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The Roots

Started by TheThird, Mar 28, 2012, 12:25 AM

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After hearing Dear God 2.0, my interest perked on The Roots. Anybody out there that can lead me in the right direction as far as a good beginning album?


Too bad our old Diggin in the Crates thread was lost in transition.  There were a few of us that ranked all the Roots albums.

It all depends on what you like but they really haven't put out anything terrible.  I grew up on their music in the 90's and think that their 2nd to 4th albums are all masterpieces.  Do You Want More, Illadelph, and Things Fall Apart.  They are all unique and much truer to their original raw hip hop sound.  Phrenology was an album I find to be one of their weakest that ended up being one of their best selling because of it's full incorporation of rock influences and the catchy single Seed 2.0 with Cody Chessnutt.  The Tipping Point was panned by fans and critics alike but I actually loved it.  I was pretty disappointed in their output from then until their new concept album came out.  Here's the thread for it:
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head

Come Closer

I agree with Ruckus that you should start with their 90s work. Post 2000, my favorites of theirs are Game Theory, How I Got Over, and Undun. 

dookie shoot bandit

Conor oberst and The Roots both released today!!!!
Feeling dizzy!  :cheesy:
First listen... Really really good!!!
Gonna have a good week diving into both these new albums.

Check out The Roots tomorrow night "as the musical guest" tomorrow on Fallon.
And conor is the musical gust tonight.

Come Closer

The new one is pretty mediocre for me, probably their worst album. Black Thought's hardly on it.


Also not very excited......expected much more....