I will be there when you die

Started by sweetdream, Aug 27, 2005, 02:04 PM

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Just want to say that I really love that song!   :-* The lyrics are great... But the recording is quite lousy, at least the version I've got. Is it suposed to be like that??  ???


What version are you listening to,a live version or the studio from Tennessee Fire?
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


I guess studio-version... actually it doesn't say  :-[


Well...assuming it's the studio version,there have been many comments made here and elswhere about the low budget recording of TTF.I like the sound and feel to the album.
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


Well, I don't disslike it, it's kind of cute, but at the same time it would be nice with a "real" version...does that exist?


I think you're listening to the "real" version.  That's the way it was made.  

I also love it.  The way it is.  :)


yeah, well I mean real as in real studio-version. if you know what I mean? But anyway, the recording, as well as the text, makes it very special and nice:) That's one of my favorite songs by MMJ... :D


Quoteyeah, well I mean real as in real studio-version. if you know what I mean? But anyway, the recording, as well as the text, makes it very special and nice:) That's one of my favorite songs by MMJ... :D
I think I know whatcha mean... :)  But I think that they did what they could with what they had available to them for The Tennesee Fire, and I don't know that they used a studio, I think they made their own above a barn.  Oh, and maybe another place for a song or two.  Other people on this board know more than I do.

Sometimes a studio isn't the best place to make a song happen...  

Anyhow, yeah, it's a great song, hey?  


The version on the Elizabethtown Limited EP is superb.  It's not a studio version but the sound quality is top notch.  My favorite version ever is the one from the 'This is Not America' documentary from the parking garage at the end of the film.  I also enjoy the 'Tennesee Fire' but I understand that some people have no patience for lo-fi recordings.  

This song has a special place in my heart because my wife and I sang it at our wedding reception.
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


QuoteThis song has a special place in my heart because my wife and I sang it at our wedding reception.
You did?!  That's lovely!!

(Do I remember you telling that story some time ago...?  Was it kind of a sad thing that ended up working out really well?)


QuoteThe version on the Elizabethtown Limited EP is superb.  It's not a studio version but the sound quality is top notch.  My favorite version ever is the one from the 'This is Not America' documentary from the parking garage at the end of the film.  I also enjoy the 'Tennesee Fire' but I understand that some people have no patience for lo-fi recordings.  

This song has a special place in my heart because my wife and I sang it at our wedding reception.

how cute:D


I don't think I posted anything about it.  But if I did I would have logged on as a guest at that point.  I think I sent a copy of the performance to Olwiggum for the first tribute album but I never heard from him about it.  Or maybe I sent it to you, EC, I'm not sure.  I hope I'm not giving away my identity here!  But we did the sunrides intro part and it went really well, made a lot of my relatives cry.
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


QuoteThe version on the Elizabethtown Limited EP is superb.  It's not a studio version but the sound quality is top notch.  My favorite version ever is the one from the 'This is Not America' documentary from the parking garage at the end of the film.  I also enjoy the 'Tennesee Fire' but I understand that some people have no patience for lo-fi recordings.  

This song has a special place in my heart because my wife and I sang it at our wedding reception.

I've only seen "I Think I'm Going To Hell" did he do "I Will Be There When You Die" as well?
There's Still Time.........


I certainly never got it!!  And I don't remember 'wiggum ever mentioning it, so I doubt he did...

I would love to hear that, though.  Maybe I'll send you a pm?

I must be thinking of somebody else's story...

(Do you have a secret identity or something?  Are you a superhero?)


Sweatboard, yes he does "I Will Be There When You Die' as well as a solo acoustic version of 'Rocketman'.  The version of 'I Will Be There When You Die' is particularly awesome.  It is filmed in an empty parking garage with tons of natural reverb.  The camera slows moves further and further away from Jim as he sings the sing and the reverb deepens as the song progresses.  It's beautiful scene for which words cannot do justice.  

EC, I just want to stay anonymous because I know a lot of people in and around the band, which I'm sure many other people on this forum do.  The thing is the one person I'm friends with is particularly weary of people who are fans rather than friends.  So I am trying to be both friend and fan.  Does that make any sense?  I'm trying to be vague on purpose.  But I promise I'm not hiding any superpowers!
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


I understand completely, aMD.  :)


QuoteSweatboard, yes he does "I Will Be There When You Die' as well as a solo acoustic version of 'Rocketman'.  The version of 'I Will Be There When You Die' is particularly awesome.  It is filmed in an empty parking garage with tons of natural reverb.  The camera slows moves further and further away from Jim as he sings the sing and the reverb deepens as the song progresses.  It's beautiful scene for which words cannot do justice.  

EC, I just want to stay anonymous because I know a lot of people in and around the band, which I'm sure many other people on this forum do.  The thing is the one person I'm friends with is particularly weary of people who are fans rather than friends.  So I am trying to be both friend and fan.  Does that make any sense?  I'm trying to be vague on purpose.  But I promise I'm not hiding any superpowers!

Knowing people in the band :o? I think you just became my hero;)  ;D


AMD, I never got that track. I used all of the ones that I got.

Did you send it in the mail? Most of the songs for the first CD were sent via the Postal Service. It may have been lost somewhere along the way.


I think I sent you a mp3 in an email.  It's no biggy though, maybe I'll submit it or something else for round three. :)
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive



Yeah, let's definitely use it next time.

I hate that I missed it the first time around.