Recording permission

Started by Seth01, Mar 23, 2011, 06:05 PM

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Hi guys,

If all goes well, I'm planning on going to the Vancouver show on June 29, 2011.  I've open taped at the Orpheum in the past (Tragically Hip) but their crew is notoriously good at informing the venue that open taping is allowed.  Even with that, I had a lot of problems on the second night.

Does anyone know if MMJ is good at informing the venue or will I have to stealth?  Is there someone I can write to get a "permission slip" or something.  Tickets are currently on sale and depending on whether I'll be stealthing or not can change where I need to get a seat so any quick answer would be greatly appreciated.  Just thought it'd be best to check with the knowing community before trying to hunt down management email addresses, etc.

Thanks in advance,


Good of you to ask up front.  In no time, you may hear back from CC Baxter, forum admin and all-around good guy with deep knowledge.  Or you may try PM'ing him. 

They're traditionally taper-friendly.  You'll find a message from the band (sort of) on that speaks to that fact, though its a bit dated: (

My Morning Jacket
Location: Louisville, KY USA
Active: Yes
Taping Status: Audio
Genre: Rock
Note: Don't like the board sound but are cool with aud taping, so bring your mics.
On July 27, 2004, My Morning Jacket gave their OK for inclusion:

Band member Jim C (?) said: "hi tyler, thanks for writing and asking, that is very nice of you. yes im totally down with the free sharing of live music as long people are not being taken advantage of, and this thing looks pretty good to me. so yeah im
cool with it. thanks again and take care."

Manager Mike Martinovich furthur added: "Hey Tyler,
Thanks for reaching out to us. Sure, we're always cool with fans/friends sharing shows with eachother. So long as the person sharing is not 'bootlegging' and trying to turn a profit.
Again, thanks for your interest and spreading the's all good by us.
Take care,

My Morning Jacket's Manager"
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


Thanks for your reply and the links to the LMA.  Not sure how much an older letter that doesn't have my name in it would help though.   :-\  If I get harassed, I'll have to ask them to speak to their soundman or manager or something.  Hopefully, the management/crew lets the staff at The Orpheum know to expect tapers.  Nice acoustics in that beautiful venue so should get a good 4 channel capture.

Any other ideas/contact info welcome.  Thanks guys.



Their sound engineer is Ryan Pickett, a great guy.

Don't know how you'd get in touch with him before a show, though.  Again, maybe CC is reading this and could connect you.  The only shows I know of where taping wasn't allowed by the band were the T5 shows. 

Hell, for the Charleston show in April of '10, they let someone film the show on a tripod near the soundboard.

Good luck!
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


Thanks a lot for this info, JohnYYac...this helps a lot.  Having a name to fall back on in a worst case scenario is the game changer - a face is even better.  Now I just have to get a ticket!



The label is also tape friendly, and although acting like a lawyer when you're in line with an arm full of gear is about as useful as pleading your case to an officer on the side of the road, the Venue usually has no say in taping but merely is doing it as a CYA measure. So you can point that out - if they don't have the rights to the content being recorded, it's not their right to decline your ability to capture it. Of course, they may cite safety concerns and stuff, so like I said, it will do you really no good. In such instances, courage couldn't come at a worse time.

To the best of my knowledge, the only time in recent memory that MMJ has declined taping was at T5, but that is because they were recording it for their own purposes.

I could also be talking out of my ass, so always listen to the almighty CC
I'm surrounded by assholes


Hey el_chode...thanks for the reply.  Yeah, you're totally right about getting uppity when I'm in line with my gear.  Almost never works and definitely not worth it.  If you can believe it, I've been denied recording permission by the venue when the artist was right there telling the venue manager that it was OK.  Oh, yeah, safety concerns is a big one too.  I was once told I can't clamp my gear because if there's a fire, I would take too long to take it off and we can't have that.  I assured the lady that if there was a fire, I would just leave my rig there and leave in an orderly fashion...hahaha.  I've had every possible experience, both positive and negative in between.

The only good thing is that I have open-taped at this venue before so I should be OK.


good luck!! hopefully you will get an awesome recording! nice name by the way


Quote from: scosby2 on Mar 24, 2011, 04:57 PM
good luck!! hopefully you will get an awesome recording! nice name by the way

Thanks...Seth, I presume.   8)


yep...thanks for recording these sets...i can't even begin to tell all of you tapers out there how much i appreciate it.