Roll Call membership packages

Started by Rufus T. Firefly, Nov 13, 2012, 05:31 PM

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Rufus T. Firefly

Sorry to bring negativity to the public forum but I'm a little frustrated at not having received my membership package ordered back in Aug.

And I'm not the only one.

Can't get in touch with anyone at ground control by phone or email and have sent an email to with no response as of yet.

Anyone have any ideas on how to proceed....connections to somebody in power who might care that the bands fan club is treating folks this way?



I'm still waiting...since September

Rufus T. Firefly


Looking into it. This is bullshit.

PM Wade directly here:

I'll email him and 2 others at ground(ctrl). Considering Jim's got GC handling his new site and album packages, they need to get their shit together.

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The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


Which is why I won't preorder from his website.


I'm sorry to hear you still haven't got your Roll Call package.

It's truly shameful that the band is still subjecting its fanbase to this pathetic ground(ctrl) nonsense.

I don't care how much you paid them to run your site.  These jokers are neglecting your fans.


I see that you posted over on the other Roll Call forum. I did the same when my package hadn't arrived three months after ordering, and lo and behold, a few weeks after I posted, my package showed up. Now that you've spoken up, I would expect your package soon. Pretty weird way of doing business if you ask me.


But he's been posting over there for awhile...

I've tried to forget that ground control exists since we have our forum back and they stay away from here. They are still there though.


That sucks. I hope you get things worked out. Can't believe folks are still going through that.

I was kind of shocked to see Ground Control handling the new JJ release. I pre ordered only because I think it's the only place you can get the deluxe package. Hope these guys get their shit together.

"Somewhere out there is a land that's cool, where peace and balance are the rule."


I've made contact with ground(ctrl).  They're looking into it.  Seems they don't keep enough of the membership package swag in stock, including the poster and certain size t-shirts.  Not acceptable!  Keep on Wade.  Use that link to PM him if you haven't done so in a while:

The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.

Rufus T. Firefly

Thanks for your help JYac.

At the risk of being redundant, I was told the same thing by GC...that they were out of tshirts in size large.....and that tshirts were perhaps supplied from the bands vendor and I guess not GS's.

I will email Wade, but he's been aware of the situation for a while now

Hopefully we'll have some better news to post shortly.

Thanks again!


Hey guys, I believe I've reached out to each of you individually in regards to your packages.  There were specific items that we did run out of, and should be getting these to our warehouse next week.  We will work to get these out ASAP once we receive them.  If you haven't received a PM from me through MMJ, please shoot me a message along with your order number and I'll keep you updated.  I do apologize for the delay.

Rufus T. Firefly

Quote from: wade(ctrl) on Nov 14, 2012, 01:16 PM
Hey guys, I believe I've reached out to each of you individually in regards to your packages.  There were specific items that we did run out of, and should be getting these to our warehouse next week.  We will work to get these out ASAP once we receive them.  If you haven't received a PM from me through MMJ, please shoot me a message along with your order number and I'll keep you updated.  I do apologize for the delay.

Thank you for your apology.

Wade, this thing goes deeper than just not getting packages out on a timely basis. Problems also include the inability to contact a representative at the home office and the charging of excess fees (ticketmaster if I'm not mistaken) to the point that my per ticket cost for the show this summer in StL  ended up being $66. If I'm not mistaken that was a $40 face value ticket...even at $45 face that almost a 50% fee mark-up.

Hey man, I know none of this is your fault personally. While I do think that you could have been a little more in tune ans communicative to the ongoing problems with the Roll Call packages I have no idea how thinly (or not) the home office has you stretched. That being said I guess you are our point of contact and regretfully I have to say that the service aspect of GC gets a flunking grade and while I would never wish any ill will towards anyone if you all were in my business you'd be looking for a new jobs.

And this place is supposed to be fun, ya know?


This makes me sad - especially since Jim is running his thang through GC. 


I also haven't received anything and my order was placed back in August.

It's absolute BS that there has no communication from Ground CTRL, either.
God sure baked a lot of fruitcake, baby.


I can't even remember when I re-upped my subscription - March or April?  Needless to say, I've not seen a thing in the post.
The trouble with the straight and the narrow is it's so thin, I keep sliding off to the side


Sass and Mark, let me look into it.  If you have an order number, email it to me and I'll email ground(ctrl) and seek satisfaction.

The people I've met and worked with at ground(ctrl) are really nice.  However, there is something wrong with the way they do what they do as a company.  Check out their Facebook page and you see problems with other fan sites.  My guess is they are under-staffed and overwhelmed.
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


I received a message from them and they said they are working on it. A lot of companies, in this economy, cannot afford to keep a large stock of merchandise, so they have to scramble when orders exceed their inventory. I don't know if this is the case, but I doubt any of this is intentional.


Just sent wade a pm - I reordered my membership on 8/30 and nothing yet.  Despite no real controls on when membership expires, I try to sta current so I keep access to the form, have a current card to get into shows, and have access to early ticket sales.  The latter issue raises a whole bunch of other concerns after PC3 ticket debacle, but in any event....

Can I please get my redundant t-shirt and poster, please??  And while we're at it, can some thought be put into rotating the goodies for renewals?  Seems to me that this would solve the problem here?  Older members would have access to cooler shit?!?!
What's in here won't disappear

Rufus T. Firefly

looks like the package is slated for delivery on the 29th
