The LOST thread

Started by Ghosts_on_TV, May 10, 2007, 07:29 PM

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Sticky Icky Green Stuff

I see hurley as more of a prophet type dude than the overall island runner but he definitely could be.   I will say it was interesting Hurley was a big wig boss in the flash sideways helping out locke, being roses boss, etc.  He's never tried killing himself either, rather than kill himself he always goes to the insane asylum.  Whenever he's at home on the mainland it seems like that golden jesus statue pops up a lot.  

I'm thinking the candidate is Lapidus.  He feels responsible for everyone crashing on the island since he overslept.


QuoteAlso, was Hanso Corp around prior to the blackrock? I think so, since I'm 95% sure they said Richard was no property of Hanso.
Magnus Hanso - Captain of the Black Rock
Alvar Hanso - great grandson of Magnus Hanso and founder of the Hanso Foundation
Tovard Hanso - relative who sold the journal from the first mate of the Black Rock

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

do you think they're going to have some kind of "luke I am your father" moment since they've referenced star wars so much?  I always wondered if Anthony Cooper was truly Locke's dad.  Did they verify it with DNA or just blood type when Locke donated his kidney?  His mother was a hussy but knew to call him john.  What if Jacob was John's dad or some shit.  Have we decided if Christian was the black smoke or if he was claimed by Jacob?  his body was gone, which is a fact.  unlike locke's body.  

when they were time traveling they went way fucking back that one time, back before the black rock destroyed the statue.  Which is weird because when Jacob and MiB are talking about Jacob "not having to do this" the black rock is sailing right in front of them.  They are acting as if human's are what they're welcoming to the island but if Sawyer, Juliet, Miles, and Jin all went back to before that happened when the well closed on John wtf?  Is Richard more important than we think?  More than just a middle man, maybe he's more of an apprentice and doesn't know it yet?

The time jumps are so seriously important to what is going to happen.  during those confusion periods is when MiB took most advantage of the losties.  

-Jin saw the black smoke fuck those people up, he saw Danielle blow the crazy dude away.  he saw the monster rip off his arm.  Jin has seen it cause nothing but carnage.  He's buggin hardcore right now I think, but in a cool bad ass Jin kinda way.  Sawyer isn't going to leave Jin hangin because Sawyer knows Jin is important.  hopefully Sawyers "cop" side comes out for the last episodes and he goes back to the good side, I'd rather see him kick ass with richard, ben, jack, mile's and hurley.  same with jin.

If Kate is the candidate I'm going to blow my brains out for wasting 6years of my life.  although her body is looking fiiiiiiiiiiine this season.


I think, given the sideflashes, Sawyer is "with" Locke, even if only by physical location. I don't know if it implies a moral decision or not, but Sawyer is "less than" his prior self, so he's with Locke.

I think the time flashes are my main reasoning why the "evil" is not the "energy" contained on the island, unless the energy can only have evil consequences (as opposed to being a large cache of evil stored underground).

I still think Christian is an anomaly. He's neither MiB or Jacob. If anything, I think he's some sort of angel...a "Caprica Six" for you BSG fans.
I'm surrounded by assholes

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

interesting as always chode, very interesting...

...that caprica 6 cylon beotch was smokin hot.  I'd fuck the shit out of that robot.  Fuckin skin jobs.    

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

the jin/sun saga continues tonight... not really looking forward to it but kind of glad it might get out of the way.


Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteThat was great.


Sticky Icky Green Stuff

on a side note having Juliette on V right after is pretty sweet.  It makes me feel less sad that she's dead.  of all the chicks Juliette was probably my favorite.  tasty piece of ass.  Kate + Juliette + Me + Boning = finger lickin' good.  that's what's up.

