Drive-By Truckers In LA..Photos

Started by rincon, Mar 08, 2011, 02:29 PM

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I bought a ticket yesterday for last nights show on Craigslist for face value. The show was sold out. No problem getting next to the stage for the whole show, but I still can't hear too well. The vocals were very garbled, but that may have been my proximity to the stage. These guys rocked VERY hard. Patterson seemed like the nicest and happiest person I have ever seen perform. He is very Jim James like in many ways. They should get together someday.

I got lot's more photos, and some cool videos, but the sound is totally blown out. I think it may have even damaged my camera mic, along with my ears. GO SEE THEM IF YOU HAVE THE CHANCE.

Penny Lane

great photos, rincon!
yes i agree, i think they should collaborate--jim's music and patterson's storytelling--who knows what could two favorites.
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill
