5* Review - France

Started by admin, Oct 20, 2005, 08:08 AM

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Disc of the month and 5 stars (incontournable) in French magazine 'Rock & Folk'


My Morning Jacket - "Z"

babel came up with this:

"The Tennessee Fire", in 1999, and "At Dawn", in 2001, left on a tiny Californian label, the first signals d'alerte had constituted. A traversed music of haunted blazes, halfway d'un folk lunar and rock'n'roll of great spaces, a voice wrapped in the reverb, melancholic person but sovereign, and of the melodies to split l'âme. "It Stills Moves", left on a major in 2003, revealed with an audience already larger the masterliness and ḻoriginality with which the group of Louisville, Kentucky, had assimilated l'histoire American rock'n'roll. Much more electric but always anchored in the compost and the perfumes of Mid-West, l'album posted 75 minutes of riffs bucolic and éthérés refrains. Shining, but too long to claim with the chief-d'œuvre whom the group seemed to carry in him. Produced by John Leckie (Pink Floyd, Radiohead), recorded in Catskill Mountains which sheltered the historical meetings of Bob Dylan and Band, "Z" is this album. Delivered d'influences jusqu'alors a little too clear (Neil Young, a glassful of rock'n'roll of the South, a pinch of country, a peel d'americana coated with psychedelism), My Morning Jacket evolves/moves from now on in a dimension which is clean for him. Its inventiveness allows Jim James, single type-setter of the group, to transgress any classicism and to d'établir, with the wire sound d'aventures identically touched by the grace, a universe with the coherence sitting on an extraordinary melody direction. "Wordless Chorus" s'ouvre by a pulsation magnet which seems to float in l'espace, then is solved in a fairy-like refrain decorated with pizzicatos hawaïens. "It Beats For You" and "Gideon" compete with Radiohead on its own ground at the same time qu'ils return Coldplay in playground. "What A Wonderful Man" sound as of Beach Boys garage and revanchist. Opened by a riff near to the topic of the series "Hawaï Five-0", "Off The Record" continues with a merry reggae which will lead to one coded in weightlessness. "Into The Woods" offer l'une these tearing melodies that James seems to produce while sleeping, waltz carried by a choral society in the stars. "Anytime" and "Lay Low" are grooves with the luxuriant guitars, testimony d'un heritage Southerner. "Knot Comes Loose", a diaphanous, frail ballade like a flight d'oiseau in winter. The best remainder to come. A constant sepulchral murmur d'une single battery, some agreements of guitar which s'égrènent, a short solo which carries its cross, suddenly torn by agreements and a song with the beauty relentless — l'ultime piece of l'album, "Dondante", written for a missing friend, holds of traditional instantaneous. He emanates from "Z" a phantasmagoric spirituality which comes for much the enthusiasm contained in the voice Jim James. Of l'exaltation sublimates its pains. Originating d'un godforsaken hole, equipped in spite with the good direction, having grown with l'écart of any cynicism and any passion for next the revival, the members of My Morning Jacket claim to make believe that the plains of Kentucky are located in orbit of the Milky Way. They are hardly in the second slope of the score qu'on is already convinced by it. Tomorrow belongs to them.



Tres bien! I love how these translations are coming out.
Like the last line.


QuoteTres bien!

LOL!!!  ;D

God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir, JIM?  :o .....and every night after.
"demon eyes are watchin' everywhere"


That is beautiful ::)

I wish I had the talent and insight to write like that [smiley=mrgreen.gif]

It encapsulates the way I feel about Jim's music. :'(