Are cops allowed to hack my mainframe?

Started by PhriendlyMMJPhan, Jul 05, 2010, 04:51 PM

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Sticky Icky Green Stuff

I was dissing different police departments around the tri-state area on my local npr stations facebook page, I dissed them hard.  fast forward to this weekend.  My dad gets two traffic tickets.  I'm a Jr., so we have the same name basically.  We practically have the same social security #.  I'm worried that the cops are going to start ticketing the fuck out of me and my dad because I dissed them so hard.  

Can cops track you via facebook even if you make a fake account for only one purpose: to talk mad political shit about local government?  

I know your IP can give away your ISP location and then they have to get a subpoena in order for your ISP to give up your identity.  My question is, are cops smart enough to hack my main frame?  Is it possible that my name is in their computer now to "fuck freely"?  Smells like corruption.

They fucked the activists during the vietnam era.  I know my Political science professor had a red file on him because he gave a lecture at a high school about why the war blew so hard.  He was invited by the school but the police made one of this classified files about him and thousands of people.  They eventually released the records which is how my professor found out.  His brother had one and it fucked him so bad he had to leave the state to get a job.  

Are cops trying to fuck my shit up because I dissed them on facebook?  Two tickets in Two Days?  My pops doesn't get tickets, maybe he's just getting old and it's the holidays.  Seems like a conspiracy to me.  Fuck the police.


You need to create yourself a control environment. This weekend nationwide makes an excellent pretext for jurisdictions to enforce their $afety regulations, like telling you you're too drunk to drive without actually demonstrating anything indicating you're drunk or driving unsafely, or maybe just to remind you to buckle the fuck up since just because you moved out of your parent's house doesn't mean you shouldn't be nagged constantly by an authority figure.

However, tracking "suspicious" users is not new. Here in NJ the Democrats arrested a Republican for trolling a Dem candidate's message board.

To go as far as to single out you and your family seems extreme though.
I'm surrounded by assholes

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteYou need to create yourself a control environment. This weekend nationwide makes an excellent pretext for jurisdictions to enforce their $afety regulations, like telling you you're too drunk to drive without actually demonstrating anything indicating you're drunk or driving unsafely, or maybe just to remind you to buckle the fuck up since just because you moved out of your parent's house doesn't mean you shouldn't be nagged constantly by an authority figure.

However, tracking "suspicious" users is not new. Here in NJ the Democrats arrested a Republican for trolling a Dem candidate's message board.

To go as far as to single out you and your family seems extreme though.

I don't know dude, it's freakin me out a little.  I've been kicking the proverbial hornets nest the last couple weeks dissin on cops via the internet.  I bet they've got a file on me somewhere.  Will they ever catch me is the real question.


QuoteYou need to create yourself a control environment. This weekend nationwide makes an excellent pretext for jurisdictions to enforce their $afety regulations, like telling you you're too drunk to drive without actually demonstrating anything indicating you're drunk or driving unsafely, or maybe just to remind you to buckle the fuck up since just because you moved out of your parent's house doesn't mean you shouldn't be nagged constantly by an authority figure.

However, tracking "suspicious" users is not new. Here in NJ the Democrats arrested a Republican for trolling a Dem candidate's message board.

To go as far as to single out you and your family seems extreme though.

I don't know dude, it's freakin me out a little.  I've been kicking the proverbial hornets nest the last couple weeks dissin on cops via the internet.  I bet they've got a file on me somewhere.  Will they ever catch me is the real question.

Well remember, unless the cops own the servers or the website, they don't have access to it and must subpoena the records. That's a somewhat lengthy process and not all websites always comply. Plus to do that they need to determine an actual crime to investigate.
I'm surrounded by assholes


The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteIts the Torrent Squad!!!

haha poor swedes.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

What about the patriot act and it's very broad views on matters involving privacy?  It's sketchy.  Plus, Michigan has that Militia bs where they tried to organize to kill a bunch of cops who were attending the funeral of some other cops that they had already killed.  Some weak, cowardly, brainless attempt to disrupt our government.  Fucking dumb ass fuck ups to be honest dudes.  How pathetic and desperate are these people about, what? being taxed? boo fucking hoo.  I hate many-o-law that fuck with my personal freedoms, but god damn make an argument, don't go blowin people's brains out.

here's my other reasoning.  the whole Obama/net neutrality stuff.  The kill switch.  knowing that this is a possibility, whether it's legal or whatever, means the technology already exists and is ready.  and most likely has been tested.  

