Sweatbee's EP Australian version

Started by jellyfish, Jan 27, 2005, 02:45 PM

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I just picked this up last week,it has 4 extra tracks not on the England version.Sweetheart,Can You See The Hard Helmet On My Head,Death Is The Easy Way,and How Do You Know.I really like this version much better cause it has some of my fave MMJ songs on one disc.I absolutely love the Sweetheart song,so beautiful.Does anyone know where I can get the lyrics to this song? And does anyone else have the Aussie version of this EP?
Thanks in advance. ;)
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


Heh.  I have a "version" of the lyrics that is, I think, almost correct.  There are a couple of words that I have no idea what in the hell they are.  Here's what I got:

Slow you stroll over where I sit
You strave pristos, but now I'm one with them (wtf?)
Sweetheart, lover, words you'd use for me
I worked to git you forever
To melt you into me.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (do do do)

Slowly I stroll over where you sit
It took so long, now I'm into it
Sweetheart, lover, I wanted you before
But when your heart beats next to me
I want it even more

I'm not sure what straving pristos is all about, but I probably listened to that bit about fifty times, and I can't get it.  So I cheat.


Thanks EC,that's the very line I was wondering about. ;)

I think it might be "stray" something.
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need

David Haywood

"You strayed from Cristos (Christ) but now Im one with him"



Have I missed something?  Is My Morning Jacket a Christian Rock Band and nobody told me?



Have I missed something?  Is My Morning Jacket a Christian Rock Band and nobody told me?

I think they are trying to keep it a secret, like Jesus did.  Haven't you ever wondered how "Jars of Clay" sorta fell off the earth around the time MMJ started getting really big.  And besides, don't you think it is weird that you have never seen MMJ and "Jars of Clay" at the same time or place.


What secret was Jesus keeping?  Didn't everyone know that Jesus was the son of the lord?  Or, at least, that he and a bunch of others thought that way?  Was it a secret?

What are "Jars of Clay"?  I know what jars of clay are, I have some - in fact there are some flowers in a jar of clay in my kitchen right now.  Are "Jars of Clay" a Christian Rock Band?  Are they a metaphor for secrets?  


QuoteWhat are "Jars of Clay"?  I know what jars of clay are, I have some - in fact there are some flowers in a jar of clay in my kitchen right now.  Are "Jars of Clay" a Christian Rock Band?  Are they a metaphor for secrets?  

Not sure, but I think the band Jars of Clay took that name because ancient religious documents (like the Dead Sea Scrolls) were discovered in Jars of Clay.  Also, I think a bunch of their music has religious themes, but I cannot remember any of their songs at the moment.

I have no idea what the MMJ guys have to say about religion, nor do I much care.  But their music can be a very spiritual experience.

As in they raise my spirits any time I hear them.
Just a Heartbreakin' Man, doing a Victory Dance with Shaky Knees, along a Bermuda Highway



As in they raise my spirits any time I hear them.

I often drink a "few" spirits when I hear them.



Have I missed something?  Is My Morning Jacket a Christian Rock Band and nobody told me?
spiritual is probably more accurate
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


If anyone wonders what old Jebus means to Jim, take him out to go diving in the red Patoka sea.


I don't know how to get there ???
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


QuoteIf anyone wonders what old Jebus means to Jim, take him out to go diving in the red Patoka sea.

Again, I don't get it.  There is a Lake Patoka in Indiana.

"Meaning: trodden hard, or fastness, or "the waterless hill"

the name of the Canaanitish city which stood on Mount Zion (Josh. 15:8; 18:16, 28)

It is identified with Jerusalem (q.v.) in Judg. 19:10, and with the castle or city of David (1 Chr. 11:4,5). It was a place of great natural strength, and its capture was one of David's most brilliant achievements (2 Sam. 5:8)."


"Jebus is one of the first names of Jerusalem.
It is mentioned in the Bible several times:

" ...and (he) came over against Jebus, which is Jerusalem." (Judges 19:10)."

"jebus - definition from easton
     trodden hard, or fastness, or "the waterless hill", the name of
     the Canaanitish city which stood on Mount Zion (Josh. 15:8;
     18:16, 28). It is identified with Jerusalem (q.v.) in Judg.
     19:10, and with the castle or city of David (1 Chr. 11:4,5). It
     was a place of great natural strength, and its capture was one
     of David's most brilliant achievements (2 Sam. 5:8)."

