Fan-made Nine Inch Nails Live DVD/Audio

Started by Bumbeli, Mar 06, 2009, 03:37 PM

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Here's another thing I would like to share with you, in case there's Nine Inch Nails fans around.

You might have read that in some mysterious way there was around  400gb of raw HD footage of NIN's last tour leaked some time ago.
Now, fans have putten quite an amount of effort making this more of a pleasure to view.
Now, I haven't seen the DVD yet, and as I'm from austria and with all that shipping and so on, I probably won't. I have downloaded some of the raw footage, and I must admit, the show itself was very impressing. (music is excellent too, but I don't really have to mention that, do I?)
What I have done, is downloading the audio files, and the quality is outstanding. So, I wanted to give those of you that are into NIN and didn't know about that before, a little bit of a heads up, so you don't miss that excellent piece of work.

Link to the website where DVD's can be ordered, FLAC/320 KB mp3 can be ordered/downloaded:

I think this is really great and I hope you enjoy it.

PS: I think Trent Reznor is a great guy, and those concerts make me go back on a NIN trip.

PPS: Reading it again, I gotta say this sounds quite a lot like an advertisment. I'm in no way assiciated to the people on that site. I just want to give you the opportunity to enjoy it too.

PPPS: I know I'm starting to spam the "Other Music" Thread, I'll try to keep it down.
Feelings hour, every tuesday morning.


Cool, thanks, I'll check that out for sure.
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.