What's a Wood Buring Stream?

Started by George_Savage, Nov 15, 2005, 11:27 PM

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Counting down to the Dallas show, less than 72 hours now! And I am frantically trying to finish my latest MMJ 'novella', as
Cat called the first one, from '02.   I basically just write a bunch of BS about my experiences, travels to see them live,
and what their music has meant and continues to mean to me.   I was told by a friend who hates "Into the Woods" that someone here called it a "gallant failure" or the like.   Am I the only one who absolutely loves the song!?   Surely not, there are thousands of fanatics now!     I hear complaints about the opening lines, the circus-sounding organ, and other stuff.   To me it's just more genius from Jim and the boys.  When I rated the album last week, it came in #3 - although I will admit that it'll differ the next time I rate it.  I mean, there's not a bad song on the album.    
        When I first heard it I thought he sang "where a wood
burning stove", not a "wood buring stream".   I have looked at
dictionary.com and I'm trying to figure out what he meant by
'wood buring stream' - any ideas about this?    Is Jim just being coy again?  Maybe he just liked the way it sounded?
Is anyone collecting these shows?   Other than the SF show
have there been any unusual songs/rarities that they've torn up?  
         Anyway, we're trying to get our gifts together for Friday.
My "art director" and compadre Brad "Sitter" Tarrant aka
Oceandriverecordings has conducted a series of interviews
as Hal 9000 the Hard Liquor Robot in another quest to amuse MMJ, or at least them finally get those restraining orders filed with the county of my residence so that I will just
freakin' leave them alone.  He has an idea for a T-shirt that
involves an ox.  Hal was fascinated with the 'ox' during the
interviews.  I am slightly sad to see that "oxen" is removed from the title of How Could I Know on that CD single/EP of
Off the Record.    Anyway, peace to all you beautiful creatures, back to the wood buring stream, I mean the
ridiculosity that I call a novella!

Low Dog
np: Lay Low (brilliance throughout)


Are we allowed to read your novella, Mr. Savage?  

That's so weird.  I have always thought it was "wood burning stream".   But there's no "n" in the little Z booklet, and no "n" in the lyrics here on the site, either.

Weeeeeiiiiird.  It made sense (you know,  heh, mostly) as burning.  Cuz if you've got this a wood burning stream flowing through the trees, it's like it's really hot and eating you from the inside out.  

Anyhow, now I have no idea.  Maybe that's better.  ;)

(Seriously though, do you let people read yer stuff?  :))


Didn't care too much for the song when I 1st heard it...now it's my fav song on the album.....the wood buring stream line is great but I have no idea what it's about...my guess would be Jim changed it so it would keep us guessing.

There were quite a few bad reviews of that song when the album came out.....now all I hear is praise for the song.
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


CC zzzz wrote:

Seriously though, do you let people read yer stuff?
       I never have posted the entire "book" because there
wasn't room and I didn't know how to condense it.   Corey told me last month that he could probably create a link or put it up somewhere.   In the past it's just gone to the band.
The other thing is that there will inevitably be misspelled
words and incorrect usage and that's embarassing but I would probably live through it!   And a lot of it's just quotes
and observations I've heard/stolen (as he war begun) from
others.   Y'all would probably relate to my unbridled MMJ
enthusiasm, though.   When I get it finished I will holler at
Corey and we'll put it up if it's possible.   Thanks for your

Low Dog


Well that would be very cool.  Nobody would EVER care about a spelling mistake.  As. if.


hard helmet

I agree.  I was a little sketchy on this song when I got the album, but as I said in response to the person that did indeed call it a "failure," if you just give it a chance, it will really grow on you.....great song.


haha, speaking of spelling mistakes. i'm willing to bet that "buring" is one. because there is nothing close to bure or buring or anything that is a word.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Do an internet search for "wood buring" and the phrase comes up on different sites......apparently it's not a spelling mistake.
"demon eyes are watchin' everywhere"


QuoteDo an internet search for "wood buring" and the phrase comes up on different sites......apparently it's not a spelling mistake.
heh.  Check around in those sites, though.  ;)


"demon eyes are watchin' everywhere"


and these people obviously missed a key. it comes up on forums in discussions of wood burning stoves, and is nestled inside sites that mention wood burning stoves. i'm willing to bet they just screwed up and left out the from the booklet
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


I think it means whatever you want it to mean.  It's all subjective.

(sorry, I just couldn't resist!)
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The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.