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Xmas Curtain

Started by johnconaway, Jan 06, 2005, 11:57 AM

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peanut butter puddin surprise

thoughts on this tune?  listening to it right now and loving it even more...if that's possible.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


I got that jazzed up version from an x-mas radio show of your ftp server. Thanks again for that  ;), that song rules. The solo should be in the 'best solo' thread!
Minimal but soooo beautiful.

The Boar

Awesome song, indeed. One of my favorites from At Dawn. I can't come up with a satisfactory interpretation of the lyrics though. Anyone else?


Not my favorite, but it's grown on me.

WHat the Hell is this song about, though?


For some reason I've always thought it's about seeing those girls at the peep shows for 25 cents.  But I think I'm wrong.  It was more of a feeling...

I always took "criminals who never break the law" to be people who do bad things that aren't illegal...  

Man, I don't know.  All I know is that when I listen to it, I see a big red curtain in a smokey, seedy place, and a girl letting you see her naked.

Oh, and it's about two guys (J and "me") who are too young to get in or something.  

I don't know.  I think my version is definitely wrong.

But man, do I love this song.  The jazzy version knocked the hell out of me!


QuoteI think my version is definitely wrong.

Ah but your version can't be wrong because it's your version. I'd love to know what Jim meant by it but in a way it doesn't matter. Once he's sung a song, and it's in our heads and hearts, it becomes ours to interpret as we feel. I'm sure (hope) he wouldn't mind me saying this.

Your version does sound seedy, though. Cool  8)


Seedy.  That is a perfect word for my image.  Perfect.

(Where does seedy come from?  Seedy.  Do you think that farmers invented it?  If it's "all gone to seed"....  hmmmm....  weird.)


QuoteSeedy.  That is a perfect word for my image.  Perfect.

(Where does seedy come from?  Seedy.  Do you think that farmers invented it?  If it's "all gone to seed"....  hmmmm....  weird.)

Aha! Now you've set me a challenge! I love finding this stuff out. I'll get back to you when I do. It will have to be tomorrow, though. It's late at night here and I've got work tomorrow.

Good night  :)


I think its about the curtains that hang behind store window displays, which become particularly elaborate around Christmas time and the disparity felt by those who don't have the resources to partake in the season's bounty :(
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Um yeah.  You're probably right.   :-/

(Thanks for the detective work dith!  I love finding out stuff like that, too...  And good night to you!)

peanut butter puddin surprise

um, what about "the christmas girl that lives inside your womb"??

ponder that for a while.  the song is so beautiful, and the lyrics are just too cool.  sometimes i say out loud "holy shiite, what does that mean?"
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Quoteum, what about "the christmas girl that lives inside your womb"??

ponder that for a while.  the song is so beautiful, and the lyrics are just too cool.  sometimes i say out loud "holy shiite, what does that mean?"

I know I've been pondering this song and if I never understand it...well that's ok. Because everytime I hear "Hey...the Xmas curtain falls...." my ears, mind/soul couldn't be happier!
But seein you feels good, and its always understood.
That anything much sweeter would make me die.


I think womb is a metaphor here for a safe place within all of us.  


QuoteSeedy.  That is a perfect word for my image.  Perfect.

(Where does seedy come from?  Seedy.  Do you think that farmers invented it?  If it's "all gone to seed"....  hmmmm....  weird.)

Looks like you're right, EC. I found this in an online dictionary:

"I know, I know, vegetables are generally thought to be healthful and tasty and all that, but they have their dark side as well. (If you doubt this, I have two words for you: Brussels sprouts.) It seems that if vegetables are not harvested at the proper time and are left to their own devices, they will eventually "run to seed." When this happens, the plant passes from the edible stage of growth into the seed-bearing, or yucky, stage and becomes inedible, droopy and just generally a mess."



"I know, I know, vegetables are generally thought to be healthful and tasty and all that, but they have their dark side as well. ."

Been telling you that for ages Doc.
Now you believe me?

"Vegetables have a dark side" sends a shiver down your spine.

Thats why god created chocolate and cigarettes.

the future is Ginger



Thanks for your stealth research, dith.  I'm still trying to join the two thoughts in my head, though...

Red light districts, rotting vegetables...


ok maybe my analysis was a bit of a downer--maybe the Christmas girl is Santa's little helper ;)
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Ah ha ha HAHAHA!  Very good!

The Boar

As I first posed the query on the meaning, I thought I should give my interpretation.

I think this is some kind of love song, mostly because of the general feel of it. For some reason I've always thought it was something about a guy (maybe two guys) falling in love with a prostitute -- thus, perhaps, by hooking up they would be "criminals who never break the law". The "womb" lyric and the "lawbreakers who pay to get behind the Xmas curtain" maybe has something to do with sexual themes as well.

Don't know, just a thought. It definitely does not work perfectly.