revised $.02 on Z (or maybe $.03)

Started by Danko71, Sep 16, 2005, 08:26 AM

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Okay, so it got me.
After the third or fourth intensive listen I can say that I like it. It takes some effort to get into, much more than anything else they've done, but it's definitely a 'whole is great than the sum of its parts' record. I still don't like some of the sounds, but the overall result is very original and satisfying. And there are a couple tunes that don't impress me, and a couple parts that remind me of their other songs, but it's a unique piece of work.
I can see them getting some bad reviews for this one, maybe more than they have heretofore...but I can see just as many apeshit reviews claiming it to be an unqualified, top 10 of the year masterpiece.


QuoteOkay, so it got me.
After the third or fourth intensive listen I can say that I like it.  

I had a feeling that might happen. None of the few (very short) snatches I've heard have 'grabbed' me like some of the other stuff. But I'm confident that when it does grab me it won't let go  :D


dannko, how are you able to listen to Z when it won't be released for another 3 weeks? ???


Quotedannko, how are you able to listen to Z when it won't be released for another 3 weeks? ???

ever heard of file sharing? ;)


Easy: friend of a friend found it online and burned it for me. Or I burned a copy myself. I'm not gonna get into that whole debate, but I'll just say that I'm liking what I'm hearing more and more. I consider myself a very serious music fan and active listener, so when I acquire things like this I don't feel guilty at all. I've supported the band for years and will continue to do so, in financial ways as well as word of mouth PR. I respect the decision to hold off, but if it's out there, why not? But that doesn't have anything to do with the music.


Not really needing to debate the idea of taking money out of My Morning Jackets' pockets. Many will download for free and never pay a dime or ever pay to see the band. I will re-post what Bob Mould said when his unreleased music found the internet before release date:

I totally understand the temptation to download tracks. The part that worries me, and I think it's justified, is that people will forget to pay. Let me draw a distinction between "the real Bob fans" and "the people who gather and trade music freely, without concern for the artists' livelihoods".
One of the sites which had the record neatly compressed for instant gratification is maintained by someone who is clearly a big fan. A fan who got caught up in the excitement, enjoyed the record, and wanted to share the forbidden (or not quite ready to eat) fruit. Understandable. the disconnect comes with making it so easily available. Let's say 20 people downloaded it during its' last day on the site. If all of them liked it, and told a few friends, and it continued on like that for the next NINE weeks, we can all guess how many people would have the full album. How many of these people do we think would pay for an official release on July 26? Hard to say, but as the music spreads away from the "real Bob fans" (and how do we make the distinction?), the odds become less and less that I will see any money for my work.
I think there's a great difference between sharing something directly with someone in a discreet manner, and making it available to everyone everywhere. It's the difference between tape trading (which it what everyone likens file sharing to) and wholesale distribution (think iTunes with less promotion and no fee required). I hope the analogy makes sense to some of you.
Here's a thought: if you absolutely HAVE TO HAVE the album before street date, do me (and the record company) a favor: as you're waiting for the files to download, head over to the Yep Roc site, and pre-order whichever configuration you prefer. I'll be happy, you'll sleep better at night, and maybe the record company will make enough money to put out another Bob record next year. Oh - there's vinyl coming as well.
I'm happy people are as excited about the record as I was when I finished it. Just don't be taking food off my table, OK? I work hard, and would like to be rewarded, same as all of you who go to work every day. I wish my life was so glamourous that I need not worry about paying bills, buying health insurance, or stashing a few bucks away for my retirement. Truth is: I work hard, and I expect to be paid for what I have to offer. Try to do the right thing, whatever that is these days.


Good quotes, and I totally understand. I can personally plead non-guilty at least as far as not posting anything or sharing anything online, mainly because I don't know how. All I do is burn CDs and trade with friends, most of whom are big music fans and will spend money to support the artist in some way, if not buying the actual CD in question.
I look at it like this: if were in MMJ's position or Bob Mould's, I'd be happy that the music was being heard, period. A guy like Bob Mould surely works hard, but as a fringe artist, he can't expect to make a ton of money. Business will probably pick up for MMJ in a big way in the next six months, and I'm sure they'll be doing okay financially; not exactly swimming in money, but paying the bills and living a decent life. If that's not enough, then maybe they should get part time jobs or something. I just don't think working musicians can expect to make a shitload of money, unless they have a hit record on the radio or platinum selling album; that's when the real money starts pouring in.
Look at it this way: what if nobody wanted to hear your music? Struggling musicians would be overjoyed to have people sharing their files.


QuoteI look at it like this: if were in MMJ's position or Bob Mould's, I'd be happy that the music was being heard, period.
Listen, first of all My Morning Jacket are hardly struggling.  Not in the sense that you mean.  I'm sure they're really stoked when people like their music, but it's not like they're like "Oh wow, people are listening to us!  That's never happened before!  They like us enough to share our music!"

