Penny Lane


Take a work break I'm sure your boss would rather have you do that than spend time on the board. The first pic was for errolesqe not for you, the second was for the other guy not for you. I'll post what and where I want like anyone else. [highlight]I don't care what you think or if you or anyone else here likes me or what I post. [/highlight]


=the problem with America

=the problem w/humanity in general
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill

Vadie Stark


Take a work break I'm sure your boss would rather have you do that than spend time on the board. The first pic was for errolesqe not for you, the second was for the other guy not for you. I'll post what and where I want like anyone else. [highlight]I don't care what you think or if you or anyone else here likes me or what I post. [/highlight]


=the problem with America

Don't blame america for my outlook. This vine amused me the OP with the Bealtes ;D the grand sign off :D the posts of genuwhine concern ;D good stuff....... then the name calling........................................
then the thread will be deleted.
I mostly post in 6 different threads you know which ;)but if someone puts a big softball up ...well......... :-X....right
Not the one thing. I used to think I
could at least some way put things right.


ETB, I'm not really sure if you get the purpose of this forum... :-?

I know you're just tryin to have some fun, but this really is a one of a kind forum. We're all friends on some level who love the Jacket. What you're doing is equivalent to being the drunken douche at a party who makes everyone want to go home early. There's plenty of internet to go around, so if there's some other (probably larger) forum where a bunch of people who don't know each other and just post whatever the hell they want all day, maybe you should go there instead.
In another time, in another place, in another face


In another time, in another place, in another face

Vadie Stark


Take a work break I'm sure your boss would rather have you do that than spend time on the board. The first pic was for errolesqe not for you, the second was for the other guy not for you. I'll post what and where I want like anyone else. [highlight]I don't care what you think or if you or anyone else here likes me or what I post. [/highlight]


=the problem with America

=the problem w/humanity in general

now humanity cool

Not the one thing. I used to think I
could at least some way put things right.


follow the bright white light.
Ride the music wave and wipe out really good!


QuoteETB, I'm not really sure if you get the purpose of this forum... :-?

I know you're just tryin to have some fun, but this really is a one of a kind forum. We're all friends on some level who love the Jacket. What you're doing is equivalent to being the drunken douche at a party who makes everyone want to go home early. There's plenty of internet to go around, so if there's some other (probably larger) forum where a bunch of people who don't know each other and just post whatever the hell they want all day, maybe you should go there instead.
Way to rehash the same b.s. the other sheeple said.

You guys are right we are the drunks that show up to the party. The only problem is it's a tea party with a bunch of little whiney attention whore drama queens. For some reason I thought some cool people must listen to MMJ (and they do), but you guys are a bunch of old queens.

The fact is most of you are sheep. If one sheep goes one way you all follow along. I could create a new username here under a different IP, fluff some of your egos and you would let me right into your circle jerk. As long as I sheeple up.

Klink Disclaimer: My posts are not to be taken seriously. They are all in jest. Please lighten up.

Love Dogg

Quotefollow the bright white light.

Yes...preferably the one inside the train tunnel.  Go to it!
"Sometimes it runs its course in a day, babe.  Sometimes it goes from night after night."