Spirited Argument: SIGUR ROS Live

Started by JerseyDan, Sep 21, 2013, 12:17 AM

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ok, take away the obvious (The Jacket, Radiohead, Springsteen, and for many of you Pearl Jam) I firmly believe Sigur Ros may be a pound-for-pound contender for the best live act going.



I think they are very high up there as a live act as well.  It's to think of other shows that have moved me quite like the couple Sigur Ros shows I've seen have. 

It's crazy how much emotion they summon without having any idea what they are singing about.
My heart can't wait to meet you on the other side.


I finally got to see them live on the last tour and I heartily agree about how emotional the experience can be.  LD and I were weeping at points, it was like a psychedelic couch session with Carl Jung through our unconscious psyches, reliving traumatic and joyous life experiences and coming out all psychically cleansed, truly a cathartic, transformative experience. 

I don't know if I'd say they are the best live band right now because  its not really rock music, so hard to compare it to other rock bands, for me,  but I would say they are in a class all by themselves.

Here is what I wrote on the Wilco board about this show right after I saw it.

Sigur Ros last night was a pretty deep experience, really different from most concerts I've seen. As people who are familiar with their music know, the music is more orchestral than rock, but they use guitars and drums, along with lots of keyboards, strings, and horns to get their trademark ethereal spaciness.  And the vocals are not in English, they just sound like sounds. Its hard to describe the experience in words and that's part of what makes it so intriguing and powerful.  The music seems to really bring out a lot of emotions in people, but because its just abstract sound (and images when you are watching their stage show), it forces the listener to put their own meaning on it.  I think even people who are not all that inclined to be philosophical are guided towards that kind of experience and that speaks to the mastery of sound that Sigur Ros holds.  They know how to use sound to create an environment conducive to getting past a lot of psychologic barriers that most of us walk around with everyday.  I found it very therapeutic.

My wife is a tough cookie, a Midwestern farm girl without a lot of patience for stuff that is arty or indirect.  She likes things that get right to the point and she's got a pretty strong wall of defenses up for stuff she thinks is bullshit.  It can be hard to get through to her soft inner core.  Let me tell you that within the first song, the tears were flowing and  she was weeping almost all the way through the show.  Afterwards she described an incredibly cathartic experience of reliving almost her entire life, hopes, dreams, hurts, triumphs, loss, love, in short, the whole human experience.

The music seems to deal with things that are common to all humans, regardless of what culture or what point in time you are from.  Everyone is born, everyone dies, everyone breathes, eats, sleeps, dreams, etc.  They seem to get right to the fundamental elements of being human.  I wonder if coming from such a desolate and isolated place where there is mostly air, water, rock and fire has given them the kind of culture that allows them to do this with their music.  Human relations must be really valued in a place like that and perhaps they take more joy and pleasure in simple human interactions than people who live in cosmopolitan places do?

remphish, you said it wasn't really a crowd that takes psychedelics and you are probably correct.  I was only joking when I talked about taking mushrooms at the show (although I still think that has the potential to be a great experience), but for me, a Sigur Ros concert is extremely psychedelic.  I didn't take any psychedelics (and its been years since I have) but I sure felt like I had.  At times I felt completely connected to something bigger than myself and at other times I felt completely alone in the universe.  That kind of existential dichotomy is exactly what my experiences taking psychedelics have been like, deeply spiritual, sometimes disturbing, sometimes euphoric, always cathartic.  I never took psychedelics to entertain myself, I always took them in order to have a transformative experience which is something else that I believe all humans crave, no matter what methods they use to alter their consciousness.  A Sigur Ros show is so far beyond mere entertainment.  Joseph Campbell would have loved seeing them as much as he loved seeing the Grateful Dead. This is art music of the highest caliber.  For me, Sigur Ros are achieving the highest purpose of art, to create an atmosphere and a sensory experience that is conducive to the audience having an opportunity to reflect on their own humanity and the nature of existence.  It was fucking awesome.
"Some like their water shallow, I like mine deep"