Countering a rent increase

Started by br00ke, May 15, 2011, 12:21 AM

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hey all .. so i got renewal notice in the mail and they want to increase my rent by $100 which is 8%. this is severely unwelcomed news as i am sorta pay check to pay check as it is. i can quit the gym or just not go out at all for one weekend but damn gina .. i thought living in nyc for almost 10 years would mean i'm enjoying things more not struggling more ya know? this past year is the 1st time i've had my own place hence the financials .. having a roommate was so much easier on the wallet ($400 easier) but oh how i love living alone.

anywho .. this building is owned and managed by a monster corporation. one of those that have deaf ears and good luck ever trying to actually talk to someone / get a response ... so it's not just a matter of pleading a case to one guy that owns the place. i was wondering if anyone had any good advice about making a counter? i put down double the security and they are asking an 8% increase


$100 is the total increase for the year or per month? If it's the former, pay it. Renters have few rights. When it gets bad, move. NYC has lots of options. I wish I could be more helpful but I've been renting in Toronto for 20 years to varying degrees of success. Right now I pay over $1400 for a 2-bedroom in a great locale. Rent increases here are regulated, but there's always a breaking point. You should be able to find a great place for far less than you are paying. Sometimes the threat of moving works too.


Quote from: Jaimoe on May 15, 2011, 01:52 AM
$100 is the total increase for the year or per month? If it's the former, pay it. Renters have few rights. When it gets bad, move.

per month


I found your answer Brooke.  Divide your place up and make three of these.  Sublet out the other two for 50% of what you pay each and then live for free!
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.

Penny Lane

make sure it's 8% because i thought the maximum they could increase was 7.5%
"Tenants may challenge the proposed increase on the grounds that the building has violations or that the owner's expenses do not warrant an increase."

i would go to them and tell them that you'd have to start looking if they increase it by that much, (even if you're bluffing) and see what they say...seeing that it's a corp, they probably won't of the pitfalls of living here, i feel your pain.. >:(
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill

capt. scotty

Damn, your rent for 1 month is like 4 months for me! You must be a baller Brooke!  8) I agree living by yourself is much easier to deal with, but if I was paying that much Id have like 5 roomies or some shit
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


ha, a baller i am definitely NOT. quite the opposite, i live in a studio apartment. that's just how nyc is.

some advice from a friend. he did this and it worked for him and i guess worst case is that they can say no. i signed the renewal paperwork but i crossed out where they had the increase and wrote in what i find acceptable .. 2%  :) i called the NY State Division of Housing and Community Renewal and rent stabilized buildings w/i law can only increase 2.5-5%. i dunno if my building is stabilized (probably not) but this seems more in line with increases i've dealt with in the past. $100 increase every year is CRAZY. i'd be paying the price of a nice 1bedroom for my tiny studio before long if i just agreed with this sort of increrase. anywho .. this is what i wrote them and i had it messengered over so they got it ASAP and i have on record that it WAS received and who signed for it ..

RE: Renewal of Lease

Dear Dermot Properties:

I have received your lease renewal proposal. Due to the current economic climate and rental market, an 8% increase is too steep.

I have enjoyed my rental at 266 Washington Ave. and would like to stay on for years to come but an 8% increase/year isn't acceptable. I have amended the enclosed documents to reflect a 2% increase. Please notify me immediately regarding this matter.

I look forward to your timely response.

paws crossed people !!!!


The flip side about dealing with a corp that is blind and deaf is that it sometimes prevents them from reading things.

Good luck!
I'm surrounded by assholes

capt. scotty

Smooth, hopefully that works for you!  :bath:
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


Good luck Brooke!  It never hurts to try to negotiate. 
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires

lil sis

$100/month?  That is INsane.  I think my rent only goes up $100 for the year, and I'm only right over the bridge.

Paws crossed over here!
"There's still time for you to change your mind or whatever else you do."


100 bucks ain't that made of an increase - seen wayyyyy worse.  What area do you live in?  You should take a hard look at Stuy town -- might not be your cup of tea but there are INSANE deals in there and you're not too far from subways, bars, food, work, etc.


housing market has been insanely strong as of late....every time market goes up in new york, RE brokers poop their pants and think it's 2007 again, they try to jack up rent -- they like the bet of taking a gamble on jacking up rent, possibly losing a tenant, and getting a new one for a lot more $$$.  Tenant moving in also = new broker fee which is a huge paydown.  Winded way of saying - RE brokers are incentivized to jack rent and churn tenants as much as bets are times like now after market has rallied like crazy....less a hiccup in last couple weeks