Margot & The Nuclear So and So's

Started by getinthevan, Sep 17, 2008, 09:52 PM

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I caught part of their set at Lollapalooza and lately I've really taken a liking to them.  They've got a full length coming out on the 30th and another on October 7th.  Anyone else into them?  Anyone else heard them?

If you haven't heard them, you can download 4 songs here.
The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place

Salacious D

Love, love, love this band.

I'm assuming you have the first album--if not, PM me.

And--regarding the full-lengths coming out: the first one is the one their record label wanted them to put out (Animal) and the other one is the one *they* wanted to put out (Not Animal).
Because if there's one thing that goes well with shooting zombies it's a Dolly Parton cover-el chode


I think its cool that they're able to release both versions of the album.  Originally I read that they were coming out on the same day and I was excited because it meant only one trip to the record store.  I'm considering just pre-ordering them and not having to drive an extra 45 miles to get each one.
The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place