"One Big Holiday" in MEXICO!!

Started by parkervb, Jun 11, 2013, 01:02 PM

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Quote from: rincon2 on Feb 09, 2014, 05:31 AM
Quote from: ericm on Feb 08, 2014, 09:39 AM
Quote from: rincon2 on Feb 08, 2014, 02:40 AM
Watching Red Rocks 2012 night 2 on DVR. I am pretty sure those shows were the modern epitome of MMJ shows based on setlist and performance. But,,,,,,,,who walked 2 minutes home for 4 nights? Who had 75 degree winds blowing in various directions with pleasant humidity? Music may have been better in Denver, but no effin way was the overall experience. And why do I want to cry every time I watch Steam Engine live?

I'm sure there are plenty of people who feel the setlist, and performance are the most important thing, with those being what makes their experience. Seeing shows at RR ain't exactly  chopped liver regardless of having to drive or not having a tropical temp. Throw in being there with a great, hardcore group of friends/fans, and it rivals anything, anywhere,IMO.

I'm certainly not putting down the experience of OBH or those shows. I sure as hell wish i could've been there, but I just don't think anyone can speak for everyone's experiences. To each their own.
Eric. I met you at the Patterson Hood show on Long Island. I am not sure if you spent the night at Jeff's house, but I did not. I had to drive 10 miles to my hotel room not knowing where I was. So yeah. Walking 2 minutes to my room is a serious factor in considering how great an experience is. Unlimited prepaid alcohol, with a 2 minute walk, has the ability to place this experience beyond anything I have ever had. Think about this. 3 outdoor MMJ shows, in warm weather, walking distance to bed each night. Once in a lifetime shit. (I hope not)

I do remember meeting you, and it was a great night in Dix Hills.  :thumbsup:

I know it's a great thing to only have a short walk to bed after a show. I always try and book a room within walking distance on my road trips if possible. My point was while that may be a big factor in yours, or my experience, that is not necessarily true for everyone. The same goes with unlimited alcohol. While I sure like to have a few at shows, I know not everyone else does. I have no doubt that some peoples experiences at say a venue like RR is the ultimate for them. Having to drive a few miles doesn't even factor in to that amazing experience. That doesn't diminish OBH in any way. Again, I wish I could've been there, and I have no doubt I would've loved it. Just that I don't think it's fair to say that experience was any better than someone else's best experience.  It's totally subjective. To each their own, and I'm glad for you it was your ultimate experience.  :beer: 
"Where's Jim going?"

My Morning Tube top

Quote from: rincon2 on Jan 31, 2014, 11:18 AM
Quote from: EverythingChanges on Jan 31, 2014, 07:50 AM
Any ideas or hopes as to where they will be next year?
If you think about it Riviera Maya is the most convenient tropical location for most of the US, only 4.5 hours from LA, and closer for most of the country. That is significant. I just want to have a BEACH! 4 days in the tropics, looking at the ocean and no access to it without paying for an excursion or a rental car is not cool for me. (Kyle, it was nice talking to you. Too bad you left so early. Right after you left I had a conversation at a bar with a 67 year old retired rich guy at Bubba Gumps that was so painful  :cry: I thought I was on Candid Camera. He liked boats and talked about them for 20 minutes with out taking a breath.)

LOL I sat next to that guy on the flight out from LA. He talked about boats, but only lake boats and that this was his passion for a while. Then about his construction company in Vegas which helped him retire. I will say it sounds like he really worked hard his whole life to accumulate his fortune. Our MMJ = his lake boating passion lol  :beer: He was very nice but I was grateful I read & slept most of the way before engaging in non stop boat talk and I love boats.

My Morning Tube top

Quote from: KittyKy on Feb 05, 2014, 11:26 PM
couple of random thoughts on OBH:
-who stole Bo's hat on night one? He looked like the guy who cooked our dinner at Zen :grin:
-was very surprised how much I missed the bears on stage. weird but true
-many have said it, Carl fucking light it up all week. love him and carried away
-merch gone after one day, lesson learned
-black metal, holy shit that was fun
-biggest buzz was The Lips/dance part, go figure.
-enjoyed the bobby tunes, that was different
-who was the dude standing behind Patrick for the last couple of tunes on last night?
-so much fun, great people, awesome music. can't wait to do it again