Jin is a bad ass.  Lapidus made reference to "no pork", I still think he's the sleeper candidate.  This episode made me think Jin could be but my mind is scrambled now that we confirmed it was Desmond in there.  Glad he's back for the final stretch, he's always a bonus.  After all, He could see the future.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

That Daniel Dae Kim is was good at english in real life, it's weird.  It's not the normal Jin I know an love:



I'm surrounded by assholes


QuoteThat episode was the Lost equivalent of the moment of ejaculation.  Pure Orgasmic Goodness.  A couple bonus minutes, plus it took us back to the very very beginning and it was juicy as hell.  They so aren't dead.

At first I was angry saying "what a cop out! And they said that hell wasn't the answer!" but then Jacob touched me and I felt saved.

Symbolic baptism by Jacob?

This was the episode this season needed to get me all about the show again. Plus they spelled a few things out so clearly just to confirm it for us: Locke is definitely MiB, it is a game between Jacob and MiB, and Hurley is becoming ever more important and confident in himself, leading me to think that he may be the replacement.

Now, just gimme a little Desmond and I'll consider the series a success regardless of the final outcome.

You must be psychic. Desmond is back!  ;)
Ride the music wave and wipe out really good!


QuoteThat episode was the Lost equivalent of the moment of ejaculation.  Pure Orgasmic Goodness.  A couple bonus minutes, plus it took us back to the very very beginning and it was juicy as hell.  They so aren't dead.

At first I was angry saying "what a cop out! And they said that hell wasn't the answer!" but then Jacob touched me and I felt saved.

Symbolic baptism by Jacob?

This was the episode this season needed to get me all about the show again. Plus they spelled a few things out so clearly just to confirm it for us: Locke is definitely MiB, it is a game between Jacob and MiB, and Hurley is becoming ever more important and confident in himself, leading me to think that he may be the replacement.

Now, just gimme a little Desmond and I'll consider the series a success regardless of the final outcome.

You must be psychic. Desmond is back!  ;)

I've said since the beginning he is the key to the whole thing. I'm saying the beginning, like when the plane crashed I was all like "pretty soon they're gonna find this guy named Desmond, and he's the answer"
I'm surrounded by assholes

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteThat episode was the Lost equivalent of the moment of ejaculation.  Pure Orgasmic Goodness.  A couple bonus minutes, plus it took us back to the very very beginning and it was juicy as hell.  They so aren't dead.

At first I was angry saying "what a cop out! And they said that hell wasn't the answer!" but then Jacob touched me and I felt saved.

Symbolic baptism by Jacob?

This was the episode this season needed to get me all about the show again. Plus they spelled a few things out so clearly just to confirm it for us: Locke is definitely MiB, it is a game between Jacob and MiB, and Hurley is becoming ever more important and confident in himself, leading me to think that he may be the replacement.

Now, just gimme a little Desmond and I'll consider the series a success regardless of the final outcome.

You must be psychic. Desmond is back!  ;)

I've said since the beginning he is the key to the whole thing. I'm saying the beginning, like when the plane crashed I was all like "pretty soon they're gonna find this guy named Desmond, and he's the answer"

woah... desmond.. ?


My actual evidence was a combination of the Constant episode, Desmond's backstory, and Ben's reading of Ulysses on a plane once.
I'm surrounded by assholes

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteMy actual evidence was a combination of the Constant episode, Desmond's backstory, and Ben's reading of Ulysses on a plane once.

clever girl.  

I'm wondering if he can only tell the future of people who were at the site when he turned the key.  

-Saw Charlie's death,etc but knew he couldn't save him the final time for some reason.
-When he met up with Hugo boss after the implosion he was all "Locke is going to give a speech about saving Jack, blah blah blah".
-Eko was killed.  Eko got scanned like a mother fucker.  Also, unlike Richard, Eko saw smokey for the fake he was.  Evil locke keeps saying he's only killing the people who don't want to go.  