QuoteIf that's not enough, then maybe they should get part time jobs or something. I just don't think working musicians can expect to make a shitload of money, unless they have a hit record on the radio or platinum selling album; that's when the real money starts pouring in.
First of all, let's remember that the band has not really said anything about any of this, if I'm remembering right, so let's not put any words in their mouths.  
And if your argument is that they shouldn't expect to make money as musicians anyways, therefore it's okay to download music, then that's kind of a lame argument.



they're sure as hell ain't makin money on albums sales.
ISM=127,000 units sold....ouch!


Danko, your comments made me laugh. I'll stick with Bob Mould's take, someone who has been putting out music for over 20 years, with 3 different bands.

The bottom line is, you're NOT in Bob Mould's or MMJ's shoes. And it's interesting how you're NOT in Bob Mould's shoes, however, you have an idea of how HE should FEEL about someone downloading HIS music for FREE. I can guarnatee you he's put countless more hours into how he FEELS about someone downloading HIS songs for FREE as opposed to your FEELINGS about how HE "should" FEEL about someone downloading HIS music for FREE.

Good grief man, you're a treat.


The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


QuoteHere we go again. :-/

Maybe you should insert a fun story about Neil Young in here....  That would be wicked.

Like what excatly WAS the relationship with Joni Mitchell?  Did they do it?  I used to date a guy who was adopted, and I always thought he was the secret love child of the two of them...  


Seriously, I respect your opinions, however rude and childish they may be, but I just have a different take on it.
In the end, this is just a sign of the times, something that artists will have to deal with, fair or not. I know I'll personally 'do the right thing', and I do feel for guys like BM who bust their ass and don't see as much reward as maybe they should. I want them to get what's coming to them as much as anyone.
I would just trying to put a positive spin on it by realizing that in the end, you're gonna get new fans. Not as much money, but the long term gain is there. You can look at it that way, or drive yourself crazy trying to stop it.


Danko states: "Seriously, I respect your opinions, however rude and childish they may be, but I just have a different take on it."

And I am comfortable with leaving it right there.  


And there it will stay.
How does it feel? How's the view from way up on the mountain top, looking down on the rest of us? HELLO UP THERE! I only wish that I had the fine upstanding morals and quality of character of the self-appointed, righteous MMJ fan police.
Maybe someday I'll earn the right to defend their honor, just like most of you, but (sigh) I fear it may not be meant to be. I simply don't have what it takes to be a member of this fine club.
p.s. I didn't start this shit. I was talking about the music.



Maybe you should insert a fun story about Neil Young in here....  That would be wicked.

Like what excatly WAS the relationship with Joni Mitchell?  Did they do it?  I used to date a guy who was adopted, and I always thought he was the secret love child of the two of them...  

Hmmmmm....I know Neil had a crush on her...hence the song "Sweet Joni" but it would be hard to find out if they actually did it.I doubt Neil has any lost children,he seems to love kids.I was watching the Last Waltz DVD the other night and noticed that the Neil song "Helpless" when Joni joins in on vocals she is not onstage and wondered if she was even there...maybe her scene and vocals were added after the fact.What a great movie that is.
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need



Hmmmmm....I know Neil had a crush on her...hence the song "Sweet Joni" but it would be hard to find out if they actually did it.I doubt Neil has any lost children,he seems to love kids.I was watching the Last Waltz DVD the other night and noticed that the Neil song "Helpless" when Joni joins in on vocals she is not onstage and wondered if she was even there...maybe her scene and vocals were added after the fact.What a great movie that is.

I think the look on Danko's face when they do 'Coyote' is pretty funny. Basically all the guys were checking her out.


On the Last Waltz video tape Joni Mitchell is off stage wailing away and this is captured on the original video tape version.  This is the version I am familiar with, not the DVD.



Hmmmmm....I know Neil had a crush on her...hence the song "Sweet Joni" but it would be hard to find out if they actually did it.I doubt Neil has any lost children,he seems to love kids.I was watching the Last Waltz DVD the other night and noticed that the Neil song "Helpless" when Joni joins in on vocals she is not onstage and wondered if she was even there...maybe her scene and vocals were added after the fact.What a great movie that is.

I think Joni was there because she's back for the encore "I Shall Be Released".  I thought having her sing from backstage was for theatrical effect since "Helpless" is a song of longing and she always chimes in after "Baaabbyy, sing with me somehow".  I can't remember for sure but doesn't Neil have his arm around her during "I Shall Be Released".
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


I should clarify.....I know Joni was there for the concert,I was just wondering if she was backstage at the time Neil was on.
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need