Current Joys

Started by ycartrob, Aug 22, 2006, 12:22 PM

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Quote from: woodnymph on May 14, 2011, 12:02 AM
Holy criminy, sis!  That's AWESOME!!!  That will be a truuuuuly amazing time!   *high five!*

And congrats on such an amazingly healthy fam, JY!!  Such blessings!  :-D

I'd like to just throw my 2 shillings in about my special memory for the day, which I like to look back on and remember with joy  :)  I know I've mentioned it once or twice before but I'd only like to mention it on the board here since it's one of the reasons (out of the uncountable infinite amount) that I fell into MMJ bliss, upon listening..  Today is the birthday of my now lost friend who was my first best friend in this life.  She's on my mind often as it is, but today I especially kept her in my heart.  And I can't remember which was first, but both Dondante and Strangulation are two songs that I feel really just..... I don't know, connect my thoughts with her, in mysterious and magical ways... And the end of Strangulation has turned right into a smiling-and-crying event at least a handful of times, and often brings about hopeful and positive feelings from such a dark place. (cue T5 version...) The same can be said for Dondante, though it's quite a different intensity, feeling-wise.  And the board has brought so much joy, and the music has brought so much joy, and though I've felt like I've dealt with the loss in about as best a way as I can, there are just moments in the music that add a depth to things and a comfort to a place in my heart that always feels soothed by it.  She was a young girl, 'bout the age of 23.... and our memories together will always have a special place in my heart  :)

Also am extremely thankful to have met all of you kind folks that I have, and can't wait to see some familiar (and new) faces this summer!!!  8)

woody, i can totally relate to your story about the loss of your friend & how mmj's music has helped you thru it.  one of my best friends in the world disappeared a little over 2 years ago.  he introduced me to mmj so that in itself makes the whole thing take on another meaning.  and man, certain songs trigger the memories... it's amazing! 

particulary TWTHS.  we'd had such a good long convo about the awesomness of that song; dissecting the lyrics and totally geeking out over how fucking amazing the guitar outtro is.  it's a song we both really "felt" at the time.  i think of him & that convo whenever i hear that song.  and even tho i do usually well up a bit, the memory is a happy one and i always end up smiling.

dondante i've always, always loved.  it's such a powerful song.  but it's taken on a new meaning for me since last summer.  i had a dream that my friend came to visit me.  he said that he was sorry for putting me & his family & everyone thru what he had.  but that it was something he had to do for himself & that he's ok now & he hoped i understood.  i forgave him, immediately, & told him that i was so happy just to know he was ok & then we laughed.  it was such a vivid dream, the most vivid dream i'd had in ages, that i believe he really DID come to visit me from whatever plane he's on.  it was bizzarre tho, because when i had the dream it literally came out of nowhere.  i'd gone thru the different stages of grief a loss and all.  of course he's always in my heart but... life goes on... time passes...  and at that particular time, i wasn't thinking of him consciously all that much.  but i woke up from that dream feeling very much at peace about my friend.  i felt i finally had some kind of closure.  so now, when i hear dondante... goosbumps, cold sweat & some happy tears.

music sure can heal the heart.  and this band does it beautifully. 
"You have to be odd to be number one." -- Dr. Seuss


Liz... WOW!!!  Everything you've written about is just out of this world...... that dream... that is some serious business.  I feel a lot was going on behind that, and you definitely made real, genuine contact.

The fact that your friend introduced you to MMJ definitely adds a whole other level to everything.  And TWTHS is such a good song for warm memories.  I'd love to talk to you in person about all of this sometime soon!! I hope to catch some summer shows with ya this year!!

That dream I can't get over, I keep re-reading what you typed about it.  That just blows my MIND, such a profound connection you were able to have. The only thing I can even liken it to was meeting Maharaj-ji (Neem Karoli Baba) in a dream, before I'd even studied much about him. I met him on top of a mountain, in a temple, and had some very deep type of conversations that I can't recall anything about... and maybe someday we'll meet again when I'm ready to remember the teachings. But that's all I can compare it to, was a real genuine encounter of Spirit while dreaming, and from seemingly nowhere (like you said you weren't consciously always thinking of your friend at the time, it came out of left field)

How amazing it must have felt after waking up.... I bet it didn't even feel like it was even a dream for the first few minutes of waking up; they always feel so much like real-life.  Then it's always such a strange sensation when your mind starts to piece it all together and you realize you'd been asleep and so it must have been a dream.... it's not too often that I've heard of such a vivid, fulfilling dream on so many levels-- to hear him apologizing and explaining everything!!! And to be totally present in your own dream enough to forgive so immediately and be so understanding (which you embody so graciously in real-life too, I might add!  :))  And I can't decide what my favorite part of your dream is there, but I absolutely love that you both laughed afterward.

