Reverbless Jim James?

Started by billybuckner, May 29, 2011, 07:54 PM

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Quote from: el_chode on May 30, 2011, 11:50 AM
There's a difference between a band going to where the fans are waiting for them (KOL) and where the fans come to the band (MMJ).

Musically, KOL went to where they knew the fans would be by trying to replicate the same sound over and over, which quickly got old with people who like music for more than 2:30 chunks between radio ads.

To me, if MMJ kept trying to replicate OBH to keep it in that vein, they'd never escape a skynyrd comparison. Forever southern fried. If they kept trying to replicate I'm Amazed, then they'd be on the road to KOL and infinite airplay at Kohls stores.

Instead, they get behind the wheel and start driving, and whether or not you get in depends whether you're willing to stop in bat country and if you don't mind Patrick admiring the shape of your skull. It'll be a weird ride, that's for sure. And it probably won't be the same each time.

It takes skill to make different sounds that are still identifiable with a certain feel. Few bands pull it off well. Ween comes to mind as a band that does it amazingly, while Wilco and Pearl Jam are bands that, while not by any stretch of the imagination are bad or sucky, found their sound, stuck with it, and suffered creatively in my book. They got their thing, and you know what you're gonna get each time. I know there are a lot of die hard fans of those bands, but lets face it: their latest album is a matter of "is it good?", not "what will it sound like?"

Both still play killer live shows. But none have the anticipation of a new album like MMJ has.

Both Pearl Jam and MMJ are the end all of good music to me, but I have to agree. The only real change in the sound of Pearl Jam is that once EV was a pissed of 18 year old and now he's a calmed down, wiser man - still similar sounds though. KOL however, used to make good music (not write, make) and now that write terrible music. Their newest record is a head ache and a disgrace.

MMJ definitely changes their sound, while keeping us in the same realm we've always been in. As for reverb-less, I don't think that has anything to do with anything. The live AC EP is all great songs sang revebless with an acousitc guitar and it is FANTASTIC. It's been said over and over, but MMJ makes music they want to make and are nice enough to let us watch it evolve. The new OBH DVD that just came in the mail has a really great part. Jim says "We feel so lucky to be able make music that we still believe in and still excites us" He never says anything about making music that excites anyone else. Ultimately, I believe thats what keeps a band around. A good record draws people in, but change keeps it exciting. I believe it was Mr. Yac (possibly in this thread) that said you have to let go of what Circuital isn't, and listen to what it is. Very well said, and completely true. Jim also said recently that he was in no way trying to recreate TTF, but I believe all the hype about the return to their roots made everyone expect that. It's far and away better than EU as a whole, but the wrong mindset can ruin it.
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


Quote from: el_chode on May 30, 2011, 11:50 AM

while Wilco and Pearl Jam are bands that, while not by any stretch of the imagination are bad or sucky, found their sound, stuck with it, and suffered creatively in my book. They got their thing, and you know what you're gonna get each time.

Blasphemy about Wilco. While their last two efforts were underwhelming, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot is a modern rock classic that no band can top.



Quote from: Tracy 2112 on May 30, 2011, 12:40 PM
Quote from: el_chode on May 30, 2011, 11:50 AM
It takes skill to make different sounds that are still identifiable with a certain feel. Few bands pull it off well. Ween comes to mind as a band that does it amazingly, while Wilco and Pearl Jam are bands that, while not by any stretch of the imagination are bad or sucky, found their sound, stuck with it, and suffered creatively in my book. They got their thing, and you know what you're gonna get each time.

Maybe Pearl Jam but not Wilco; A.M. (their first release) is nothing at all like A Ghost is Born (a span of 5 albums). In fact, you'd be hard pressed to say they were the same 2 bands (technically, they're not, minus Tweedy and Stirratt, sort of MMJ's JJ and TTT). Being There was the jumping off point and they took it up the next notch with studio experimentation with Summerteeth (thanks to Jay Bennett) and even more with Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. Some say the journey was from alt. country to alt. rock, but it's been a little deeper than that and lyrically Jeff Tweedy nails it.

Wilco is not a band that stuck with their original alt. country sound. Now, their last 2 relases feel stagnant, but that wasn't your point.

No, that's exactly my point: I feel that Wilco pushed the envelope, then sort of settled down in Sky Blue Sky (still a good album) and they're not really doing anything special anymore, or at least, not doing anything game-changing.

