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Started by sweatboard, Mar 28, 2006, 03:44 PM

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I'm going to try and go see these guys on Thursday.  I've been listening to them the last week or so and I'm really loving it.  Anyone else a fan?  It's a sort of southern rock with really great songs, a lot of passion and energy.  One of the best bands I've stumbled upon in a while now.  Check them out.
There's Still Time.........


I got one of the albums at Grimey's last February and didn't really dig it. I think it had a lot to do with the production. The vocals didn't seem loud enough.
I got another album by them not too long ago and dug it though. I've heard that you need to see them live. They apparently put pn a good show if the singer doesn't drink himself stupid before they start playing.


I've given them a listen before, but couldn't handle the singer's voice.


Yeah, I'm a fan of Lucero, haven't seen them live yet but like all their albums.  The live show susposedly rocks so you should have a good time.  They're rereleasing the Attic Tapes in the next couple weeks so you may be able to get it at the show.  report back if you go.


Saw 'em twice: once opening for N.Miss. All-stars,  once at an in-store.  They were great both times.  I only have one album - Tennessee - and I dig it, but I like 'em live better.  


so........ how was it?



-I just love the songs, the crowd was singing along to everything.  The section up front was going nuts all night.  I moved up there about the middle of the show and everyone was dancing around singing along, having a good ol time.  During the encore the crowd got so energized a huge mosh pit broke out, it wasn't like slam dancing, just everyone dancing all crazy into each other and spraying beer in the air, then people started crowd surfing and the band was just feeding off all the energy and playing thier asses off.  My friend wasn't really happy about getting spayed with beer and the crowd surfing and all that.  He backed out of the party up front, but I didn't, when the beer sprayed in my face it just made me smile really big, I looked over at him and he had the worst scowl on his face.  Anyway, different stokes for different folks.  Lucero doesn't bring any pretense with them just great rock songs and a love for playing them live.  The lead singer had on a white t-shirt and jeans the rest of the band was dressed similar, t-shirt and jeans.  Just some normal guys having a whole lot of fun.  They played allmost the entire Tennessee record which is the one I've really been loving lately.  When they played the last song they said they couldn't play any longer but they were going to come out and do shots with us.  Glad I went, I tapped the show if anyone is interested.    
There's Still Time.........


Yeah great band once you get accustomed to his voice....saw them live @ the Hi-Tone hear in Memphis 2 years ago and they put on 1 hell of a show!!  'Kiss the Bottle' was AMAZING!
You Are Everything


anyone have ben's solo debut that came out this year?  aquarium drunkard has a track from it up ( and i'm really loving it.  
i only have 'rebels, rogues & sworn brothers' and have been meaning to get another album.  any suggestions?  or maybe i should just get that solo record..


Get 'em all!  But my favorites are probably Nobody's Darling and Tennessee.


QuoteGet 'em all!  But my favorites are probably Nobody's Darling and Tennessee.
haha, sounds good!  

i just noticed that ben's solo release isn't out until the end of january, d'oh!


Quoteanyone have ben's solo debut that came out this year?  aquarium drunkard has a track from it up ( and i'm really loving it.  
i only have 'rebels, rogues & sworn brothers' and have been meaning to get another album.  any suggestions?  or maybe i should just get that solo record..
LOVE that track, cheers K!

I only have That Much Further West...
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


My buddy Todd from Glossary has been playing with Lucero and/or Ben when Glossary hasn't had shows in the last year or so. I'm so excited for him.
I'd suggest Tennessee, then Nobody's Darlings. Both are great albums.

Penny Lane

i've seen them, i actually love the guy's voice. they're opening up for the black keys this spring, too
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


QuoteMy buddy Todd from Glossary has been playing with Lucero and/or Ben when Glossary hasn't had shows in the last year or so. I'm so excited for him.
I'd suggest Tennessee, then Nobody's Darlings. Both are great albums.

You know Todd?  That's awesome...Bingham is friends with my Nashville friends, so I see him whenever I'm there   :)  Small world!

Glossary is the bombtrack...they are >>>>> Lucero, IMO.  You can download their newest record, The Better Angels of Our Nature, here:

They'll also have a new record out in early '08, I think...
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


They're recording a new album that Matt Pence (Centro-matic drummer) is engineering at his studio in January. I'm not sure that they have a timeline on when it will be released.

Todd grew up here in the Shoals. He was the star of a movie that my buddy and I made when we were in college back in 1997. Speaking of those Glossary guys and gals, they're all super-nice folks. Bingham designed the poster for the show that we did with them the day after Thanksgiving.


No kidding?  That's so cool.  Todd's the keyboard player, right?  I ran into him at Grimey's the last time I was in town and couldn't think where I knew him from.     :-?

Bingham said they'd likely release the new record for free download, too.  I think it's the wave of the future...
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


Todd plays pedal steel guitar and guitar. He also sings "Bitter Branch". Matt, AKA "Mr. Jimmy" was the keyboard player.

I didn't ask any other questions about the next record, but that's exciting that it will be free. I bought a copy on CD when they did the in-store at Grimeys last year, but I don't think I've ever put it in the CD player. :) Also, TBOAN is gonna be on vinyl soon. They've had some issues with the pressing, but I was told that it's pretty close to being a reality.


Oh der, you're right...I am thinking of Mr. Jimmy.  He's a pretty memorable dude!

How cool that TBOAN will be on vinyl!  I'll have to pick that up.  I think it's a good choice for them to do the free download thing - I think they probably make more money on shows and merch anyway.
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


I think it's a good decision as well. I know when we talked about numbers that more people had downloaded TBAOON than had bought the previous 2 albums combined. And this was shortly after they released the album for free online. You can't help but think that they won over some fans because people were posting the link on their favorite messageboards saying "go get this album for free". Then people were downloading it and loving it. They probably ended up selling more of the older albums as a result of that.
I feel like it was their strongest album to date and was a wise decision.