I've figured out why MMJ is not immensly popular..

Started by hismorningjacket, Jan 04, 2010, 04:08 PM

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With financial and popular success comes the inevitable change in life that can't help but signifcantly alter the life experiences that produced the classic early albums.

I look forward to a taste of the old in the new.  

Hey, MSG on NYE isn't that bad peoples
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


I've given a lot of thought to what drew me to MMJ initially, put me in their audience 4 months after learning of their existence, and led me to this obsession that we all share.  THIS IS ONE TALENTED GROUP OF MUSICIANS!

They don't just have a lead singer; they have the voice of Yim Yames- the range, the intensity, the emotion, the WOOOO!  

They don't just have a songwriter; they have Jim James- thoughtful, playful, artful, WONDERFUL (The Way I Feel).  

They don't just have a guitarist; they've got Carl Broemel- precise, raunchy on command, a slide master, solid vocal backing.  

They don't just have another guitarist; they've got Mr. James- the shredder, flying V or acoustic, hard and soft, crazy and sweet.

They don't just have a drummer; they've got Patrick the maniac, sweaty back, heart attack, he beats 4 U.

They don't just have a bassist; they've got Tommy Two Tone- do you hear that bass, lowdown?  Listen for it on Highly Suspicious, deep and delicious.

They don't just have a keyboardist; they've got Bo K- understated vocals, subtle one minute, up front and personal the next, rolling down the keys on Lay Low like up my spine!

They are not immensely mainstream popular because they are just talent, original and ecclectic, hard to categorize.  They don't date supermodels, do reality TV, get caught with drugs, have a sitcom on Disney, and if they lived in a mansion, they'd probably just sleep out on the deck.  

Checking out the video posted on YouTube from 1999 recently, its clear they've grown and evolved, yet there were early signs of the greatness on the horizon.  I don't know what we would have today if the lineup changes hadn't occurred.  No offense to Johnny Quade et al, but I'm especially pleased with Carl and his contribution.

I guess I'm saying that they let their music do most of the talking.  They don't hide behind designer sunglasses, play to some teenage demographic, write predictable pop pap, or do product endorsements.  Pure and simple.  

Now I need a beer!  
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


money and fame affect people but in different ways.

good people do good with it and the others will lead very hollow & lonely lives.  
"You have to be odd to be number one." -- Dr. Seuss


very interesting thread. ive enjoyed reading all posts.

as far as making an impresion on people, or simply just introducing your friends to a truly fantastic group of musicans, i think back to when i first became addicted. when i first realized that there was a piece of my soul etched into the feeling and emotion that is put out by this group.  what was it that truly grabbed me and brought me into, what i belive, one of the greatest past times there is? the my morning jacket past time that is...afterall, much of my free time is dedicated to listening to the music, reading about the band, and being involved in the forum, even though i usually never post  :)

anyway, why me? why did i take such a great liking to the sound and feeling of the music? it is a bit difficult to understand becuase like many have said, i too have had a difficult time getting people i know/friends to relate to that special feeling.

however, at the same time, i figure i just wont push it with getting people to enjoy it quite like i do. from a selfish stand point, the last thing i want to do is end up paying 80 dollars to see the boys perform in an arena.  but, it is intersting to think about what it really takes to develope a true and healthy love for the band like we all have  :)


Quotei agree, people don't like to be challenged, at least not the masses.  The people who do like this kind of music though almost immediately jump ships into the smaller boat.  I have completely switched people from off to on from only one or two bands.  My Morning Jacket has made many people i know personally make a complete switch, going from listening to music on the radio over 75% of the time to avoiding radio at all cost (unless it is independent) and I'm not talking just musically either.  People who like My Morning Jacket immediately start becoming paranoid and start wondering if this life was real?  It can't be real, can it?  I feel so happy at a MMMJ show, and then we all wonder, "why can't i be this happy all of the time?"  That is the secret and why the revolution will happen; people are starting to ask questions...waking up...i said just enough

Great post I really agree with everything. I'm 24, and I literally have no friends that have always liked them, or have gotten into them with out me. Even friends I have who like them are even fewer. My friends who like them though are the ones really close to me and have been around me listening to them. For me it seems it really does take a lot extra to get people into them. They sound normal to my/our ears, but they really are different from most things out there. I have only encountered a few MMJ at random, but I always feel like I have met some long lost brother/sister each time I do.

It may sound stupid to some people, because it's "just music", but these guys have changed my life. It's hard to describe, but ever since I have discovered them I have felt like a somehwhat different person, which could be just looking at myself in different way, or just the process getting older.

Just an example I saw them in October 08, that show was such an awesome experience for me, I was on such a high after the show, and it seemed to last. Well a few months after that I finally had the confidence to move out of my parents house and even  move to a different city with one of my friends (from Toledo to Columbus), which has been pretty awesome. I never thought that it had that big of an effect, but looking back I was living at home for so long, I think that the show might have been enough to push me over the top to do something like that.

man, I really should start posting here more.


I think the music landscape is too fractured in this day and age for newer artists to ascend to U2-like or even Radiohead supergroup status. Filling venues the size of an average hockey arena is about as big as most bands will ever get (with a few exceptions) -  Wilco isn't even there yet on a consistent basis.

As for MMJ not yet being immensely popular: Who cares? They are popular as a cool, not-yet-sold-out, great band. I think they'll get to the next level, but they may lose some older fans along the way.


Quotei agree, people don't like to be challenged, at least not the masses.  The people who do like this kind of music though almost immediately jump ships into the smaller boat.  I have completely switched people from off to on from only one or two bands.  My Morning Jacket has made many people i know personally make a complete switch, going from listening to music on the radio over 75% of the time to avoiding radio at all cost (unless it is independent) and I'm not talking just musically either.  People who like My Morning Jacket immediately start becoming paranoid and start wondering if this life was real?  It can't be real, can it?  I feel so happy at a MMMJ show, and then we all wonder, "why can't i be this happy all of the time?"  That is the secret and why the revolution will happen; people are starting to ask questions...waking up...i said just enough

Great post I really agree with everything. I'm 24, and I literally have no friends that have always liked them, or have gotten into them with out me. Even friends I have who like them are even fewer. My friends who like them though are the ones really close to me and have been around me listening to them. For me it seems it really does take a lot extra to get people into them. They sound normal to my/our ears, but they really are different from most things out there. I have only encountered a few MMJ at random, but I always feel like I have met some long lost brother/sister each time I do.

It may sound stupid to some people, because it's "just music", but these guys have changed my life. It's hard to describe, but ever since I have discovered them I have felt like a somehwhat different person, which could be just looking at myself in different way, or just the process getting older.

Just an example I saw them in October 08, that show was such an awesome experience for me, I was on such a high after the show, and it seemed to last. Well a few months after that I finally had the confidence to move out of my parents house and even  move to a different city with one of my friends (from Toledo to Columbus), which has been pretty awesome. I never thought that it had that big of an effect, but looking back I was living at home for so long, I think that the show might have been enough to push me over the top to do something like that.

man, I really should start posting here more.
THIS. Just take everything in here and apply it to me, except substitute 24 with 40, and "my parents house" with "Oklahoma, to go back to Colorado".
"...it's gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"


Every year they get bigger and bigger..more and more experience MMJ live every year.  Soon they'll headline festivals.  Soon everyone will want to get a piece.
God damn those shaky knees.