I'm thinking Evil Locke is like the Heaven's Gate Cult guy tricking his side into mass suicide now that Widmore said what he said.  Though there has been a lot of lying, Widmore saying the entire existence of the human race would stop actually seemed rational.  

but desmonds future can change if people interacted with him during the time he was on the island before the plane crash?  I wish Danny boy was back, he made it easier for me to understand.  

what is your take on the overall way this is going to play out?




QuoteMy actual evidence was a combination of the Constant episode, Desmond's backstory, and Ben's reading of Ulysses on a plane once.

clever girl.  

I'm wondering if he can only tell the future of people who were at the site when he turned the key.  

-Saw Charlie's death,etc but knew he couldn't save him the final time for some reason.
-When he met up with Hugo boss after the implosion he was all "Locke is going to give a speech about saving Jack, blah blah blah".
-Eko was killed.  Eko got scanned like a mother fucker.  Also, unlike Richard, Eko saw smokey for the fake he was.  Evil locke keeps saying he's only killing the people who don't want to go.  

I'm thinking Evil Locke is like the Heaven's Gate Cult guy tricking his side into mass suicide now that Widmore said what he said.  Though there has been a lot of lying, Widmore saying the entire existence of the human race would stop actually seemed rational.  

but desmonds future can change if people interacted with him during the time he was on the island before the plane crash?  I wish Danny boy was back, he made it easier for me to understand.  

what is your take on the overall way this is going to play out?

I think, overall, its a series of concentric circles, but the outermost one we'll never what's beyond the edge of the universe. This is also why we'll not know certain things.

For example, if Jacob and the MiB are not tied to any one body, then we'll never know who they are originally.

So I think that this is all a microcosm/metaphor. There's the laws of the universe, and there are those who manipulate them (deities/divinity). There's good and evil, and then there's their relative aspects. Jacob may be good, but that's relative: he's still killed people and will continue to do so.

I think Hurley and Jack will replace Jacob and Richard, and I think it'll be in that order. And I think we'll have a rehashing of Battlestar - all of this has happened before. All of this will happen again.

How will Desmond play into it? I think he's the mortal in the land of Gods and Demigods. The candidates are all Demigods, and like in mythology, they all have their one weakness. Desmond isn't either, and he's gone on this Journey around trying to find his Penelope, and this might be his slaying of Herculues - he gets Widmore what he wants, he gets his Penny free and clear.

That's the best I've got so far. Feel free to poke holes and give me your takes
I'm surrounded by assholes

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

I'm going to re-watch last nights episode again when I get home and then think about it a little more.  I agree about the circle within a circle thing.  they've used the record subtext type stuff a lot through all the seasons really.  

When Paulo goes to get the diamonds they're inside one of those dolls inside a doll inside a doll inside a doll,etc.  and he broke the one the diamonds were in.  that always stuck in my head, maybe just because the producers said something about nikki and paulo being two of the most important characters of the show.  that could be bullshit though.

I get what you're saying though, also, I'm wondering if the MiB slapped the black out of Claire after she attacked kate.  

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteMy actual evidence was a combination of the Constant episode, Desmond's backstory, and Ben's reading of Ulysses on a plane once.

clever girl.  

I'm wondering if he can only tell the future of people who were at the site when he turned the key.  

-Saw Charlie's death,etc but knew he couldn't save him the final time for some reason.
-When he met up with Hugo boss after the implosion he was all "Locke is going to give a speech about saving Jack, blah blah blah".
-Eko was killed.  Eko got scanned like a mother fucker.  Also, unlike Richard, Eko saw smokey for the fake he was.  Evil locke keeps saying he's only killing the people who don't want to go.  

I'm thinking Evil Locke is like the Heaven's Gate Cult guy tricking his side into mass suicide now that Widmore said what he said.  Though there has been a lot of lying, Widmore saying the entire existence of the human race would stop actually seemed rational.  

but desmonds future can change if people interacted with him during the time he was on the island before the plane crash?  I wish Danny boy was back, he made it easier for me to understand.  

what is your take on the overall way this is going to play out?

