This is realy fucked up, not trying to be a downer.

Started by ericwindmill, Nov 11, 2010, 04:50 PM

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So last night I watched my girlfriends house burn to the ground. I as a young person have never witness anything this terrible (as far as material possessions go). Her house as well as 2 other houses are now gone, and I've never seen so many helpless faces. I literally watched from 12:30 AM - 5:00 AM as everything she has ever owned just got fucked. Her next door neighbor is also a house a couple of our friends live in. The cause is unknown, and it happened seemingly out of the blue. I'm relating this to this board because I just went online and purchased all of the MMJ posters she used to have to try and ease her mind a little. Such an eye opening experience. As soon as I realized the house next to hers was on fire (which is where it started) I ran out of my house (3 houses down) and ran into her house to grab her dog and her roommates cat and literally had firemen telling me not to go in there. Luckily her roommate was home and already prepared the animals. I was the first person to go inside the buliding this morning (at arounf 5AM) and couldn't even tell them the condition when I came out because I felt so bad telling them that literally everything was destroyed. Don't take things for granted!
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


Watching a home burn to the ground is a very captivating experience, and I don't mean that with some sort of ironic hint of amusement.

I've witnessed it once at a neighbors. All you can do is stand there. It's a very very weird feeling
I'm surrounded by assholes


Sorry to hear that, e_wind.  At least everyone is safe.  As you point out, things can be replaced.  Take care.
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.

capt. scotty

QuoteI've witnessed it once at a neighbors. All you can do is stand there. It's a very very weird feeling

Yeah, my neighbors didnt totally burn down because luckily someone was home and the fire dept. got there quick enough, but a couple rooms had significant damage. It was hard to look away from the window.

Sorry E. At least you were able to get all the pets out safe...Did she have rental/homeowners insurance?
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

that sucks e, major bummer.  house fires are devastating.  it sucks when the fires get so massive they start engulfing other homes.  best wishes.  how's the insurance going to work out for that situation?  did they have insurance?  crazy crazy stuff dude, hope everything works out as good as it can.  

house fires get crazy around here:


that is so so so awful .. wonderful that no one was harmed though. i got renters insurance b/c of that very thing. alot of fires in nyc. it's terrible  :(


So sorry to hear that e_wind, count your blessings that all people and pets made it out safely.  My sister once ran into our neighbors burning house to save their dog, which pissed my mom off to no end.  But she saved the dog quickly and was unharmed.  Not that the neighbors thanked her or anything  :-/.  They were assholes to their kids, assholes to anyone who didn't look like them (white, upper-middle class, christian, you get the jist) and they were definitely assholes for not thanking her.  And Brooke, you are on it girl!  I got renters insurance in college because one of my old roommates lost everything in a fire and was able to replace the replaceables with his insurance payout.


QuoteI'm relating this to this board because I just went online and purchased all of the MMJ posters she used to have to try and ease her mind a little.
And this is a super sweet and kind thing to do!


Wow, e_wind.......sorry to hear about this...what a traumatic thing for everyone involved.  As previously stated, the fact that no one was harmed is truly a blessing.  I am sure though, it is hard to see that when every single thing in your home, and your home itself, has been destroyed.  
Wishing you all the best in what will undoubtedly be a very trying time for you all.  
.....Back at the Model Home

Sweet Nothing

E_wind, that is some very troubling news to hear.  Glad that no persons or animals were harmed but to lose everything your friend had collected during their life is very discouraging.  Just this past summer i was driving down my road around 12:30am being the night owl that i am & it smelt like someone had a fire going, it was the middle of summer.  Proceeded down my road towards my house and the smell got stronger only to see a neighbors house up in flames.  First i had my girl call the police and tell them the location of the fire.  I did not know if anyone was home so i ran to the front porch and attempted to knock/open on the door but it was soooo hot i started to kick the door Police style only thinking about that movie "backdraft" so i did want to fuel the fire so i started yelling & kicking the front of the house incase someone was in there sleeping!  Repeated this for a minute or two and then had to head to the street for some air, the smoke was making me cough like crazy.  By the time i got to the street the police showed up & then the fire department.  They were able to put out the fire but the damage had been done.  If i didn't call that in, other houses would most likely have been caught on fire.  Sorry about rambling on but I know the feeling when there is a house on fire and your the first on the scene, you instantly think "is there anyone in there"?  So sorry to hear about your friend, truly am wish this wasn't the case.  Send your friend our deepest sympathy and best wishes from all of us here in the forum.  That was very nice of you to have bought all the T-5 posters for your friend.  Hope you don't mind me asking but how were you able to get all five of those posters so quickly?  Hope you don't think ill of me for asking this question in this board based on what happened to your friend but curious as to how you were able to locate them all so fast?  Thanks


They weren't t5 posters. To my knowledge those aren't easy to come across. It was the yum yum poster from Louisville and Chicago. She had things from 2008 NYE that I can't afford to replace.
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


That's awful news.  So lucky that everyone is safe and sound, though.  Take care and let us know if there's any way we can help out.
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires

Sweet Nothing

QuoteThey weren't t5 posters. To my knowledge those aren't easy to come across. It was the yum yum poster from Louisville and Chicago. She had things from 2008 NYE that I can't afford to replace.

Real nice of you to have done that, again sorry to hear about the awful news and only wish this didn't have to happen.