Lyric Interpretations

Started by zyx987, Sep 04, 2006, 04:29 PM

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OK, so I thought about this for a while yesterday, and I think that Gideon is about the intersection of religion and politics... and the damage that does.

Religion should appeal to the hearts of the young. Religion should be the window through which people can choose to view their worlds... Religion is something that the "young" (both in age and at heart) use to explain this crazy, fucked up world, something that appeals to the most fundamental facets of what some would call our respective "souls."

But what do we have today? Religion is used to justify war, hatred, and injustice. The U.S. has been brought to its knees by this moral dichtotomy. You're either "for us" or "against us;" you know?

America has become hated and feared for a war that most of us don't want, that most of us believe is wrong. A lot of conservative politics today tie religion and fear together as a way to stop us from asking questions. We're made to believe that we're infallible because God's on "our side." Therefore, to speak out or raise questions about the administration or about the war would be to defy God himself.

To sum up my ramblings, I guess I'm just trying to say that, to me, Gideon encompasses these ideas and feelings. I'm not attempting to stir up a major political debate here, simply wanting to express what this song means to me.


although Jim has been constantly critisized for being 'over lyrical' to the point of not making much sense to the lay person and pissing of critics...not a critisizm at all, i love his writing, but im sure all the hardcore fans here have seen him accused of that a time or two since at dawn ...all i can do is give you the best example of his genius.,...

sometimes you count the days
by the bottles that you drink
sometimes you sit alone
and all's you do is think
i'm a cowboy...

oh wait...sorry
anger is a gift