what if Z propells MMJ into the stratosphere?

Started by wellfleet, Aug 26, 2005, 05:05 PM

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anyone here ever consider that Z might just make MMJ the new IT band of the moment? what if the elizabethtown OST becomes the new garden state OST? what if all the world realizes that MMJ is da shit? i'm just wondering how everyone feels about seeing MMJ doing a spot on the OC? will their impending massive poplarity be a good thing or a non-good thing? discuss!
everything sucks. really.


This is a tough one. When I was younger, I hated when bands I liked got popular!
It's all about a happy medium I guess.
Sure, you would rather see your fav band at a smaller venue & you don't want to have to pay lots of $$$ for a ticket but you also want to wish the band happiness, success & lots cash!
The way I see it if the band gets big this reduces the chance of them ever spliting up & that's definitely a good thing!!!
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


let me just tell you.. i've heard the promo.. and the production is genious.. brilliant.. almost like my stereo took a life of it's own when i put the cd in.. i was driving through a rainstorm and "dondante" was playing.. and as the pace of the song picked up.. so did the rain.. and then when the total meltdown occurred in the song.. it was like the rain was out of control but not even out of place in the least bit.. and then the strangest thing ever happened.. when the saxophone played at the end and the pace slowed back down and faded out.. so did the rain.. i'm not lying about this at all.. the cd player stopped (as this was the last song on the album) and i just drove in silence for what had to be 10 or so minutes and it felt like i was sitting beside myself in amazement.

this cd might take a bit for some people to digest.. and to me that's always a good sign.. but beware.. this cd will swallow you whole and have you walking around in a ball and chain for it.

it's THAT good.

no description i could conjure up would do it justice.. not even close.

but Z has propelled them into the statosphere for me at least.. at the speed of light


I am convinced that My Morning Jacket controls the rain.  I think the rain really likes them.  Electric Energy.

That sounds weird, but I swear that it was the road trip that convinced me.  They brought storms everywhere they went.


QuoteI am convinced that My Morning Jacket controls the rain.  I think the rain really likes them.  Electric Energy.

That sounds weird, but I swear that it was the road trip that convinced me.  They brought storms everywhere they went.

I am too...both times I have seen them it has rained before the show ended.And one day I had Steam Engine on and there wasn't a cloud in the sky...it was pouring before the song ended.
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


Start Playing My Morning Jacket and even God gets emotional.
There's Still Time.........


QuoteStart Playing My Morning Jacket and even God gets emotional.

heaven is just gonna be one long mmj song


I would have shared feelings for that scenario. It would be great as it would make it a lot easier for me to see MMJ live, but then again its nice to be such a huge fan of a band most people here in Norway haven't even heard of.


QuoteI would have shared feelings for that scenario. It would be great as it would make it a lot easier for me to see MMJ live, but then again its nice to be such a huge fan of a band most people here in Norway haven't even heard of.

Yeah, i love that feeling of being the only one that listens to a band.  Kinda like me liking u2 in the south...i don't think anyone else listens to them down here; well not from my age group anyway. :)