jim james | hot burrito #1 on KCRW

Started by amy pants, Jul 08, 2004, 03:25 PM

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amy pants

does anyone know where I can get a good recording of Jim James doing Gram Parson's Hot Burrito #1 on KCRW from this past Tuesday (July 6)?
It blew my mind!


Jim doing "Hot Burrito #1"?? Please clue me in ... When was this recorded? Last Tuesday they were supposed to play the Quart fest in Norway ... I'm interested to hear this as well! Which show was it played on? Maybe it's available in Real Audio on the KCRW website?

amy pants

I don't think it was live. I looked on the KCRW site and there was nothing really-- I think they only link to albums you can buy on Amazon.com.

I'm telling you though- it was one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard. I didn't even know who Jim James was-- I googled him, found out he was the singer of this band and wound up here.

I think KCRW might put it on one of their compilations, though,seeing as the Gram Parsons movie is about to come out this year...

thanks for any & all info...

amy pants

oh- sorry-- it was on Morning Becomes Eclectic. I'm trying to figure out how to email them & ask...


Some of the Morning Becomes Eclectic shows (those with a session or special things) are available to listen again, like the July 7th show with Polly Parsons talks about her late father, Gram Parsons and his music. Unfortunately the July 6th show isn't available ... So, if there's someone out there who taped it, please step forward (on-list or off-list), thank you.

Payroll Peter

I emailed KCRW about the performance.  I'll let you guys know what they say if they say anything.  


thanks,  looking forward to hearing.   hot burrito #1 is a great song.  i wish people now-a-days would name 2 great songs after a hot wrapped food substance.


Hot Pockets 1

Oh hot pocket how you saved my soul
many a day after school
When I would warm your soggy crust on high for three min.
and sit and eat you in front of my TV.  
There's Still Time.........


Wow!  I thought I was the only one who knew about that number one hit from the Grounded Hot Pocket Sisters.



Did this performance ever pop up?

amy pants

I emailed KCRW and got a reply from Nic Harcourt himself:
"that recording is not available at this time".

bummer! oh well...

still waiting for someone who taped it to pop up...

amy pants

I just emailed Jim James about it-- does that ever work? Do you guys get responses that way? Figured it was worth a shot...



Jim does respond.  If he has nothing more to tell you about this subject you may not hear anything back tho'.
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.

amy pants

here is the response I got from Jim tonight:

"that is one of the greatest songs of all time, im very honored that you enjoyed my version. it was a nice day when i did that as well as dark end of the street for morning becomes...i dont know if we'll release it or not, im sure it will find its way out sometime, somewhere. thanks and take care.

"you're not cooking...."

pretty cool.

amy pants

KCRW just played it again-- so beautiful. I wish I could record! Nic Harcourt made a point of saying it wasn't available anywhere-- he must have had a bunch of calls about it.