Dude behind Patrick was "David Stephen (Stephanie) Givans" Jim's longtime buddy, Sir Microcosim co-star and bad ass drummer of Jim's solo endeavor. He was also a DJ on the MMJ late dance Party night- who ended the night with the Great Zeplin- I think that was his selection. He seems like a really nice guy and great musician in his own right. Next time they need to feature him as the late night DJ and raise that DJ stage with a strobe light so we can actually see the DJs in action.  :thumbsup:


Quote from: My Morning Tube top on Feb 09, 2014, 01:02 PM
Quote from: rincon2 on Jan 31, 2014, 11:18 AM
Quote from: EverythingChanges on Jan 31, 2014, 07:50 AM
Any ideas or hopes as to where they will be next year?
If you think about it Riviera Maya is the most convenient tropical location for most of the US, only 4.5 hours from LA, and closer for most of the country. That is significant. I just want to have a BEACH! 4 days in the tropics, looking at the ocean and no access to it without paying for an excursion or a rental car is not cool for me. (Kyle, it was nice talking to you. Too bad you left so early. Right after you left I had a conversation at a bar with a 67 year old retired rich guy at Bubba Gumps that was so painful  :cry: I thought I was on Candid Camera. He liked boats and talked about them for 20 minutes with out taking a breath.)

LOL I sat next to that guy on the flight out from LA. He talked about boats, but only lake boats and that this was his passion for a while. Then about his construction company in Vegas which helped him retire. I will say it sounds like he really worked hard his whole live to accumulate his fortune. Our MMJ = his lake boating passion lol  :beer: He was very nice but I was grateful I read & slept most of the way before engaging in non stop boat talk and I love boats.
That was you up in first class? I did not recognize you. I do remember thinking I had sympathy for that young woman sitting next to him.

My Morning Tube top

The only thing I enjoy more than posts on threads is the analysis of the posts on threads. I think we need to analyze more these days. Next OBH we should set up a espn style desk with commentators post shows. :thumbsup:

My take weeks after OBH- seriously the best fans out there. You couldn't have asked for a nicer, more open minded and heartfelt group of people connecting- long lost friends and new friends to be made. I laughed harder than I have in a long time, that included with the staff who were amazing and brought a quota of 3 drinks per person at all times! I had so many great moments at OBH it's hard to recap. I will say after being spoiled by so many great shows: T5 shows, Wiltern shows , Capital shows, small KCRW 200 person show, Forecastle under the bridge (missed Red Rocks) Jim's Newport staring contest (that's for Kyle) … I felt a bit confused by the set list at times, not underwhelmed but deft realized how many great shows I've seen to hold up against OBH. Everything sounded amazing, no complaints on how they played what they played but I feel perhaps working hard at recording they couldn't focus on any new surprises. I am still not complaining about what I saw and experienced as any Jacket fix is a great fix for me. Not to mention Bobby again, oh Bob while I do miss you in those short jhorts, you look great! You have life back in your eyes, you are playing flawlessly and to see Jim and Bobby it brings a bit of Jerry there for me which is what I felt the first time I was pulled into MMJ!


1. Checking into the hotel on Saturday 1/25 and hearing Hard Rock playing MMJ upon our arrival- nice touch- heard many MMJ streams throughout the week piping in and pulling from Tennesse Fire and beyond  :beer:

2. Meeting our Further Friend Suite mates who we hung out with first night. Getting resort tips, recaps of the Further shows, party favors and great mutual music exchange moments with tremendous respect. Those guys were awesome as Brooke can attest- one guy had been at the resort for 18 days  :thumbsup: It felt like they welcomed us and passed the music torch!

3. Cloud 9 changing our room to the Ocean View we had purchased. They did so with ease and kindness and I know they had a lot on their plate and one hell of a week prior to us. I want to thank them for all their hard work!

4. Watching MMJ's sound check in a bathing suit- my two favorite worlds of beach/pool/ sunshine summer living and MMJ collide- never saw that coming until this year-amazing. It equaled out the playing field of the audience and band both feeling a little exposed.  :wink:

5. Post soundcheck our lovely server Diana who brought endless Miami Vice's (pina colada/ strawberry daiquiri mixture) asking me to write down the singer of the bands name on her note pad. I wrote down Jims' name and the Band for her. It was awesome to see how into the music the staff was :) Next time I will bring CD's of MMJ for the staff!

6. Swimming out in the lagoon watching another group on the shore at the adjacent beach to ours screaming "Mary" and hugging their Server. The server/ guest love ratio was high and awesome to see. I guess that's what endless cocktails can foster- deep love!

7. Night 2- It grabbed me deep and hard (Insert comment's here Fully & Penny)

8. Hanging out with friend's I have had the honor of getting to know from shows and festivals since the Golden Moment's of T5- and meeting great new peeps!

9. Having like minded, dorked out music discussions with virtually everyone and anyone there

10. All the guys shredding it up: Patrick's thunder on the drums, Tom's bass tearing through you, Carl going into seizure like rips and going unrecognized at poker tables, Bo getting funky and deep on the keys and Jim's giggling and smiles in recognition of what happens during IWSYS

11. Preservation Hall- Bobby & Charlie at the mic together. Anytime horns compliment MMJ on Dancefloors/ HOTBM.  Running into Pres Hall Members and getting to talk some NOLA love, especially getting to congratulate Charlie on his Off Beat award and meeting his lovely wife (I believe). They couldn't have been nicer as well as Ben Jaffe and his lovely wife Jenette- Thank God for New Orleans & Preservation Hall! Which reminded me on a big fail on my could 9 survey- If Clint brought The BINGO SHOW to open one night next OBH- words couldn't describe- that would be amazing!

12. Scosby leaving the beach way too early to shower up for the rail. His dedication is untouched in snow or tropical sunshine. I wish I had taken a picture of Seth, Daniel and Wes standing at the rail in a downpour the final night-hours before signs of other dedicated rail keepers- they could have easily taken a rain break from the rail but like the MMJ soldiers they were, they stood their ground.

13. Late nights post shows on our little beach. I have never laughed so hard, random amazing peeps would drop in and hang out. Juan with a great sense of humor brought cocktails and snacks night 1 until 4am. I got a much needed back massage by new friend Thomas in his robe and glitter-Hearing Evonne tell us end of night it was time to wash off her "Contact Glitter" at times I'm pretty sure there was a genie lamp somewhere as everything I wished for was showing up. Kevin wanted to dance, and his comedy routine on his desire to dance rivaled Seinfeld- how I love him! Late night hang out Post show the last night with Ruckus and Brooke- waking from my beach chair nap to see a terrifying Chupacabra type animal. Wish I got a picture of that little bugger!

14. Late night Jim Morrison bar hangout with Chicago Cop and Little brother drummer referred to as "Stitches" due to his Saturday night arrival spending time in a Mexican hospital getting stitches after falling on broken glass. Both were still having the time of their life, despite the mishap. Coolest older brother ever and a good man to know in blue.

15. The slide at the pool, friend's kids interviews for school reports reviewing the show, the randomness of a tub in the room next to the beds, seeing and hearing the stage from our room, hearing the stream of conversations under our room of people walking to the late night DJ sets- wish I had set up a recorder.

16. Our beach excursion Friday after the shows- need to go back and spend more time, so beautiful. I want a day of paddle boarding there. Randomly seeing a man run across the beach parking lot wearing what looked like Nantucket Reds.

17. Heros- great cover. Despite my confusion on the constant need for crowd approval- Wayne Coyne couldn't have been more accessible to fans- watched from afar. His verses on Isn't it a Pity rivaled Dean Wareham in a different way. When he sang you felt every word so deeply- he tore a hole in my heart during that one.

18. Banana William- Never met anyone with such a steal trap for name memory. He, like the servers, was constantly greeted by different groups of people with such love! Nobody had a better time. He's now given me a reason to visit Houston.

19. Darla and Jason- once again Louisiana Peeps are the coolest!

20. Meeting the nicest man who Produces Jazz in the security line of the Cancun airport. Sitting for an hour at the airport and talking music and career opportunities with him in a way that runs deeper than I know. Being so sleep deprived and deliriously happy that after all the years of being around the band but not wanting to bother them, I finally said "Fu#$ it!" and asked to take a picture with Patrick and Jim. Glad I did as they couldn't have been nicer and it's my funniest selfie to date. Hearing Jim tell an older Gentleman at the airport who was inquiring what all the commotion was about what his band was called "My Morning Jacket- you'll like it!" I was tempted to turn to the Man all bugged eyed and tell him "It's going to rock your world and change your life!"

So that being said, I think I had a pretty good time! In the word of wise friend of mine OLE! :drum:


Quote from: My Morning Tube top on Feb 09, 2014, 03:01 PM
The only thing I enjoy more than posts on threads is the analysis of the posts on threads. I think we need to analyze more these days. Next OBH we should set up a espn style desk with commentators post shows. :thumbsup:

I like it.  :thumbsup:

Can we sign you up for an anchor desk position or would you rather be a sideline reporter with all access?  :grin: ( pretty sure I know the answer to that)   :wink:
"Where's Jim going?"

My Morning Tube top

Quote from: ericm on Feb 09, 2014, 03:51 PM
Quote from: My Morning Tube top on Feb 09, 2014, 03:01 PM
The only thing I enjoy more than posts on threads is the analysis of the posts on threads. I think we need to analyze more these days. Next OBH we should set up a espn style desk with commentators post shows. :thumbsup:

I like it.  :thumbsup:

Can we sign you up for an anchor desk position or would you rather be a sideline reporter with all access?  :grin: ( pretty sure I know the answer to that)   :wink:

Sideline reporter with all access of course! Reporting from the beach also analyzing the Miami Vice's of the day. Which pour was stronger, the ratio of Pina Colada to Strawberry daiquiri. All the pivotal reports that the female sideline reporters get in the NFL!  :wink: I could interview the band/tour manager during the set break to see how they think the show is going- cause that's a great idea that works so well in the NFL. The anchor desk would most likely be held down by Scosby and Yac. Perhaps an omnichord performance in there as the theme music?


Quote from: My Morning Tube top on Feb 09, 2014, 04:26 PM
Quote from: ericm on Feb 09, 2014, 03:51 PM
Quote from: My Morning Tube top on Feb 09, 2014, 03:01 PM
The only thing I enjoy more than posts on threads is the analysis of the posts on threads. I think we need to analyze more these days. Next OBH we should set up a espn style desk with commentators post shows. :thumbsup:

I like it.  :thumbsup:

Can we sign you up for an anchor desk position or would you rather be a sideline reporter with all access?  :grin: ( pretty sure I know the answer to that)   :wink:

Sideline reporter with all access of course! Reporting from the beach also analyzing the Miami Vice's of the day. Which pour was stronger, the ratio of Pina Colada to Strawberry daiquiri. All the pivotal reports that the female sideline reporters get in the NFL!  :wink: I could interview the band/tour manager during the set break to see how they think the show is going- cause that's a great idea that works so well in the NFL. The anchor desk would most likely be held down by Scosby and Yac. Perhaps an omnichord performance in there as the theme music?

The only way scosbokonos is going the be the anchor is if the desk is at the rail.

Thanks for chiming in. I love hearing about your week in more detail than texts allow. I'm glad the Chupacabra didn't eat you or Ruckus who Seemed to have a few problems with them himself.


Quote from: My Morning Tube top on Feb 09, 2014, 04:26 PM
Quote from: ericm on Feb 09, 2014, 03:51 PM
Quote from: My Morning Tube top on Feb 09, 2014, 03:01 PM
The only thing I enjoy more than posts on threads is the analysis of the posts on threads. I think we need to analyze more these days. Next OBH we should set up a espn style desk with commentators post shows. :thumbsup:

I like it.  :thumbsup:

Can we sign you up for an anchor desk position or would you rather be a sideline reporter with all access?  :grin: ( pretty sure I know the answer to that)   :wink:

Sideline reporter with all access of course! Reporting from the beach also analyzing the Miami Vice's of the day. Which pour was stronger, the ratio of Pina Colada to Strawberry daiquiri. All the pivotal reports that the female sideline reporters get in the NFL!  :wink: I could interview the band/tour manager during the set break to see how they think the show is going- cause that's a great idea that works so well in the NFL. The anchor desk would most likely be held down by Scosby and Yac. Perhaps an omnichord performance in there as the theme music?

Oh hell yeah!  You've got this. :thumbsup:   I see an Emmy in your future.  :beer: 

I second  the Scosby/Yac anchor desk, and can hear Johnny working on the theme music now.  :grin: 
"Where's Jim going?"

My Morning Tube top

Quote from: Fully on Feb 09, 2014, 05:07 PM

Quote from: My Morning Tube top on Feb 09, 2014, 04:26 PM
Quote from: ericm on Feb 09, 2014, 03:51 PM
Quote from: My Morning Tube top on Feb 09, 2014, 03:01 PM
The only thing I enjoy more than posts on threads is the analysis of the posts on threads. I think we need to analyze more these days. Next OBH we should set up a espn style desk with commentators post shows. :thumbsup:

I like it.  :thumbsup:

Can we sign you up for an anchor desk position or would you rather be a sideline reporter with all access?  :grin: ( pretty sure I know the answer to that)   :wink:

Sideline reporter with all access of course! Reporting from the beach also analyzing the Miami Vice's of the day. Which pour was stronger, the ratio of Pina Colada to Strawberry daiquiri. All the pivotal reports that the female sideline reporters get in the NFL!  :wink: I could interview the band/tour manager during the set break to see how they think the show is going- cause that's a great idea that works so well in the NFL. The anchor desk would most likely be held down by Scosby and Yac. Perhaps an omnichord performance in there as the theme music?

The only way scosbokonos is going the be the anchor is if the desk is at the rail.

Thanks for chiming in. I love hearing about your week in more detail than texts allow. I'm glad the Chupacabra didn't eat you or Ruckus who Seemed to have a few problems with them himself.

Texts don't do my way too wordy self justice  :cheesy: Spotty service at the resort didn't allow great updates either.

Yes I may have to set up a rail interview pre-show analysis with Scosbokonos. He could carry the pre-show solo and have Yac post show analysis with guests. I really want to start a feature called "Festi guy" after meeting Banana William (who you would love). This could be my summer tour plan, feature a festi guy at different festivals- that guy who is "out funning" everyone else and meeting a majority of the crowd. Best sponsor Red Bull or Pabst?


Quote from: My Morning Tube top on Feb 09, 2014, 05:17 PM
Quote from: Fully on Feb 09, 2014, 05:07 PM

Quote from: My Morning Tube top on Feb 09, 2014, 04:26 PM
Quote from: ericm on Feb 09, 2014, 03:51 PM
Quote from: My Morning Tube top on Feb 09, 2014, 03:01 PM
The only thing I enjoy more than posts on threads is the analysis of the posts on threads. I think we need to analyze more these days. Next OBH we should set up a espn style desk with commentators post shows. :thumbsup:

I like it.  :thumbsup:

Can we sign you up for an anchor desk position or would you rather be a sideline reporter with all access?  :grin: ( pretty sure I know the answer to that)   :wink:

Sideline reporter with all access of course! Reporting from the beach also analyzing the Miami Vice's of the day. Which pour was stronger, the ratio of Pina Colada to Strawberry daiquiri. All the pivotal reports that the female sideline reporters get in the NFL!  :wink: I could interview the band/tour manager during the set break to see how they think the show is going- cause that's a great idea that works so well in the NFL. The anchor desk would most likely be held down by Scosby and Yac. Perhaps an omnichord performance in there as the theme music?

The only way scosbokonos is going the be the anchor is if the desk is at the rail.

Thanks for chiming in. I love hearing about your week in more detail than texts allow. I'm glad the Chupacabra didn't eat you or Ruckus who Seemed to have a few problems with them himself.

Texts don't do my way too wordy self justice  :cheesy: Spotty service at the resort didn't allow great updates either.

Yes I may have to set up a rail interview pre-show analysis with Scosbokonos. He could carry the pre-show solo and have Yac post show analysis with guests. I really want to start a feature called "Festi guy" after meeting Banana William (who you would love). This could be my summer tour plan, feature a festi guy at different festivals- that guy who is "out funning" everyone else and meeting a majority of the crowd. Best sponsor Red Bull or Pabst?

Fest Guy sounds like a great summer job for you! Perhaps Relix or Consequence of Sound needs this feature.


Quote from: rincon2 on Feb 08, 2014, 02:40 AM
Watching Red Rocks 2012 night 2 on DVR. I am pretty sure those shows were the modern epitome of MMJ shows based on setlist and performance. But,,,,,,,,who walked 2 minutes home for 4 nights? Who had 75 degree winds blowing in various directions with pleasant humidity? Music may have been better in Denver, but no effin way was the overall experience. And why do I want to cry every time I watch Steam Engine live?



Quote from: gluvmiller on Feb 10, 2014, 09:46 AM
Quote from: rincon2 on Feb 08, 2014, 02:40 AM
Watching Red Rocks 2012 night 2 on DVR. I am pretty sure those shows were the modern epitome of MMJ shows based on setlist and performance. But,,,,,,,,who walked 2 minutes home for 4 nights? Who had 75 degree winds blowing in various directions with pleasant humidity? Music may have been better in Denver, but no effin way was the overall experience. And why do I want to cry every time I watch Steam Engine live?


This is a funny thing.... I have had many conversations with some people around here in which I claim that my favorite MMJ "experience" ever was Port Chester. You know what we did in Port Chester for three days in  a row? Stood in outside from noonish to 6:30 during  a snow storm. We had to pee in a really shitty mexican restaurant next door.I was cold, my socks were wet, and I couldn't possibly buy enough coffee from said restaurant. But, I had a blast. Probably more fun than Ive had at the past Red Rocks events or other jacket events. PC Xmas run was THE BEST jacket "experience" I've ever had. Both the shows and the time we spent before/after the shows. After the shows we just say in a crappy hotel lobby and drank and talked. It was still a blast.

I guess the important thing is that this is all totally opinionated, and there is an effin way that someone could have a better over all experience.

If jacket announced a huge tour right now that included Red Rocks x2, PC x3, and OBH, I'd probably opt out of OBH pt. 2 for RR and PC. As long as my friends were going to RR and PC, that is.
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


My wife had to remind me and asked if anyone on here had mentioned it yet... does anyone have any info on the helicopter drone that was flying overhead during the final show? It was hard to see, but it did look like there was a camera attached to it? We saw the guy landing it after everyone was leaving... it was up for a really long time too!!

Just wondering if anyone has any info on who it was and if there was anything to be seen from it? Would make for an interesting perspective of the show and it's surroundings!



Quote from: themarsvolta on Feb 10, 2014, 12:55 PM
My wife had to remind me and asked if anyone on here had mentioned it yet... does anyone have any info on the helicopter drone that was flying overhead during the final show? It was hard to see, but it did look like there was a camera attached to it? We saw the guy landing it after everyone was leaving... it was up for a really long time too!!

Just wondering if anyone has any info on who it was and if there was anything to be seen from it? Would make for an interesting perspective of the show and it's surroundings!


I saw it flying around a few times (for a while during Garza's late night set also).  I was told there was a Go Pro camera attached to it but could not see it myself.


It was used at the pool on Tuesday. It clearly had a camera. The guy controlling it did not have a remote view of the camera, so the videos are likely fairly random. I got some photos and video of it flying around.


Quote from: ericm on Feb 09, 2014, 07:09 AM
Quote from: rincon2 on Feb 09, 2014, 05:31 AM
Quote from: ericm on Feb 08, 2014, 09:39 AM
Quote from: rincon2 on Feb 08, 2014, 02:40 AM
Watching Red Rocks 2012 night 2 on DVR. I am pretty sure those shows were the modern epitome of MMJ shows based on setlist and performance. But,,,,,,,,who walked 2 minutes home for 4 nights? Who had 75 degree winds blowing in various directions with pleasant humidity? Music may have been better in Denver, but no effin way was the overall experience. And why do I want to cry every time I watch Steam Engine live?

I'm sure there are plenty of people who feel the setlist, and performance are the most important thing, with those being what makes their experience. Seeing shows at RR ain't exactly  chopped liver regardless of having to drive or not having a tropical temp. Throw in being there with a great, hardcore group of friends/fans, and it rivals anything, anywhere,IMO.

I'm certainly not putting down the experience of OBH or those shows. I sure as hell wish i could've been there, but I just don't think anyone can speak for everyone's experiences. To each their own.
Eric. I met you at the Patterson Hood show on Long Island. I am not sure if you spent the night at Jeff's house, but I did not. I had to drive 10 miles to my hotel room not knowing where I was. So yeah. Walking 2 minutes to my room is a serious factor in considering how great an experience is. Unlimited prepaid alcohol, with a 2 minute walk, has the ability to place this experience beyond anything I have ever had. Think about this. 3 outdoor MMJ shows, in warm weather, walking distance to bed each night. Once in a lifetime shit. (I hope not)

I do remember meeting you, and it was a great night in Dix Hills.  :thumbsup:

I know it's a great thing to only have a short walk to bed after a show. I always try and book a room within walking distance on my road trips if possible. My point was while that may be a big factor in yours, or my experience, that is not necessarily true for everyone. The same goes with unlimited alcohol. While I sure like to have a few at shows, I know not everyone else does. I have no doubt that some peoples experiences at say a venue like RR is the ultimate for them. Having to drive a few miles doesn't even factor in to that amazing experience. That doesn't diminish OBH in any way. Again, I wish I could've been there, and I have no doubt I would've loved it. Just that I don't think it's fair to say that experience was any better than someone else's best experience.  It's totally subjective. To each their own, and I'm glad for you it was your ultimate experience.  :beer:
I know it is subjective. This is the first time there was a beehive of MMJ fanatics for 100 hours. It was tropical. It was all inclusive.  I get that it may not be for everyone, but you got to admit, on paper, there has never been anything remotely like this. I will accept Ewinds take to my post with serious contemplation, as he was in Mexico for this, and was more fond of Port Chester in the cold. I actually enjoyed the Wiltern shows better, but not the combined experience. I was able to go to my room between songs, and not really miss a thing, as I could hear the music. Anyone been to both the Wiltern and Port Chester, and if so, can they explain to me why PC ends up on everyones top shows, and the Wiltern rarely does?


Quote from: My Morning Tube top on Feb 09, 2014, 03:01 PM
The only thing I enjoy more than posts on threads is the analysis of the posts on threads. I think we need to analyze more these days. Next OBH we should set up a espn style desk with commentators post shows. :thumbsup:

My take weeks after OBH- seriously the best fans out there. You couldn't have asked for a nicer, more open minded and heartfelt group of people connecting- long lost friends and new friends to be made. I laughed harder than I have in a long time, that included with the staff who were amazing and brought a quota of 3 drinks per person at all times! I had so many great moments at OBH it's hard to recap. I will say after being spoiled by so many great shows: T5 shows, Wiltern shows , Capital shows, small KCRW 200 person show, Forecastle under the bridge (missed Red Rocks) Jim's Newport staring contest (that's for Kyle) ... I felt a bit confused by the set list at times, not underwhelmed but deft realized how many great shows I've seen to hold up against OBH. Everything sounded amazing, no complaints on how they played what they played but I feel perhaps working hard at recording they couldn't focus on any new surprises. I am still not complaining about what I saw and experienced as any Jacket fix is a great fix for me. Not to mention Bobby again, oh Bob while I do miss you in those short jhorts, you look great! You have life back in your eyes, you are playing flawlessly and to see Jim and Bobby it brings a bit of Jerry there for me which is what I felt the first time I was pulled into MMJ!


1. Checking into the hotel on Saturday 1/25 and hearing Hard Rock playing MMJ upon our arrival- nice touch- heard many MMJ streams throughout the week piping in and pulling from Tennesse Fire and beyond  :beer:

2. Meeting our Further Friend Suite mates who we hung out with first night. Getting resort tips, recaps of the Further shows, party favors and great mutual music exchange moments with tremendous respect. Those guys were awesome as Brooke can attest- one guy had been at the resort for 18 days  :thumbsup: It felt like they welcomed us and passed the music torch!

3. Cloud 9 changing our room to the Ocean View we had purchased. They did so with ease and kindness and I know they had a lot on their plate and one hell of a week prior to us. I want to thank them for all their hard work!

4. Watching MMJ's sound check in a bathing suit- my two favorite worlds of beach/pool/ sunshine summer living and MMJ collide- never saw that coming until this year-amazing. It equaled out the playing field of the audience and band both feeling a little exposed.  :wink:

5. Post soundcheck our lovely server Diana who brought endless Miami Vice's (pina colada/ strawberry daiquiri mixture) asking me to write down the singer of the bands name on her note pad. I wrote down Jims' name and the Band for her. It was awesome to see how into the music the staff was :) Next time I will bring CD's of MMJ for the staff!

6. Swimming out in the lagoon watching another group on the shore at the adjacent beach to ours screaming "Mary" and hugging their Server. The server/ guest love ratio was high and awesome to see. I guess that's what endless cocktails can foster- deep love!

7. Night 2- It grabbed me deep and hard (Insert comment's here Fully & Penny)

8. Hanging out with friend's I have had the honor of getting to know from shows and festivals since the Golden Moment's of T5- and meeting great new peeps!

