Happy Father's Day 2011

Started by DejaView2011, Jun 19, 2011, 10:40 AM

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I just thought I'd take a moment to start a thread today wishing all you other Daddys out there an incredible Father's Day!!! I've noticed we have quite a few proud papa's with exceptional, beautiful and lovely children they enjoy talking about. So today, on our day to celebrate the gift of being Fathers, I send out Love from our family to all of you and yours. Our daughter woke us up with a freshly baked pan of hot browies (Ungh... Only a kid could think that to be appetizing after waking up from a night of drinking wine), a big smile and a super morning snuggle session with all 4 of us.
     It's been a beautiful day so far. Wishing you all find beauty in this day, or make some to bring to someone else who may need it. On a day like today, everybody needs a Daddy.
               HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!!! Love John, Cody, Lee & Cammie.

Why does my mind blow to bits everytime they play that song?


Happy Father's Day to my WWII vet Dad--they're becoming fewer in number every year. 

And Happy Father's Day to any Dads here--its an important job, don't screw it up! 8)
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Quote from: MMJ_fanatic on Jun 19, 2011, 11:08 AM
Happy Father's Day to my WWII vet Dad--they're becoming fewer in number every year. 

Indeed they are.

My dad passed away 13 years ago, but I look to my great uncle as another father, or  grandfather; he's also a Korean War vet (he served in the Canadian Navy).


This is like the best Fathers Day EVER!,Still in bed at 1:46 and I don't have to feel guilty about it, breakfast and homemade Brownies, well toasted, a bloody Mary, BATTLEFIELD :LA on blu-ray and a 5 lb can of Jelly Belly jellybeans! The only think spoiling my perfect day are the occassional black jellybean and grapefruit ones. :-P Otherwise........ best dads day EVER!
Why does my mind blow to bits everytime they play that song?