"Jebus (jē'bəs) or Jebusite (jĕb'yūsīt) , in the Bible, a pre-Israelite tribe living in the hill-country of Canaan. They were perhaps the last tribal group to be defeated by Israel and are usually mentioned last in the lists of nations conquered. They are mentioned as the inhabitants of Jerusalem before the Hebrews. Their control lasted till Davidic times. Lingering relationships with remnants of the pre-Israelite tribes, including the Jebusites, remained a problem in the post-exilic era."

So.  Every single thing I've found is always either an irreverent slang (almost anti-Jesus), or a reference to a place in Jerusalem.

A lot of the "Jebus" sites use it as slang...  


check out


maybe jim is friends with one of these guys?  They look like they rock pretty hard.


oh. my. holy. shit.

This is so good.  Oh my stomach hurts from laughing.  That is so funny.

There is some crazy pattern happening in my life where Christian Rock is being mentioned, or shown to me, or is slowly coming to view in my favourite rock band (;)) all over the place.

Man, I wasn't gonna really talk about this because it makes me feel like such a bitch.  But.  The other night at the bar I work at, it was some fundraiser for this faith-based group that's tied to the work of Mother Theresa in India.  They were selling "I Love Calcutta" buttons and stuff like that.  And they had a bunch of bands.  And they were faith-influenced bands.  I won't go into too much detail, a) because it's mean, and b) just because, but it was bad.  It was in my top five worst nights in a bar/restaurant in the ten years I've been working in 'em.  It S.U.C.K.E.D.

Anyhow, the final band - the "headliners", were a Christian Rock thrash band.  They were loud as fuck, and I was actually looking forward to seeing them play, but as soon as they did, I wanted them to stop.  It was so bad that it was beyond funny.  The lead singer had skunk stripes dyed into his modern mullet/mohawk.  I have no idea why we booked that event, except that our booking gal is a softie, and probably just wanted to help people out.  Which is cool.  It's cool to help and it's cool for people to help people in India.  That part is vey cool.  

Anyhow.  They beat "Jebus" for worst band, but Jebus beats them for best band picture.  My favourite is Mr. Secrets on the right, but Mr. Hungover in front is pretty good, too.


Quotecheck out


maybe jim is friends with one of these guys?  They look like they rock pretty hard.
Hard as cooked spaghetti?
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Didn't you ever see the Simpsons where Homer became a missionary?  But instead of 'Jesus', he called The Man 'Jebus'.  

"Jebus!  Help me, Jebus!"

I know, I watch too much TV.  I always thought Jim was just chicken to say "Jesus" on a rock and roll record.  Same way he pronounces "mother" all weird in "One and the Same".

OOPS!  that should be "one in the same"  I guess it's obvious that's not my favorite song.


The more I look at those Jebus guys the scarier they get. My first thought, though, was I wonder what the hell the other photos looked like if they picked that one  :-/

(Mr Evil Eyes on the left is the spookiest.)


Okay.  I just wrote this big thing, this big analyzing thing, and I've decided that it's all speculative bullshit, and who gives a fuck anyhow.


We all rock to the music.  We all love the music.  We listen in our cars, or in our bedrooms, or we play it in peoples houses, or they play it for us in concert halls, or bars will play it when we're there having drinks.  We sing it in the shower, or we make tribute records, or we just lounge around thinking about it.  We all come here because it means something to us, whether it's plain old wicked ass rock, or emotional whatever, or spiritual whatever, whatever, what-ever.  Or everything.  

It doesn't matter what it means, the only thing that matters is that we love it.

And that Patrick's drum beats are superb (especially in Run Thru)
And that Jim writes beautiful songs and has a very hot guitar.
And that TTT makes the smooth bass licks that keep our hips moving.
And that Carl also plays very terrific riffs.  (oooh terrific riffs goes well together - say it in your mouth!)
And that Bo makes the sexcellent big and little sounds, and can rock.

And I apologize for my mean thoughts about Christian Rock Bands.  They are allowed to be just as much as anyone else is.  


Damn, I can't find the little rocker guys anywhere.  Crap it.


My post is in no way meant to make anybody feel bad about anything at all whatsoever.  I'm only getting mildly perturbed at myself for being overly analytical, because it's something that I hate when I do.

Everyone else can be exactly how they are, and should be so.

The End.