That just speaks so many volumes.  Laughter is so healing just of itself...

Well I'm so glad you were blessed with such a special healing encounter, and thank you so much for sharing about it!!!!!  MMJ really does just pull some serious heartstrings in ways that they might not even intend to.........If I let myself go, I'd write 12 more paragraphs about it, so let me just say that we definitely need to hang out again soon!!!  I miss ya and hope your Spring has been some seriously rampant badassery!!! :-D :-D  :-*
Daylight is good at arriving in the night time


Sitting on my back porch watching an extreme thunderstorm blow through, over the lake.... listening to "Rain Song"---so priceless.  The lightning would flash and the thunder cracked nearly everytime a climactic part would happen in the song, it felt so surreal!

Now listening to Disc 2 of Physical Graffiti while the rain still sweeps through.....

Daylight is good at arriving in the night time


Quote from: woodnymph on May 22, 2011, 08:08 PM
Sitting on my back porch watching an extreme thunderstorm blow through, over the lake.... listening to "Rain Song"---so priceless.  The lightning would flash and the thunder cracked nearly everytime a climactic part would happen in the song, it felt so surreal!

Now listening to Disc 2 of Physical Graffiti while the rain still sweeps through.....


Sitting in my favorite chair with my beautiful one year old golden retriever by my side listening to George Harrison's All Thing Must Pass and your back porch night reminds me of one on my life's great moments.

After graduating from school, a bunch of friends and I rented a house for a week on the beach at Nags Head North Carolina.  One night after many drinks and some fairly potent natural green substances, we sat on the porch and watched a wonderful heat lightning storm over the Atlantic while listening to Pink Floyd's Meddle.   Watching an extreme storm with friends while feeling safe is a special experience and combined with the magic of the moment, this was one of those experiences that should stay lodged in my brain no matter how many days pass.   Nature can be frightening as hell but also beautiful to behold.  Thanks for helping to jog my memory of a great lifetime experience.

was some shakin' and some record playin'


Quote from: headhunter on May 22, 2011, 09:15 PM
Quote from: woodnymph on May 22, 2011, 08:08 PM
Sitting on my back porch watching an extreme thunderstorm blow through, over the lake.... listening to "Rain Song"---so priceless.  The lightning would flash and the thunder cracked nearly everytime a climactic part would happen in the song, it felt so surreal!

Now listening to Disc 2 of Physical Graffiti while the rain still sweeps through.....


Sitting in my favorite chair with my beautiful one year old golden retriever by my side listening to George Harrison's All Thing Must Pass and your back porch night reminds me of one on my life's great moments.

After graduating from school, a bunch of friends and I rented a house for a week on the beach at Nags Head North Carolina.  One night after many drinks and some fairly potent natural green substances, we sat on the porch and watched a wonderful heat lightning storm over the Atlantic while listening to Pink Floyd's Meddle.   Watching an extreme storm with friends while feeling safe is a special experience and combined with the magic of the moment, this was one of those experiences that should stay lodged in my brain no matter how many days pass.   Nature can be frightening as hell but also beautiful to behold.  Thanks for helping to jog my memory of a great lifetime experience.

That story gave me goosebumps!!!!!  Meddle is such an enchanting album, and it sounds like the magic was so thick you could cut it with a knife!  Thanks for painting that picture!  I'm envisioning it right now.....

:::::Dream Sequence:::::

And deep beneath the rolling waves
In labyrinths of coral caves
The echo of a distant tide
Comes willowing across the sand

And everything was green and submarine...................
Daylight is good at arriving in the night time


This started off in the Current Complaints thread for me a few weeks back. I relayed the story of a dog I had been walking for some people - only to find out that they subsequently abandoned it and the local authority put it to sleep as a dangerous dog (which it wasn't).

