Z Album Tracklisting!

Started by ChiefCrowe, Jun 23, 2005, 11:57 PM

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Per Ms. EC...

QuoteThey did a complete album, live from the floor straight to vinyl.  And they paused in between each song.

I have recorded with musicians who are the "1 take wonders" that keep the first take no matter how it sounds. That's amazing to me. Guess I'm a bit more critcal of my own shit and well....ok, too many mistakes in the first run.

...and no, I agree with Daddy Johnny in that, we don't have assholes, just whole asses.(kidding..really)

I figure that with the group touring their ass off, that leaves little time for personal life, let alone spending serious time in the studio. After burning up the brain creating in a room, then you aren't going to be home for another 2 months because of being on the road? I'm damn proud of anything new that comes from the boys as well. Touring is hard work, hell look at Phish. Been there, done that, sold the t-shirts, I wanna play with my new puppy for a few months. Oh shit, he's a big dog now.

Another group hug?
Look into Western skies, your answer is over there.


neal is a lil' bitch.

cry a lil' more neal. new music sucks i KNOW.


Hell I'm sick of this stuff. I don't know this Neal or anything about him but he's entitled to post his opinion. Let's see if we can disagree without resorting to namecalling.


i think neal has a point. Just 10 new songs?  I want a fucking double albumn outta these guys...i know they can do it, i forsee it...Anyways i completely understand his anger, i want more more more more also.


10 songs is a good number. Hell, 10 songs is a great number. Check out some of your favorite albums, older albums, great albums and you will see that the tracklist floats very close to the number 10 (or 8 as someone already pointed out). Very old school, very classic rock choice on their part. Plus, the number also implies that the band has refined their music/songs by focusing on a smaller number of tunes. It's all about cohesiveness, also.

While i'm a little upset that all i get is 10 songs, i'm giddy to think that this could be the albumn that stirs a rocknroll community who THINKS they know how to rock, who thinks that rock stars are MADE with stylists and hairgell, forgetting that rock stars are BORN...on a stage.

the soapbox is now vacated...next.


Neal is alright with me. he is alot better than 'the Mollusk' for those who remember. He should be entitled to his opinion, good or bad. sometimes we need a devils advocate to look at things in a different light. this board would get boring if we all agreed on everything.

peanut butter puddin surprise

ah...is Neal the Mollusk in disguise?

it's one thing to have an opinion and express it.  it's another to debase others and generally be an asshole.  

telling people to "fuck off" and "suck my cock" and whatnot is what we were getting at before.  that's not an opinion, that's being an asshole.

Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Quoteah...is Neal the Mollusk in disguise?

it's one thing to have an opinion and express it.  it's another to debase others and generally be an asshole.  

telling people to "fuck off" and "suck my cock" and whatnot is what we were getting at before.  that's not an opinion, that's being an asshole.

Finally!  You've come around!  And realized that there is at least one asshole on this board!  Oh happy day! ;D ;D
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


But who's saying those things? I haven't read any comments like that. I don't know who this Neal is but he's certainly rattled a few cages. If you read back, the nastiness is directed at him at least as much as coming from him. I don't get it.


I don't get why you defend Neal to the bitter end!?!  He's an asshole!  And that's my opinion.  And I have as much of a right to say my opinion as you or Neal.  Every time that this Neal guy posts something, someone gets pissed at him and sinks to his level and then you and Conaway come along and tell us that we're out of line for sinking to his level.  Why's are Neal's rants protected and mine not?  That's what I don't get!
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


Quote Why's are Neal's rants protected and mine not?  That's what I don't get!

Oh but they're not - or they shouldn't be. I think people should say what they think, even if they hate the band. Of course they wouldn't be on the board long if they did. I just don't think he's said anything that offensive - nothing to match the reaction is all I'm saying. Everybody says daft things but generally people move on.

By the way, The Mollusk could be really funny at times.


Here is a link to a thread where Neal tells me to stop being a hippie and makes fun of me.  THen when I call him an asshole Conaway shares the rules of the forum (number 1 being, "No one here is an asshole"  And then you, doctorinthehouse quote me and tell me that my comments were not necessary.  Please do explain...
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


c'mon guys, relax. nobody's wrong, nobody's right. there's almost 1500 members on this board, we can't ALL like each other. that's a FACT (i wish i could insert a bill hicks soundbit here). neal's got as much right to post his opinion as the next guy. I don't remember him crossing any borders. i'm sure neal loves 95% of what mmj does, it's just that he mainly posts about that other 5%... his choice. besides, there's this thing called sarcasm, don't take everything too seriously.


a forum=

1.A public meeting place for open discussion.
2.A medium of open discussion or voicing of ideas

Now get a life!

QuoteHere is a link to a thread where Neal tells me to stop being a hippie and makes fun of me.  THen when I call him an asshole Conaway shares the rules of the forum (number 1 being, "No one here is an asshole"  And then you, doctorinthehouse quote me and tell me that my comments were not necessary.  Please do explain...


The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive