Z Review by a friend

Started by LaurieBlue, Dec 03, 2005, 08:54 PM

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A good friend of mine wrote this review for local zine "Amps 11"


My Morning Jacket : "Z"
By: G. T. R. Levin

Most people would agree that art and commerce don't mix. The commerce/business side is looking to make a lot of money, focusing exclusively on the bottom line, and the artist is trying to make a statement. The problem is trying to fit the sometimes obtuse statement into a marketable product. More often than not, this tug of war leads great bands to make a lousy record, but every now and again lightning strikes. So is the case with My Morning Jacket's latest effort, "Z". Simply put, this record is a near-perfect example of commercially viable art.

This kind of result rarely occurs without a shake-up. For My Morning Jacket, a change of personnel on keyboards and guitars (adding Bo Koster and Carl Broemel respectively), recording away from their native Louisville, KY, and using a veteran producer proved to be the ideal mix. Producer John Leckie, whose credits include The Stone Roses, The Verve, and Radiohead, has his hands all over this recording, honing in on the band's strengths. My Morning Jacket has made some fabulous records in the past, but "Z" is more focused. The songwriting is brought to the forefront, the reverb knob is turned down considerably, and keyboards are used far more prominently. The resulting "Z" sounds as though Neil Young collaborated with Mercury Rev recording songs written by Galaxie 500 and The Replacements. The songs are melodic and run the gamut of genres, from the ska-sounding "Off The Record" through the straight-ahead rock'n'roll of "Anytime" and to the dramatic finale, "Dondante", which includes a smoky sax solo. "Z" is nothing if not artistic, but under John Leckie's tutelage My Morning Jacket may achieve the ultimate, respect from music aficionados AND the masses.
-- www.mymorningjacket.com