Crazy Weather Today

Started by megalicious, Mar 02, 2012, 03:04 PM

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Please be safe today, my loves. There is a chance for some legit severe weather throughout the Southeast today. Stay informed on what's happening in your area, and promise me that you'll NEVER ignore a weather warning.

all facts begin as dreams dreamt by the wizard


We lucked out here and just got rain and a strong winds. Just north of here it was a worse. I'm still trying to clean up and rebuild after the bad winds 2 days ago that ruined our patio. I was nervous as to how this was going to go.


It's passed louisville now, but shit got crazy. Apparently Henryville and Marysville Indiana are completely destroyed. Sending positive thoughts to our neighbors to the North. Everyone be careful. My sister is also from Tuscaloosa, Meg, and she's been calling me non stop to check on me. Last year mustve been a real eye opener
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


Just devastating....watching the pictures on CNN and hoping that everyone comes through this safely. 
.....Back at the Model Home


The front has been coming all afternoon. It's still ridiculous hot here so the big part is still on its way. Last I heard, the tornadoes were about an hour away. We'll definitely be in the basement.


Well that was fun! Never experienced anything like that before. I'm in Nashville, saw chairs from the hotel pool literally flying through the air.


We had hail and we had a funnel cloud, but it didn't touch down. I had gotten drenched coming back from the grocery and was wearing pjs w/o a bra so I knew that if it came through and the news had to interview someone, it would be I. Thankfully, no interview will be forthcoming. So sorry for all of the people who lost lives today or had property damage. The insurance adjusters will be working overtime for months on this one.


Glad you're safe, Fully.
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


Glad everyone is safe!  Definitely some heavy stuff today, thanks for starting this sweet thread Meg!

Today is my one year anniversary of living in Asheville!!!  Glad this wasn't happening a year ago!!  I remember leaving Pittsburgh last year at around 4pm and driving through the dark most of the way.... and after I hit Virginia the skies just all cleared up.. synonymous with just about anytime you'd drive away from Pitt  :P

Anywho, what is the answer to all that life throws one's way, down in these parts?  Blue Ridge Parkway of course!!  Just got back from a cruise with my roommate, up to watch the storm blow through from an overlook.....  really amazing lightning!!  Thickest fog I may have ever driven through!  Glad nothing harmful seems to have happened.
Daylight is good at arriving in the night time


But speaking of Pittsburgh.... has anyone heard from headdy??  Where is the capt?  Last on here Jan. 22?  Hmmm....   :-\
Daylight is good at arriving in the night time


Quote from: ALady on Mar 03, 2012, 12:02 AM
Glad you're safe, Fully.

Indeed!  Hope all of you are well.  So hard to read the articles and see the pictures on tv.
was some shakin' and some record playin'


Quote from: woodnymph on Mar 03, 2012, 12:55 AM
But speaking of Pittsburgh.... has anyone heard from headdy??  Where is the capt?  Last on here Jan. 22?  Hmmm....   :-\

I've been wondering this too lately?