Favorite recording/production on an album

Started by sweatboard, Jun 20, 2005, 10:41 PM

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I say "At Dawn" hands down.  I think when your on that low of a budget the creativty takes over.  The stuff Jim did on those first two full length albums is mindblowing.  It's as if the production on each song is as much a part of the song as the actual playing and writting, like each song was produced and recorded specifically for the benefit of that particular song.  There is a certain feel to those first two studio albums that will never be recreated by any band ever.  I like "It Still Moves" but it's just a little glossy in my oppinion and it feels more like each song was mixed and recorded to fit into the context of the sound of the album instead of being it's own little jem like on the first two.  TN Fire might have had lacked cohesiveness because the songs were recorded so differently but I think they struck the perfect middle ground with "At Dawn" each song was it's own but the album still has a nice cohesive quality.          
There's Still Time.........


All right.  I'm not trying to butter you up and make you feel all uncomfortable in front of everyone, but did you read my pm?  I'm serious.  You should do that.  Clearly you have a head for understanding, and a love for music.


Great post.  


If we are going by the album I would have to say to 'Chocolate and Ice' is my favorite effort so far.  That EP was just Jim playing with all the originality of Tennesse Fire but with the Recording equipment from the AT Dawn time period.  I agree with Sweatboard about It Still Moves as compared to the other recordings.  Perhaps that's why they decided to switch it up and record somewheres else this time.  My favorite recording of a song would probably be "Lowdown" from At Dawn.  I think this is a perfect recording that can just send you into a trance through its perfect musical composistion.  Listening to it in the car can be dangerous!
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I have to agree on At Dawn, the music is magical and timeless plus the songs flow so seamlessly. I was just talking to a friend last night about it...we were chatting and conincidently both of us had thrown on At Dawn. The point was brought up about skipping tracks on records and I said I have never skipped a track on this record and never could. It's brilliant and it's my fave MMJ...so far! Good post.
But seein you feels good, and its always understood.
That anything much sweeter would make me die.


This is a hard question for me. There are moments on ISM that are just so brilliant and beautiful (I will sing you songs and  Just one thing), but there are also moments when I wonder why the distortion wasn't cranked up a bit (the beginning of Dancefloors and the end of Mahgeeta). We've all heard how powerful the end of Mahgeeta is live, I just wonder why it was held back on the record. I'm sure there are reasons, but I catch myself leaning toward live versions of those songs.


QuoteThis is a hard question for me. There are moments on ISM that are just so brilliant and beautiful (I will sing you songs and ĂŠJust one thing), but there are also moments when I wonder why the distortion wasn't cranked up a bit (the beginning of Dancefloors and the end of Mahgeeta). We've all heard how powerful the end of Mahgeeta is live, I just wonder why it was held back on the record. I'm sure there are reasons, but I catch myself leaning toward live versions of those songs.

I guess a lot of times a song evolves over time.  Maybe Mahgeetah was where it was at the point when it was recorded, and then they found new stuff as they continued to play it live...


imo, it still moves was overly produced, thats why it's not one of my favs. it just doesn't flow for me like the first two records. i really hope that "z" will blow "ism" away.


as far as mahgeetah sounding different live, i think EC hit it on the head. As far as Mahgeetah and songs sounding better live, i find that most bands worth their salt sound better live than on record; its gotta be hard to recreate the adrenaline, the vibe, and cohesiveness that comes from a great live show.
But don't rail on ISM. That record is great and i think it flows just as well as At Dawn, its just not anywhere near as epic.  Its kinda like At Dawn was this huge build up,in terms of tone, vibe, etc.., and ISM was that release...porn star style.
well, at least that's what i think about it right now. Whatever i love all those albums, i feel like we're choosing a favorite child here. Makin me feel dirty. err......


oh no, I wasn't railing on ISM, I just think that those 2 particular songs could rock just a wee bit more like they do live. I also understand about it being tough to recreate that sort of thing in the studio.


I love how thick the drums are on At Dawn. It Still Moves has a much different presence on it. I very much agree about the guitars. It sounds like they distance miked them or didn't have them cranked loud enough. They sound extremely weak, which bothers me, because Dancefloors from last year's Bonnaroo kicked so much ass, and the reason i never dug that song was because the beginning little riff was too flacid. The whole album kind of lacks some serious balls in the guitar equalization side of things, which sort of sucks, because i love the music, but the production could use an overhaul.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


let me just say that i think the vibe and overall sound of the Acoustic EP is SO Flippin' Awesome!!!! this is why i hope they do another acoustic-ish EP or something....


i really dig the low-fi thing, Tenn. Fire is probably my favorite in that respect. it's such a gritty backwoods lonely album. I Will Be There When You Die is my favorite song by them and the beginning of that song is so amazing, it's just got this FEELING to it. you know what i mean.  you hear this zzzz like a bug zapper noise and shit is falling over in the background, and there's this light guitar over it, then comes jim's voice........