Anyway, since then me and my wife have volunteered at a local rescue centre that saves dogs from local authority "death row" pounds. It's become a Current Joy for sure, although it's hard to see all these dogs living their life in kennels waiting for someone to give them a home. Quite often they don't get any exercise for four or five days at a time so when we walk them at weekends they are full of energy and go crazy with excitement in the kennels. It's quite an intense experience, but once you get them out they are transformed. To see the joy in their faces brought about by something as simple as a walk through the fields is humbling. The joy comes when you see a dog disappear from the website and the kennels and find out that it has gone to a new home that has been matched to its needs.

We've even taken to fostering one of the dogs at weekends, and when we take vacation, so that it improves her profile for a potential rehomer. If we weren't in the position of working such long hours I'd take the dog tomorrow, but she needs to be in the company of people rather than locked in a house alone all day.

If you're going to get a dog please think about resisting the temptation to get a puppy. Think about saving an unwanted dog's life. If you get a dog matched to your needs you will also be much more sure of what you are letting yourself in for.

This is Felicity, the girl we have been fostering. In the kennels her fur was dirty and sticky, but a trip to the dog parlour, a tea tree oil shampoo and conditioner got her looking like this:

Here are just a few of the dogs looking for homes........


Asher (10 years old but still full of energy):

Paulie W


jen!   :-* my Spring has been almost the opposite of rampant badassery.  oh well, i suppose we need the lows to fully appreciate the highs, huh?  how about yours?  i haven't had too much time to check in on the boards.  but i've had you in my thoughts - hoping that your journey has been kind to you. 

i don't usually remember my dreams.  so yeah, when i woke up after that one it took me some time to figure out what the heck was going on.  i did try to fall back asleep in hopes of picking it back up, but my brain just wouldn't quiet down.  plus my heart was going a bajillion miles an hour...  i need to learn meditation.

sounds like your dream about meeting and conversing with Maharaj-ji was amazing!!!  especially since it was before you really started studying about him.  that's very goosebumpy!  i think you will meet again, in that temple, on that mountaintop & have those conversations, like you said, when you're ready to remember the teachings.  i keep going back to the fact that this happened BEFORE you really studied about him...  that's astounding!  surely there was a link, a connection, already there but off the radar so to speak, which this dream shone light upon.     

sooooo so much we should talk about, we totally need to hang out & soon!  i miss you too, lady!  like you said, hopefully some shows will line up nicely to accomodate that.  if not, we need to plot  ;)   
"You have to be odd to be number one." -- Dr. Seuss


Quote from: ynwa on May 24, 2011, 09:17 PM
jen!   :-* my Spring has been almost the opposite of rampant badassery.  oh well, i suppose we need the lows to fully appreciate the highs, huh?  how about yours?  i haven't had too much time to check in on the boards.  but i've had you in my thoughts - hoping that your journey has been kind to you. 

i don't usually remember my dreams.  so yeah, when i woke up after that one it took me some time to figure out what the heck was going on.  i did try to fall back asleep in hopes of picking it back up, but my brain just wouldn't quiet down.  plus my heart was going a bajillion miles an hour...  i need to learn meditation.

sounds like your dream about meeting and conversing with Maharaj-ji was amazing!!!  especially since it was before you really started studying about him.  that's very goosebumpy!  i think you will meet again, in that temple, on that mountaintop & have those conversations, like you said, when you're ready to remember the teachings.  i keep going back to the fact that this happened BEFORE you really studied about him...  that's astounding!  surely there was a link, a connection, already there but off the radar so to speak, which this dream shone light upon.     

sooooo so much we should talk about, we totally need to hang out & soon!  i miss you too, lady!  like you said, hopefully some shows will line up nicely to accomodate that.  if not, we need to plot  ;)

Oh no!  Spring =/= rampant baddassery??   :(  Well you're definitely right on about the lows/highs deal. The sky is always darkest before the Dawn (when they ride again!) My Spring has seemed to be one continuous stream of things syncing up and coming together... (in so many weird randomized ways...) To my understanding, Asheville really is a hotbed of quartz rock vortex magic tucked into the mountains. I'm in love with it all!

As for your dream, I'm sure it was impossible to get back to sleep after waking from that one! That would be a real meditation test, having such an encounter! The heartbeat would definitely be over the top!!  I'm glad though, that it seemed pretty complete, like a full transmission of everything you'd want to hear and experience... The real important stuff  :)  And I just love that you even laughed together, that transcends words and would be so healing!! :-D

The Maharaj-ji dream does still to this day leave me with that curious spark of wonder, how he could penetrate my dream levels without me even knowing his name or what he was "about," so to speak. I thank the universe for providing the internet, because it would have taken an incredible amount of time to scan through philosophy/religion books at a library or bookstore and come across a picture of his face in order to get his name... I didn't even know at the time what he was!  I was googling "mountain guru old man" hahahhah  And maybe if I hadn't been able to search the internet I might have forgotten the visual details of him that I even had! All I could remember was his facial I just had to find an image that matched it, and then I was set to learn about him!