9. Having like minded, dorked out music discussions with virtually everyone and anyone there

10. All the guys shredding it up: Patrick's thunder on the drums, Tom's bass tearing through you, Carl going into seizure like rips and going unrecognized at poker tables, Bo getting funky and deep on the keys and Jim's giggling and smiles in recognition of what happens during IWSYS

11. Preservation Hall- Bobby & Charlie at the mic together. Anytime horns compliment MMJ on Dancefloors/ HOTBM.  Running into Pres Hall Members and getting to talk some NOLA love, especially getting to congratulate Charlie on his Off Beat award and meeting his lovely wife (I believe). They couldn't have been nicer as well as Ben Jaffe and his lovely wife Jenette- Thank God for New Orleans & Preservation Hall! Which reminded me on a big fail on my could 9 survey- If Cliff brought The BINGO SHOW to open one night next OBH- words couldn't describe- that would be amazing!

12. Scosby leaving the beach way too early to shower up for the rail. His dedication is untouched in snow or tropical sunshine. I wish I had taken a picture of Seth, Daniel and Wes standing at the rail in a downpour the final night-hours before signs of other dedicated rail keepers- they could have easily taken a rain break from the rail but like the MMJ soldiers they were, they stood their ground.

13. Late nights post shows on our little beach. I have never laughed so hard, random amazing peeps would drop in and hang out. Juan with a great sense of humor brought cocktails and snacks night 1 until 4am. I got a much needed back massage by new friend Thomas in his robe and glitter-Hearing Evonne tell us end of night it was time to wash off her "Contact Glitter" at times I'm pretty sure there was a genie lamp somewhere as everything I wished for was showing up. Kevin wanted to dance, and his comedy routine on his desire to dance rivaled Seinfeld- how I love him! Late night hang out Post show the last night with Ruckus and Brooke- waking from my beach chair nap to see a terrifying Chupacabra type animal. Wish I got a picture of that little bugger!

14. Late night Jim Morrison bar hangout with Chicago Cop and Little brother drummer referred to as "Stitches" due to his Saturday night arrival spending time in a Mexican hospital getting stitches after falling on broken glass. Both were still having the time of their life, despite the mishap. Coolest older brother ever and a good man to know in blue.

15. The slide at the pool, friend's kids interviews for school reports reviewing the show, the randomness of a tub in the room next to the beds, seeing and hearing the stage from our room, hearing the stream of conversations under our room of people walking to the late night DJ sets- wish I had set up a recorder.

16. Our beach excursion Friday after the shows- need to go back and spend more time, so beautiful. I want a day of paddle boarding there. Randomly seeing a man run across the beach parking lot wearing what looked like Nantucket Reds.

17. Heros- great cover. Despite my confusion on the constant need for crowd approval- Wayne Coyne couldn't have been more accessible to fans- watched from afar. His verses on Isn't it a Pity rivaled Dean Wareham in a different way. When he sang you felt every word so deeply- he tore a hole in my heart during that one.

18. Banana William- Never met anyone with such a steal trap for name memory. He, like the servers, was constantly greeted by different groups of people with such love! Nobody had a better time. He's now given me a reason to visit Houston.

19. Darla and Jason- once again Louisiana Peeps are the coolest!

20. Meeting the nicest man who Produces Jazz in the security line of the Cancun airport. Sitting for an hour at the airport and talking music and career opportunities with him in a way that runs deeper than I know. Being so sleep deprived and deliriously happy that after all the years of being around the band but not wanting to bother them, I finally said "Fu#$ it!" and asked to take a picture with Patrick and Jim. Glad I did as they couldn't have been nicer and it's my funniest selfie to date. Hearing Jim tell an older Gentleman at the airport who was inquiring what all the commotion was about what his band was called "My Morning Jacket- you'll like it!" I was tempted to turn to the Man all bugged eyed and tell him "It's going to rock your world and change your life!"

So that being said, I think I had a pretty good time! In the word of wise friend of mine OLE! :drum:

What's does the bolded part mean?


The bold part refers to the way Jim makes love to his guitar during IWSYS. Watch Okonokos or the Video from the Wiltern run. It's the closests we'll ever get to seeing Jim have sex.


How that portion of Okonokos is not seared into the memory of any living person who's watched it is a mystery I'll never understand.  :bath:
My jacket's gonna be cut slim and checked