I Needed It Most

Started by Chills, Jul 30, 2005, 04:14 PM

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Lately, it has become some kind of ritual to put on this song after late (sometimes/mostly drunk)nights out.
When you stumble home, crash into bed and just crank this one up, it's magical. Love it more and more.

"Just someone to hold, that's what you give me..."


Yes...I understand....I feel that way about "I think I'm going to hell"...I put that song on late at night and get that same feeling.
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


Yeah, I have those two plus "I will be there when you die" for my sleep mix.  I'm usually out before I needed it most comes on though.


"i needed it most" is definitely on the sleep mix, as well as "steam engine." that's like my favorite song to listen to in the car after a long night.


steam engine may be the most perfect late night song (besides dondante but that freaks me out a bit in the forested roads of southern ohio in pure darkness).  i listened to it one night with a bright ass full moon that lit up the sky so much you didnt even need headlights, and it was so awe-incuding, im lucky to be here to tell about, either floating away in spiritual bliss or smashing in to a tree from loss of driving concentration.  i guess if i were pure enough, smashing in to a tree after listening to it could have produced the same result.  


You be careful there, sir.  :)

(Are you an exterminator?)


they dont call me dangerous dave for nothing, but yes im quite careful with a few moments here and there to keep things interesting.  if youre asking about the exterminator bizz because of the wasp/hornets, sorry but theyd kill me.  bees make me swell like a balloon.  


Nope, not for the wasps.  Just wondering if you spray a lot of rats.  ;)


QuoteNope, not for the wasps.  Just wondering if you spray a lot of rats.  ;)

Or maybe he prays a lot for rats  ;)


QuoteNope, not for the wasps.  Just wondering if you spray a lot of rats.  ;)

ah for me, that would make too much sense.  its actually the title of a soft boys' song, one of my favourite bands.  im sure this is a huge disappointment to everyone, except the rats rejoice im not spraying them.   ;)


QuoteOr maybe he prays a lot for rats ;)
Good one!!

I saw a rat get run over by a car the other day.  It was HUGE.  Apparently Toronto is having a really big rat problem right now.  Weird.

Anyhow, I Needed it Most is a wonderful song.  Not about rats or spraying at all.  

Well, I don't know, it might be.  But it doesn't seem like it.


What would you spray for rats? I thought you either fed them poison or catch them on a glueboard trap.Didn't know there was a "rat spray".
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


hmmm perhaps you're right.  Don't exterminators come in and spray things, though?  Create little chemical clouds in your home that kill pests?