so this one record store here

Started by red, Dec 21, 2008, 03:51 AM

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has little 'slogans' under each artist/group's header card, here's a few (more to come as i remember them):

new order
joy division + noose = new order

the ramones
the best bad band ever

belle and sebastian (i really like this one)
pretty, but not wimpy

marquee moon isn't an album, it's an achievement

the replacements
sometimes great, sometimes drunk

the breeders
pod is better than any pixies album


I agree with the Marquee Moon slogan, but the Breeders and Ramones statements are ludicrous.


QuoteI agree with the Marquee Moon slogan, but the Breeders and Ramones statements are ludicrous.
yeah, i've wanted to call them on the breeders one but am afraid i'll get banned from the store or something.  i'm not familiar with the ramones, so yeah.

a few more:

talking heads
clever and nervous - like most perverts

beastie boys
three jews who turned the world's gentiles onto hip-hop

neutral milk hotel


Well, if the geeks at the store write 'em, then they certainly want feedback to stoke their basement dwelling/still living with their parents egos.

The Talking Heads comment is meant to be coy, but it ain't.



the breeders
pod is better than any pixies album
This ones wrong in every conceivable fashion.

The Ramones comment was kerect. I actually laughed at the New Order one.


I really like the B&S and the Ramones ones.
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


God damn those shaky knees.


flaming lips
when they're good, they're great.  when they're bad, they get popular.

(i only have the soft bulletin, is that an apt description?)


Quoteflaming lips
when they're good, they're great.  when they're bad, they get popular.

(i only have the soft bulletin, is that an apt description?)
No it's not! The only bad Flips albums are pre 1990, and they really are not that bad. They were more punk/druggy then. There is nothing wrong with At War With The Mystics which is what I'm sure they are referring to. The following should be required owning. At War and Zaireeka are great also. Zaireeka is fun if you can get all 4 discs synced up

In A Priest Driven Ambulance
Hit To Death In The Future Head
Clouds Taste Metallic
Soft Bulletin


Well this one was marked a pretty ambitious failure. Reading the liner notes of the new LP version of that was recently released was a big kick. Michael realized that this album pretty much sucked, but it came so close to what they wanted to achieve even while falling so short of it. I think that's what got people excited, because it was a glimpse of what they could do, even if it didn't quite hit it. Enter "Unconsciously Screamin'", "Take Me Ta Mars", "Shine on Sweet Jesus," et. al. and they meet all those expectations on In A Priest Driven Ambulance and only continue kicking ass from there. "Talkin' Bout the Smiling Deathporn Immortality Blues (Everyone Wants To Live Forever)" is not only one of their best opening tracks, but also one of their best tracks from that middle period of greatness. And then we move on to Transmission From The Satellite Heart (brilliant for the most part, and still pretty unpolished, which is nice. Gotta love all those moments of entirely unlistenable treble. Fuck your ears!! Ahh!!)

I still think that Clouds Taste Metallic is their shining golden moment from this era, and I'll say to go ahead and grab that one next. I only wish I was about ten years older, so I could've caught these guys during their truly outlandish days--the Parking Lot Experiments (think Zaireeka with a parking lot full of car stereos and Wayne directing the action through a bullhorn--let me know if you want to hear it), the Headphone Experiment, all of the band members playing live instruments, etc... Not that I dislike the current live show at all. Hell, it's the best party I've ever been to. But I do wish I could've been old enough to catch them live early enough to watch them maturate what they're doing. I'm definitely in with these guys for the long haul, though.

I think everyone else should be, too.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


I love early Lips. Oh My Gawd and In a Priest Driven Ambulance are awesome.


sonic youth
the rolling stones of guitar-driver art rock in any way imaginable

krautrock for the (pre-sucky) sonic youth generation

the stooges

fun house might be the best rock album ever


Quotesonic youth
the rolling stones of guitar-driver art rock in any way imaginable

krautrock for the (pre-sucky) sonic youth generation

the stooges

fun house might be the best rock album ever

I think they are comparable to the Stones only in the amount of interesting albums they've put out. Their style(s) are quite different though.

On any given day, I agree with the Funhouse statement.


The Stereolab description doesn't really make sense to me.
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


QuoteThe Stereolab description doesn't really make sense to me.
me neither.  sonic youth, sucky?  i don't comprehend.


I'm just not sure I'd ever put Stereolab and krautrock in the same sentence.
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


i think i've got a new favourite:

jack johnson
californian troubadour/surfer not yet eaten by sharks


Quotei think i've got a new favourite:

jack johnson
californian troubadour/surfer not yet eaten by sharks

Although it's not quite correct. Jack is from Hawaii. I hate knowing this by the way.