I think, overall, its a series of concentric circles, but the outermost one we'll never what's beyond the edge of the universe. This is also why we'll not know certain things.

For example, if Jacob and the MiB are not tied to any one body, then we'll never know who they are originally.

So I think that this is all a microcosm/metaphor. There's the laws of the universe, and there are those who manipulate them (deities/divinity). There's good and evil, and then there's their relative aspects. Jacob may be good, but that's relative: he's still killed people and will continue to do so.

I think Hurley and Jack will replace Jacob and Richard, and I think it'll be in that order. And I think we'll have a rehashing of Battlestar - all of this has happened before. All of this will happen again.

How will Desmond play into it? I think he's the mortal in the land of Gods and Demigods. The candidates are all Demigods, and like in mythology, they all have their one weakness. Desmond isn't either, and he's gone on this Journey around trying to find his Penelope, and this might be his slaying of Herculues - he gets Widmore what he wants, he gets his Penny free and clear.

That's the best I've got so far. Feel free to poke holes and give me your takes

alright I've given it some thought and re-watched last night episode.  before I get into may huge stoner rant I need some opinions on possibilities.  okay, so, I'm convinced that in a lot of episodes there are clues, metaphors, constantly being thrown at you.  I think it's been precisely planned in every possible way.  Anyway, some subtle things I noticed this time around.  very beginning of the episode Mile's and Lapidus are playing Gin Rummy I think.  In other words "Playing Jin".  there is a one second shot of Mile's hand:

Now, I'm not sure of the rules of Gin but the first thing that stood out was the dumbass in me.  If the game was poker Mile's would have a royal flush except he's missing a, ready for the cheese? he's missing a "Jack".  If Kate was on the list but isn't anymore but is still alive it makes me wonder.   Also, in the flash "sideways" Sun can't speak english?  Which means she never boned that dude, which also means she probably never took the lessons to lead to that?  Or did that still happen? either way, she was also pregnant so that means Jin's spermies were all good in that time line or she did bone that dude and it's his baby and she's still a liar, it remains to be seen.  all I've got to say is Dra-ma.   now I'll dive into the randomness.  

I agree completely about the concentric circles idea of how the time lines work.  I believe we've already seen the resolve and "ending" so to speak ala the season opener.  I suppose that's obvious as fuck but I believe that's where the start point is.  The moment they pass over the island.  There are strange things about the island and I've tried to think of every religious idea I can.  I'm shitty as fuck with mythology.  The physics stuff I can vibe on and in regards to what you're saying about never really knowing the full picture because it's beyond us, I agree.  

I think MiB is truly a man trapped on the island.  I think the reason he can't leave is because if he does everything stops existing perhaps because of global "temporal displacement" or something.

 Let's say the universe in this stories scenario is our conscious and subconscious mind itself.  Minds bound to the fabric of space/time.  The "Rules" are as Faraday explained over and over again.  The nuke worked so everything he's ever said has been right and his characters purpose has been devoted entirely to figuring out the mathematics of the island/time travel/etc.  He was a vegetable for most of his adult life after he met desmond, got the #'s he needed for the experiment.  Then him and his girl got scrambled.  He wasn't cured until the island.  Eloise/Widmore made the fuck out of that baby.  

I think we're dealing with a parallel/multiverse type dealio which could be why Sun can't speak english anymore.  I believe the two time lines are merging now.  People are becoming closer to the people they are in the alternate timeline.  

Not sure what Desmond is going to do, I just know he's been in the worm hole so to speak and the past can effect him if people time jump to that period when he's on the island.  People can't change their past because of the rules?  Why couldn't Ben kill Widmore in that bedroom scene?  There are still tons of holes that need filling.  I suppose since they're all heading out to get their war on.  

Sun and Jin are like magnets, if you separate them, no matter what they find each other.  

I haven't read what I just wrote and I'm falling asleep.  fuck you Lost, you're such a bad ass show.