Which MMJ album is your favorite?

Started by imb, Mar 30, 2004, 11:34 AM

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i just got into them but i am really digging It Still Moves and The Tennessee Fire


1. It Still Moves
2. Tennessee Fire
3. At Dawn
But they're all awesome.
You need to check out the "Chocolate and Ice" EP -- it's pretty much a fourth "album" and pretty amazing.


Saw your question about 3 hours ago. Still thinking about it. Each one is the best at different times. At the moment I'm mostly playing At Dawn.  ???


1 At Dawn
2 It Still Moves
3 Tennessee Fire
4 My Morning Jacket Does Xmas Fiasco Style
5 Chocolate & Ice EP
6 Songs:Ohia Split EP
 But I,just like everybody,like them all.It depends on the mood.
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


the new techno remix of it still moves.  its a project the guys came up with one night huffing penil lead.  it should be coming out soon.  its called "it still booms".

fuckin awesome!


peanut butter puddin surprise

All have equal value, but I'd say...

1.  ISM
2.  At Dawn/TF (tied, can't pick one above the other)
3.  Chocolate and Ice
4.  Split EP w songs:ohia
5.  that damn live show from Paradiso, 2000
6.  that damn live show at Headliner's, 2003
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Quotethe new techno remix of it still moves.  its a project the guys came up with one night huffing penil lead.  it should be coming out soon.  its called "it still booms".

fuckin awesome!
This is a joke right?
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


This is a joke right?

What makes you say that?

I heard a pre-release version and it was really interesting, very 'Leftfield' with a just a touch of 'Death in Vegas'.
the future is Ginger


Back to this thread, and my answer would be the next one, and then the one after that..
the future is Ginger



What makes you say that?

I heard a pre-release version and it was really interesting, very 'Leftfield' with a just a touch of 'Death in Vegas'.
Alright--stop teasing now.......
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Well for a long time it has been At dawn, but no I find ISM their best album. They grown so much as a band on this album and I really like their rock songs and spinned out solo's. They are musically so creative.  Most refreshing album of last year I would say.


I'd call it a tie between The Tennessee Fire and At Dawn, except that when I apply my tie-breaker rule, it comes up
 . . . Tennessee Fire.  I probably listen to them equally these days and would rate them equal if recommending them to someone.  It Still Move has just never hit me over the head with the brilliance of the songs and singing on the first two albums. Or even like the EPs and singles.

The tie-breaker is to ask myself, if I could only have one of theirs to listen to ever again, which one would it be?  The Fire works for me.

Most likely a person new to the band will never get to experience hearing the Fire and At Dawn songs played live in big helpings as they were in the early shows, which clearly prejudices me when listening to the albums.  About half of the It Still Moves songs resonate with me, whereas all the songs on the previous two albums still move me!

Below is the song list from Fire, and every song on this list is magical when Jim sings it live (and all but Butch Cassidy, and perhaps Going to Hell, were played regularly at one time).

- Heartbreakin Man
- They Ran
- The Bear
- Nashville To Kentucky
- Old September Blues
- If All Else Fails
- It's About Twilight Now
- Evelyn Is Not Real MP3
- The War Begun
- Picture Of You
- I Will Be There When You Die
- The Dark
- By My Car
- Butch Cassidy
- I Think I'm Going To Hell

Just a Heartbreakin' Man, doing a Victory Dance with Shaky Knees, along a Bermuda Highway

Alex Kameka

I personally feel that It Still Moves is the best one. Although Heartbreakin Man is almost good enough to make the Fire my fav album:)


I would have to agree that Tennessee Fire is the best album.  The song are by far the most moving of the MMJ albums.  However, the demos of At Dawn are really tough to take at around 3:00 am.  But, that is what makes them so great.  I like It Still Moves, but agree that it isn't quite as moving as the 1st 2 albums.  This was definitely more of a full band colaboration, whereas the 1st 2 where dominated by Jim.  I do like all the aspects of the whole band.  I cannot wait to hear the next album.


I like everything so much it is hard to place them in any kind of numerical order.  I guess you could say they have my favorite triple cd.... ::)
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.