Anywho, LOTS TO TALK ABOUT FOR SURE!  If summer shows do not align, I am all about plotting!!!  I'll be going back to Woodstock for some classes either this summer and/or this fall, and maybe we could meet there again!  Oh bugger if I can make it to at least Sunday of Mountain Jam I will!!!  I find myself fiendish for a firepit circle of the MMJ board peeps.

I know Mt. Jam is right around the corner, but there's something about Woodstock in the fall too...... if we could have a little MMJ fan get-together camp-out night in the fall, I think it'd do us all a great deal of good!! (Anyone? Anyone??)  :o

Miss ya girl, we'll be in touch!!!  :-*
Daylight is good at arriving in the night time


I'm just very very very very very happy right now.


Quote from: Darklands on May 25, 2011, 09:40 AM
I'm just very very very very very happy right now.

Did one of your co-workers injure themselves in a freak cubicle accident?   ;)
The trouble with the straight and the narrow is it's so thin, I keep sliding off to the side


Quote from: MarkW on May 25, 2011, 09:44 AM
Quote from: Darklands on May 25, 2011, 09:40 AM
I'm just very very very very very happy right now.

Did one of your co-workers injure themselves in a freak cubicle accident?   ;)
I wish. I would have gladly helped facilitate said freak accicent yesterday. Today, ain't muttin gonna bring me down.

Penny Lane

Quote from: Darklands on May 25, 2011, 09:40 AM
I'm just very very very very very happy right now.

you should be....! i am happy for you... :D
i never want to hear you moan about another stupid thing in your whole life..
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


Quote from: Penny Lane on May 25, 2011, 10:16 AM
Quote from: Darklands on May 25, 2011, 09:40 AM
I'm just very very very very very happy right now.

you should be....! i am happy for you... :D
i never want to hear you moan about another stupid thing in your whole life..

hey! what gives?
.....Back at the Model Home


Quote from: Penny Lane on May 25, 2011, 10:16 AM
Quote from: Darklands on May 25, 2011, 09:40 AM
I'm just very very very very very happy right now.

you should be....! i am happy for you... :D
i never want to hear you moan about another stupid thing in your whole life..
What is it they say, patience is a virtue or some shit like that?


Just got tickets for Stewart Lee's sold out Complete Vegetable Stew (the full 3hrs!) on Friday  :D
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.

capt. scotty

Quote from: Darklands on May 25, 2011, 09:46 AM
Quote from: MarkW on May 25, 2011, 09:44 AM
Quote from: Darklands on May 25, 2011, 09:40 AM
I'm just very very very very very happy right now.

Did one of your co-workers injure themselves in a freak cubicle accident?   ;)
I wish. I would have gladly helped facilitate said freak accicent yesterday. Today, ain't muttin gonna bring me down.

How's the muttin? fresh? you should make yourself a nice MLT
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


Quote from: capt. scotty on May 25, 2011, 05:20 PM
Quote from: Darklands on May 25, 2011, 09:46 AM
Quote from: MarkW on May 25, 2011, 09:44 AM
Quote from: Darklands on May 25, 2011, 09:40 AM
I'm just very very very very very happy right now.

Did one of your co-workers injure themselves in a freak cubicle accident?   ;)
I wish. I would have gladly helped facilitate said freak accicent yesterday. Today, ain't muttin gonna bring me down.

How's the muttin? fresh? you should make yourself a nice MLT
Sonny, true love is the greatest thing, in the world-except for a nice MLT - mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich, where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomato is ripe, they're so perky, I love that.

Wow, I missed that typo.



Afternoon visit at work with Ms. Yvon! I love it when music draws my favorite peeps to the PNW!


Quote from: the_wizzard on May 25, 2011, 11:04 PM
Afternoon visit at work with Ms. Yvon! I love it when music draws my favorite peeps to the PNW!
Rock it out ladies! :thumbsup:  I really enjoyed PTM Wiz!  Now for your living room show!
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head