MMJ at Coachella?

Started by MrWhippy, Dec 17, 2011, 09:41 AM

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Non Sin Breaux

glad there is no MMJ this year at Coachella, that way I don't have to buy a ticket and just work at the fest instead


line up is not vey appealing to me. Refused reunion is awesome, though
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


They're touring anyway.
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


Quote from: wonderfulman on Dec 23, 2011, 03:07 PM
I've spoken to my friends about having the "SAME" lineup over two weekends. Some think it is a good idea but I personally do not. I believe that Coachella has a capacity of 100,000 people. Multiply that by 2 and you're looking at approximately 200,000 tickets over the two weekends.  Last year Coachella did sell out, but do you really think 100,000 people got scammed on tickets? Definitely not, maybe 20,000 max. If Goldenvoice is lucky they'll sell about 150,000 over the two weekends.

Overall, this could be a pretty bad business decision for Goldenvoice. That is, unless they compile the greatest festival bill of all time...
It's sold out! :0
I was kinda on the same boat as you.