Month Of Sundays

Started by RyanCorpse, Feb 17, 2005, 09:59 PM

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QuoteEC, were you at the soundscapes preformace with jim, in the front row taking pictures?

In spirit, yes, in physicality, no.  It might've been a friend of mine, though...  Curly-haired girl?


i think so, it was pretty far back, but she posted some on a website she runs.


Oh, noooo, then.  What's the website, do you remember?


sorry,  don't. i had it bit then i had to format.



Hey O, Are you talking about the Tremulant EP and Deloused?  

Err yes, and the new album Frances the mute as well. That would be three albums, then. And a lot of money. But I have to have them! Fuck, that band is bloodcurlingly good!
I'm ready when you are


maybe i'll see you at the M.ward show at the elmo. i'll be the one with the mmj tattoos.


Quotemaybe i'll see you at the M.ward show at the elmo. i'll be the one with the mmj tattoos.

I'm goin!  I just had the greatest experience at Soundscapes.  

Okay, first of all, I love the boys at Soundscapes.  Not only are they lovely, but they're also very helpful, and never ever get all music snobby on me.  EVER.

So, I went in tonight to buy my M. Ward ticket.  I was really scared that it was sold out because I'd waited so long, but it WASN'T!  And the guy said "Hey, we just got his new one."  And I said, "I knooooww, but I kind of want to buy the new record at the show."  And he was totally cool about it.  And then I said that I DID however want to buy Transfiguration of Vincent, because I didn't own it, and so I did that.

And then I asked him about the Jim show that he did there a while back, and he got all excited and said how nice it was, even though it was completely packed.  He asked me if I'd been there, and I said no, but that I'd heard it.  And he was pretty excited that people were listening to the live recordings from his record store.

And then I said "Okay, I'm going to be really dorky here.  There's another record I'm looking for, and I should really have written it down."  And it was that John Mann record that kymoose was talking about, only I couldn't remember anything about it.  And I said, ummmm, I think his name is Jon (spelled like that), and then he suggested Jon Rauhause, and I thought it was the right thing, but now I realize it wasn't, howEVER, I believe 'wiggum was talking about it, which is where I got confused, and Neko Case and Calexico are on it, so it'll get put on as soon as Transfiguration of Venus is over.

whew.  Everyone in Toronto, buy your records at Soundscapes.  They are wicked.  :)

And RyanCorpse, I will look for your tattoos, but it's probably easier to find my hair.  It's pretty large, especially in a sweaty place like the ElMo (aren't you excited that it's open again?!!)  


(maybe we can convince Jim and Soundscapes to host a solo Jim show again next time he's here...)


For sure.  Jim and i were exchanging emails the other day ( he remembers me because of the tattoos, the band and i went out to dinner after the soundscapes show, ayways,) , maybe i'll throw the idea to him. and i agree that soundscapes is the best record store ever.


QuoteFor sure.  Jim and i were exchanging emails the other day ( he remembers me because of the tattoos, the band and i went out to dinner after the soundscapes show, ayways,) , maybe i'll throw the idea to him. and i agree that soundscapes is the best record store ever.


did you end up finding a better pic than the one in ISM liner notes for your tattoos?  and if so, where?


i bought some sticker pack at an early show that had them on it.