Seeing At Least That's What She Said live is just as moving as Steam Engine for me. And there was a time where I'd drop everything to see a Wilco show.
I'm surrounded by assholes

Tracy 2112

Quote from: el_chode on May 30, 2011, 08:42 PM
No, that's exactly my point: I feel that Wilco pushed the envelope, then sort of settled down in Sky Blue Sky (still a good album) and they're not really doing anything special anymore, or at least, not doing anything game-changing.

Right on. I didn't even buy their last release.
Be the cliché you want to see in the world.


Quote from: billybuckner on May 29, 2011, 07:54 PM
Hear me out. MMJ is in my top 5 of favorite bands to collect, see live, and support. With that being said, I am again utterly disappointed with the latest album "Circuital". When I unwrapped the disc and placed it in my car stereo hours ago I was giddy hearing the guys again, then after the first track it all came crashing down for me. (Now I am fully expecting the rock band message board cliche, where all fans attack my opinion and tell me where to go, etc. etc.) but just like EVIL URGES i feel the band has a cheesy pop sound to them. More than anything I think James' voice sounds almost corny. My only thoughts are that he uses less if any at all reverb now days. I know I'm going to be message board crucified for this but damn, it just isn't the same MMJ I fell in love with. Can someone confirm that Jim James uses way less reverb these days and that I apparently don't have the taste for his raw voice? Or is this not the case? Any thoughts on this matter will be greatly appreciated as it pains me to diss the record, but ever since Rolling Stone tabbed these guys "America's Radiohead" I've become less attractive to their sound.

You shouldn't have to apologize for feeling this way.  I have a feeling that a few of the older fans feel the same way as well but may be a bit reluctant to express it.

I have listened to the new record 5 times though in an effort to make sure of my feelings. (some records are "growers")  Although i can't exactly put my finger on it something has seriously changed with these guys after Z.  While i liked TF a lot... At Dawn is seriously probably in my top 10 of all time.  Such a gorgeous record.  ISM - such a great, great, killer record... so good - and love it so much.  Z - very, very good with some amazing, gorgeous, heartfelt tunes!!!  When i heard Evil Urges i was like WTF??? Is this a joke?  Peanut butter puddin' surprise?  what???  made me cringe. 

So i've been hoping and praying for a return to forum with the new record... and while it is a bit better than Evil Urges - i'm not sure what that means b/c that record (to me) was not what i fell in love with originally.  Where is the burning passion in the music that used to exist???  The excitement of it all???  I mean i have seen these guys live a few times in small venues back in the day and they would blow the lid off the place....  So what gives?  I'm going to take a stab at this and say that Jim's lyrics have fallen off a bit i'm afraid... and i just don't understand why this has all happened?  It feels like this band has been instructed to break out of the "southern rock" mold... but why the need?  I mean shit... they kicked the world in the balls on their first 4 records and now they have gone into this weird hibernation mode.  Why not accentuate the positive and do what you do?  Do it dirty, turn up that damn reverb and give us the nasty, storming, stompin' south again along with Jim's soaring vocals!!!  It feels like someone has seriously steered these guys in the wrong direction. 

Now i know that many pubs are giving this new record 4 out of 5 stars - but that is not swaying me here and they can't convince me otherwise.  The music industry is starving for some big releases right now and i'm sure they are hoping this is it.  Unfortunately (for my tastes) it isn't.  Now i'm sure it will sell well b/c of their history but to me this is slightly more listenable than Evil Urges... but not by a ton.  I'd give this record 2.5 out of 5.   

Everyone here ripped KOL when their last record came out b/c everyone thinks they are the world's biggest d-bags.  And while that may be perfectly true and i only bring them up for comparison's sake being in slightly the same geo area and musical vein/genre... and say what you want.... but the latest KOL is a very bright, vibrant, dynamic, fun and listenable record full of some great melodies and I couldn't agree more with what you had to say about the new MMJ just not passing the sniff test.

I will always love the band i originally fell in love with (TF, AD, ISM, Z) and want them back.

Sorry to be a downer of sorts guys... but the good news is - some of you may love it - and that is cool.  That's what's great about music, right???


"Do it dirty, turn up that damn reverb and give us the nasty, storming, stompin' south again along with Jim's soaring vocals!!!  It feels like someone has seriously steered these guys in the wrong direction."

Ok dude, I respect your opinion, but your criticism is nothing new... the longing for the "glory days" of "southern fried" MMJ is kind of a trend... In my opinion, doing this over and over would be a bit boring.
Also, no one steered MMJ in any direction... they do what they want, they play the instruments.