Started by Bermuda_Hitchhiker, Mar 06, 2006, 09:08 PM

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Is Into The Woods growing on anyone else?  I am starting to really feel this song.  Listen to it again and just close your eyes and focus on Jim's vocals.  Maybe I am just slow but this particular song didn't stand out the first few times I went thru Z.

Also, on a seperate topic, has anyone ever heard One In The Same live?  Or even heard of it being played live?
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


One in the same closed quite a bit of sets on the It Still Moves tour but it hasn't really been played since.  

Into The Woods is the kind of song that is so different it takes a while to process.  But, when it hits you it knocks you back real hard.  That chorus part at the end is INTENSE!!!! and the instrumentation Bo and Carl contribute is some of the best stuff on the record.  It's the center piece of Z and it works perfectly there.  
There's Still Time.........


I don't post much, but I wanted  to comment on this.  I keep reading on here how Into the Woods took a while to grow on people.  Which is cool - we're all different.

What I think is weird is that was the most instantly catchy song for me on the first listen.  I liked ALL of them upon first listen (which is my sign of a good album!), but Into the Woods seemed the least unusual out of all of them and the easiest to grab onto on the first litsen.

  I'm not entirely sure why.  Maybe because it's a simple rhythm (waltz-like beat)??  Also maybe because it's closer to other music I listen to (but also more different from other MMJ songs, which could explain other people's thoughts on the song).

Anyways, just wanted to throw some contradiction in the discussion.

Is it the music itself you didn't latch onto at first (or the style of the song)? or the meaning/lyrics?  


i know for me personally, it was probably the hardest for me to get in to originally besides Anytime.  the drums kicking in always threw me because they didnt seem to fit, but after a few listens i realised the power of the choir, and i fucking loved it.  


I think for me it was just that the music was so different.  It's a really Wierd song a really great wierd song but still pretty wierd and haunting.  I think they pushed the envelope on many songs on the new record but none so much as Into The Woods.  It's not really Guitar Driven like most of the music, Wordless wasn't either but Wordless was so groovy it was easy to get into immediatly.  At any rate I hope they continue to push it because Into The Woods has grown to be one of my favorite songs on the record.  When I'm listening to the record straight through I tend to reach a state of euphoria about the time the Choir chimes in and there is so much going on instrumentaly and the lyrics are so perfect.  Like I said it's the perfect center piece to the album.  
There's Still Time.........


Excellent.  Thanks for the responses.  I think it was the circus sounding keyboard that threw me off at first.  I couldn't help but picture Jim juggling on a unicycle.

Sweatboard makes a good point that it is a perfect centerpiece.  Fo those that were already MMJ fans, listening to Z for the first time was such a new experience that it took awhile to register how good it really is and Into The Woods is a perfect example.

Glad to hear they used to do One In the Same, I will have to keep searching the archives for it.
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


This is the 2nd song on "Z" that reminds me of the guys stating The Who as one of their influences.  "Into The Woods" TOTALLY reminds me of "Tommy's Holiday Camp" off "Tommy" from the aspect of its creepy keyboard/calliope feel and the black aspect of the lyrics.  The other song, of course, being "Wonderful Man" with its way Mod groove.
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Yeah, Into the Woods, amazing song. The pedal steel midway through sounds like something from 2001 A Space Odyssey.  :o


Quotethere is so much going on instrumentaly and the lyrics are so perfect.  Like I said it's the perfect center piece to the album.  

Yeah, for me it's really the centerpiece too.  It's cool because it's almost like the culmination of all the creativity and experimentation...and of course it is in the center of the album :o  

It also grew on me the most and I really love it now.  The chorus at the end is so incredible...

And hey, does anyone else hear "Please, please, please, let me get what I want," by the Smiths on this song.  Actually whenever I listen to "please," by the Smiths I always hear this song by MMJ.  Is that weird?  Has it happened to anyone else???  Well, if you're a fan of the smiths listen to that song and towards the end you might just hear into the woods....


By the way, yes, I have heard Jim doing 'One in the same' live once.
I'm ready when you are

Mr. T.

QuoteBy the way, yes, I have heard Jim doing 'One in the same' live once.

Was that in Tilburg in 2003? I heard it there and it was SO beautiful...

Oh yeah: Into the woods is a nasty little song. very strong lyrics.  A centerpiece indeed
We are young despite the years,
we are concern,
we are hope despite the times


QuoteBy the way, yes, I have heard Jim doing 'One in the same' live once.

Where was it?

Was it magical?
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


Yes, it was in 2003 in Tilburg and Amsterdam, two gigs from the ISM tour. It made a better impression on me live than on the album. Beautiful, indeed. However, in Amsterdam he played 'I will be there' and 'Nashville to Kentucky' first and well, you just can't beat those songs, so 'One in the same' was more of a cool-down moment. Still, it was great.
I'm ready when you are


into the woods is in my top3 of Z...with lay low and knot comes loose