Steam Engine vs. Don Dante

Started by johnconaway, Jul 14, 2006, 11:08 AM

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QuoteIn there original versions, the two songs serve completely different purposes. Steam Engine majestically soars, and lets itself down gently, washing over you like a cool mist.
(Old) Dondante strikes the fear of God in your heart, builds up tension like nothing in music ever has, and when it releases it ("you had me worried"), it hits you full in the face like a tidal wave, continues the onslaught for several minutes, and leaves you looking at the wreckage as the sax kicks in.
The reason that new dondante doesn't pack the punch that old dondante does is that the (admittedly spectacular and gorgeous) majestic portions break up the building of the tension. In addition, the chords to old dondante's verse are C minor/G. New dondante is C minor/Bb7, a significantly less jarring pair.
I prefer dondante, because of the power it has, the sheer terror and awe it induces. I have never, and possibly will never again, seen anything like Jim James building that tension and then putting all of his being into its release. It was one of the most overwhelming, amazing experiences of my life--it was a PHYSICAL experience. People have have seen that version, and in particular been close to the stage, will know what i'm talking about. Steam Engine is blissful and gorgeous, and i absolutely love it. But i have never, in the many shows i've been to and all of the music i;ve listened to, heard or seen anything like Dondante. It is, so far, the crowning achievement of the Jacket.

I know exactly what your talking about when I watch the ASL version of Dondante.  I love the part when Jim has his eyes closed and he is fighting the urge to carress the neck of his guitar.  However, I do see that same honest, gut wrenching emotion in the acoustic Rolling Stone Steam Engine.

Speaking of, has anyone ever captured the audio of this version or the AOL version for that matter.  I don't think I have a solo steam engine on CD and I need it badly.  The moment I saw the RS Steam Engine was the moment I went from fan to obsessive.  I would love to be able to listen to this away from my computer.
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


"I have never, and possibly will never again, seen anything like Jim James building that tension and then putting all of his being into its release."

AMEN!!!!!!  Watching him play that song/solo is truly something to behold.  Higher powers are being channeled through Jim's guitar there is really no other explination.  
There's Still Time.........


Steam Engine from the studio.

Don Dante live.

But Steam Engine wins overall.