The LOST thread

Started by Ghosts_on_TV, May 10, 2007, 07:29 PM

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QuoteI freaking love THIS SHOW!!!!

Hurley threw a hot pocket at Ben!

Do any of you guys think the writers will be able to pull off more signature 'wow' moments in the remaining episodes of the show or do you think it will be all about wrapping up the plot?
I was cracking up when the hot pocket was thrown, even more so since they are Nestle owned and I work for Nestle.

Sadly, no matter what they do for an end, I do not think they will be able to give us that kind of a moment. At least not one that is going to please everyone. As long as it's not fucking aliens at the end or a snow globe or some stupid shit like that. I know they said it's not going to be, but they could be messing with us. Hell the last four years they've been messing with us.
Last night was one big head fuck for the group on the island.  I felt like I was in a bad acid trip......
So what about Ms. Hawking?  The end is nigh....and I could see JJ Abrams making the world implode.  Or do we think that it will have a happy ending?  I am inclined to say no, but then again, this show is crazy.  I am loving the start to the season  :D
I missed the first half hour due to a work meeting, so I am off to watch it now!


Anyone else notice on the 1st hour recap that they left out Charlie completely? I mean it was as though he never was on the show.

Anyway,1st episode of season 5 was excellent,2nd episode was disappointing.I hear that next weeks episode is mind blowing!
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


as an armchair physicist, I am curious to see how they plan on handling this timeline issue. I'm fairly sure that the reason they all have to return is that time in this instance is like a string of christmas lights and if one bulb goes, all hell breaks loose. Still, I want to know if it's Richard Alpert's immortal eyeliner that allows him to stay put.

Also, I want to know how they are going to reconcile science with religion. I'm pretty sure there is dark matter at the heart of the island. But they also completed the Locke-religion analogue by making him a true christ figure (and likely rise again in order to allow time to stop slipping).

And once again, I want to punch Hurley and then give him a hug.
I'm surrounded by assholes



Quoteas an armchair physicist, I am curious to see how they plan on handling this timeline issue. I'm fairly sure that the reason they all have to return is that time in this instance is like a string of christmas lights and if one bulb goes, all hell breaks loose. Still, I want to know if it's Richard Alpert's immortal eyeliner that allows him to stay put.

Also, I want to know how they are going to reconcile science with religion. I'm pretty sure there is dark matter at the heart of the island. But they also completed the Locke-religion analogue by making him a true christ figure (and likely rise again in order to allow time to stop slipping).

And once again, I want to punch Hurley and then give him a hug.
Forget next episode being mind blowing, this post was mind blowing! The immortal eyeliner RULES! Yes, I think we all feel like wanting to punch Hurleybird then hug him like a long lost teddy bear for making some truly dumb moves.


Quoteas an armchair physicist, I am curious to see how they plan on handling this timeline issue. I'm fairly sure that the reason they all have to return is that time in this instance is like a string of christmas lights and if one bulb goes, all hell breaks loose. Still, I want to know if it's Richard Alpert's immortal eyeliner that allows him to stay put.

Also, I want to know how they are going to reconcile science with religion. I'm pretty sure there is dark matter at the heart of the island. But they also completed the Locke-religion analogue by making him a true christ figure (and likely rise again in order to allow time to stop slipping).

And once again, I want to punch Hurley and then give him a hug.
Forget next episode being mind blowing, this post was mind blowing! The immortal eyeliner RULES! Yes, I think we all feel like wanting to punch Hurleybird then hug him like a long lost teddy bear for making some truly dumb moves.

I have a reputation amongst my friends of being a total nutcase about the philosophical and physics undertones of this show. My girlfriend is like OMG JAACK AND SAWYER and my dude friends are all about seeing Juliet and Kate get into a nekkid cat fight, and I'm sitting there saying, "but the Kasimir effect has only been observed is not a real practical phenomenon so how are they going to use it?"

I have class during the episodes so I don't watch them until Thursday I hate it.
I'm surrounded by assholes


Read in the paper that the ratings were 30% lower than last season's premier episode.

Ghostess on TV

I think this is going to be the best season yet.  I'm so excited for next week.  :)


But, what about Walt??????? he was so special, i dont think we've seen the last of him, i guarentee that he will have to go back with them in order to find the island again, and one more thing if the ending to this journey we call lost is where they go back and make it to where the plane doesnt crash or doesnt take off or stop dharma from doing what ever the hell they were actually doing my head will chop itself off :-? but i cant wait for next week this show is awesome


QuoteBut, what about Walt??????? he was so special, i dont think we've seen the last of him, i guarentee that he will have to go back with them in order to find the island again, and one more thing if the ending to this journey we call lost is where they go back and make it to where the plane doesnt crash or doesnt take off or stop dharma from doing what ever the hell they were actually doing my head will chop itself off :-? but i cant wait for next week this show is awesome

i think you mean WAAAAAAAAAAAAAALT!

It will be interesting how they incorporate him. However, I think that Walt will not be as essential since he was not on the island when the timeline was interrupted.

Strictly speaking, they could never truly interact and prevent the plane from leaving. But by the same respect, Ethan should have never been able to shoot Locke, so who knows.

There is a clear link between the pure science relating to the energy at the heart of the island, the time slipping, and the psychological well being of the people, which is what Dharma was probably working on, especially if it means seeing into the future like a modern day Greek Oracle.
I'm surrounded by assholes


So any predictions for tonite?
I'm surrounded by assholes


I have no idea. I just hope we find out about the 4 toed statue soon.
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


4 toed statue will be resolved this season. I read somewhere that tonight was supposed to be a big night, but isn't that true for any ep?


QuoteI have no idea. I just hope we find out about the 4 toed statue soon.

I have a feeling during one of the time travel segments we will see the 4 toed statue either being built or whole.


QuoteI have no idea. I just hope we find out about the 4 toed statue soon.

I have a feeling during one of the time travel segments we will see the 4 toed statue either being built or whole.

I agree.
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


Quote4 toed statue will be resolved this season. I read somewhere that tonight was supposed to be a big night, but isn't that true for any ep?

Jeepers. Talk about a big night! I hope all of you guys watched, or will be watching it soon. Crap. I had asked last week if they would be able to pull off anymore 'wow' moments and I had one tonight. Woo... I will save on the details to avoid spoilers.
Cow temperature.


Quote4 toed statue will be resolved this season. I read somewhere that tonight was supposed to be a big night, but isn't that true for any ep?

Jeepers. Talk about a big night! I hope all of you guys watched, or will be watching it soon. Crap. I had asked last week if they would be able to pull off anymore 'wow' moments and I had one tonight. Woo... I will save on the details to avoid spoilers.
I actually jumped out of my chair and yelled YES. Another great episode.


I watched it at a friends bar, and there was a collective, "YES!", when the part I'm assuming we are talking about happened. Great episode.
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


Also, and I'm trying to be as vague as possible here, the girl with the gun was someones mom. Could the other moment be the father of that someone? hmmmmmmm


I thoguht the episode was "meh" only because it's definitely something setting up something else. I have high hopes for Desmond episodes.

At least we know now that Widmore is an Other, so this rivalry between him and Ben is most definitely related to Ben's decimation of all the Others on the Island.

That girl has to be revealed as someone's mom, but whose? It can't be Ben's mom only because he would have to have been conceived off the island, right?

God I hate charlotte. I'm annoyed that ANOTHER love line was introduced. It kept my beyonce happy though.
I'm surrounded by assholes