Ever since China hacked our computers without any problem I think we've secretly been working on encryption techniques and what not.  A program or system triggered by keywords or phrases that are suspect maybe?  I believe that technology is already somewhat in effect.  

In the end D-towns to broke to fuck with some suburban dude, I just hope they don't think it's my pops being a sass-machine.

Not only am I blowing the lid off of police corruption and their bullshit scams but I'm starting to lead a push for support of legalization and it is working.  whenever there is some dbag spitting reefer madness fact on the radio show I rip them up.  

Keeping detroit safe, one nug at a time.

Tracy 3000

What about > long term marijuana/drug use causes paranoia?

Seriously, maybe you want to think about that as a reality because, well, it is a reality.

Jim brings all his love, passion, energy and mystery to the stage and says, "I'm right here."

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteWhat about > long term marijuana/drug use causes paranoia?

Seriously, maybe you want to think about that as a reality because, well, it is a reality.

listen tracy, if the cops were hacking your computer this would be a totally different conversation so be cool bro.  I don't want to have to ice you.  plus, the cops would have an excuse to bust me.  holla back youngin' spoutin shit about me be paranoid, shit I'm like the golden knight of ecstasy.  start to finish dude.  start to fuckin finish.  

I need to document this "paranoia" just in case I get busted for no reason.  these police are corrupt man, haven't you seen the wire?

shit is fucked now.  If you'd excuse me I'm going to go listen to some rage against the machine.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Tracy 3000

QuoteWhat about > long term marijuana/drug use causes paranoia?

Seriously, maybe you want to think about that as a reality because, well, it is a reality.

listen tracy, if the cops were hacking your computer this would be a totally different conversation so be cool bro.  I don't want to have to ice you.  plus, the cops would have an excuse to bust me.  holla back youngin' spoutin shit about me be paranoid, shit I'm like the golden knight of ecstasy.  start to finish dude.  start to fuckin finish.  

I need to document this "paranoia" just in case I get busted for no reason.  these police are corrupt man, haven't you seen the wire?

shit is fucked now.  If you'd excuse me I'm going to go listen to some rage against the machine.

Either the cops are spying on you, giving your dad speeding tickets to "get back at you" (or who they think is you) or it's just a coincidence that your dad is getting tickets from the cops. It sounds like an elaborate scheme, to me, but hey, I could be wrong. Maybe the police are using Facebook to track down people bad mouthing their department.

Regardless of all that, long term marijuana/drug use causes paranoia. My own paranoia has decreased 100 fold since I quit using a while back. No joke (and no coincidence).

I am just the purveyor of useful information, that's all. Do with it what you will.  :)
Jim brings all his love, passion, energy and mystery to the stage and says, "I'm right here."

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

hmm I'll have to smoke a doobie and think about it.  I don't think it's paranoia.  I think it's a conspiracy!



Exactly what was your dad ticketed for?  

I mean if they were legit tickets, it'd be kind of hard to argue conspiracy theory...


My music will go on forever. Maybe it's a fool say that, but when me know facts me can say facts.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteExactly what was your dad ticketed for?  

I mean if they were legit tickets, it'd be kind of hard to argue conspiracy theory...

oh they were legit tickets.  one was up north so I know FOR SURE that they're tapping my shit.  by now it's probably the CIA.

Tracy 3000

Jim brings all his love, passion, energy and mystery to the stage and says, "I'm right here."


Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteWhat is a mainfrain?

god damned dyslexia.  I swear, no matter what I post there will be an error in it some how.  words swapped around or combined.  missing altogether.  I'm losing it.  


I was talking to a friend a couple years back when I smoked all the time and so did he, and we had recently gone on hiatus for a bit, then sparked one on a boat ride with a large quantity of wine and we had grilled a ham.

anyway, we discovered that when we had decided to stop we realized we were becoming slightly dyslexic
I'm surrounded by assholes