
Started by MamaKel, Dec 05, 2012, 07:30 PM

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So I just watched the episode of Iconoclasts on IFC with Norah Jones and Seth MacFarlane.  Although there was so much insight from both of them as artists that I found fascinating, I couldn't help but feel like there was something between them.  It's kind of adorable and endearing. Just watch.  He's always got this smart confidence, but it was different with her.  I'm such a girly girl about stuff like this, but I'm telling you...whatever it was, was cute to watch.  I think they should have babies that sing like Burl Ives in the womb.


I enjoyed the Michael Stipe/Mario Batali episode.  It's too bad it's not available on DVD.


whatever it was, was cute to watch.  I think they should have babies that sing like Burl Ives in the womb. :cool: