What's your favorite MMJ lyric?

Started by suebeeboo, Sep 30, 2006, 11:05 AM

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Mr. T.


Come on, we all you that you think that THESE are actually the best lines ever...

I'm just the pieces of the man I used to be
Too many bitter tears are raining down on me
I'm far away from home
And I've been facing this alone for much too long
Oh, I feel like no-one ever told the truth to me
About growing up and what a struggle it would be
In my tangled state of mind
I've been looking back to find where I went wrong

Too much love will kill you
If you can't make up your mind
Torn between the lover and the love you leave behind
You're headed for disaster 'cos you never read the signs
Too much love will kill you every time


I'm reading that first line and thinking:  ??? I don't know that MMJ song  ???

But then I read along, and my heart swells, my eyes turn all wet and my hand starts to tremble, and I realise that this is a truly magnificent BRIAN MAY song!

I had no choice though, the topic title stated clearly: "favourite MMJ lyric"

You all know that Too Much Love Will Kill You, by Brian May is my all time favourite song, with my all-time favourite lyrics, by my all-time favourite curly haired-singer-songwriter-guitarist-ex queen member!

We are young despite the years,
we are concern,
we are hope despite the times


My mother held me like a motorcycle so warm...
we sang melody...
It wasn't till I woke up that I could hold down a joke or a job or a dream...

Just like the heart you break of a love babe, just like the hand you take of a friend

As long as you keep a straight face I will be there when you die..

A neon lady slut has charmed away my brains..  Oh wait thats the new dylan

And of course...          LET THE FETUS ROCK!!!
I will be there when you die!


Don't let your silly dreams,
fall in between the crack of the bed and the wall.


this is a very interesting take on what "i will be there when you die" means to somebody:


I Will Be There When You Die
Joe was born in New York City
Son of Paul and Catherine
always down and always out
... but his morrows always seemed just fine
There will be bigotry
and there will be open minds
There will be days of peace
you'll never have the time

As long as you keep a straight face
I will be there when you die

To me, this is the greatest promise one human being can make to another.

Not "I love you". Not "I will marry you". Not "I will go to Prom with you".
But "I will be there when you die".

(the last thing I need right now is some drunken meathead screaming Nirvana's "Come As You Are" in my ear. Fuck you and your trucker hat. You think this was meant for you?)

I was born in east Kentucky
Home of where the grass is dyed
always down and always out
... but my morrows always seemed just fine
There will be bigotry
and there will be open minds
There will be days of peace
you'll never have the time

As long as you keep a straight face
I will be there when you die

I'm not gonna pretend like I know what the song is about. I didn't write it. (My Morning Jacket, "I Will Be There When You Die".) But for me.... Two friends. Completely different everything. Came together. Will be there when the other one dies.

A simple promise.

For ever and I ever, I subscribed to that Donnie Darko outlook... "Every living creature dies alone". And I guess that's true. When you die, you're goin'. And you're not takin' anyone with you. You go in an instant -- at one very distinct and geometrically correct point in time. You. Go. Then. It's correct.

Or is it?

My grandfather suffered from fibrosis of the lung. Never smoked a day in his life. Worked in an asbestos factory, though. For years and years.

He was fine -- absolutely fine -- and when it came it came quick and hard. One day he's 73 and playing basketball with my brother and I. The next he can't get outta bed cuz he can't breathe.

He was supposed to get better and come home. Well, not "better". But well enough to leave with an oxygen tank and be with his wife of fifty-something years, having drinks with his best friend Bob and chillin' with his daughter, her husband, and their two kids who lived just down the street.

He died when an orderly bumped into him and knocked him off his wheely-bed-thingy.

He was alone. My grandmother left to go home and get some sleep. Bob went home to be with his wife. My mother, she left to make dinner for her two sons.

I'm not a religious man, but I hope that it was St. Christopher who showed up there to him that night and drove him away in a big ol' Rolls Royce, and not Gabriel or the Angel of Death or some shit... 'Cuz St. Christopher has a sweet, sweet ride.

The clock struck Ten. I knew that because I could hear the bells of our grandfather clock dong ten times.

I was playing video games with Seth. My mom was sitting in her chair like she always does.

I got shot playing Ikari Warriors. I should have just pressed "A-B-B-A A-B-B-A" and, voila, I would have been reborn, ready to fight another day.

But I didn't. And I think Seth was confused as to why. Cuz he wanted me to fight.

As I died on the screen a cold, wind-swept chill ran through me... the kind of chill you get when someone touches a spot on your body where you're holding tension you never knew was there.

My brother -- my brain-damaged, semi-autistic brother -- got up from sitting right next to me, watching adoringly at my video-game prowess, as younger brothers are known to do... went over to the dining room window.

He looked out, but not at anything.

He just raised his underdeveloped right arm and waved... without a trace of self-consciousness or sarcasm or any sort of tactile awareness of the real world around him. He simply said "goodbye".

I stood up and looked at my mom.

I said "I think..."

I didn't get to finish, cuz just then, the phone rang.

I heard "Yeah.... uh-huh."

The rest is silence.

I was born in Plainville, Connecticut
Home of were everything's just fine
always down and always out
...but my morrows always seemed just fine...

As long as you keep a straight face, mum. As long as you keep a straight face...

Factual reports will tell you that my grandfather died on the cold, hard floor of New Britain General Hospital at 9:49 PM. Solitarily. Convusling on the floor.

My report will tell you that while his Central Nervous System sent unreal pain synapses from his body to his brain, my grandfather -- my real, true grandfather -- picked his damn self up and said "Shit. I have some things I really need to do right now" and left.

As his body lay dying on the floor, my real true grandfather showed up in my living room.

As The Body gave way, The Man came home.

Now I ask you, my friends. Really. Does every living creature die alone?

I don't think so. In fact, I know so. And, my friends, I promise you this. When your time comes and your hour is up, you will never, ever have to be alone. I will find you. Or you will find me. We will hold hands and look each other in the eye one last time. Then I will wave.

This is the greatest promise I can make to you.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


you u always told me, no matter how long it holds me. if it falls apart or makes us millonairs. be right here forever. go through this thing together...     and on heavens golden shores we'll   lay   our   heads.



As long as you keep a straight face, I will be there when you die...
Don't let your silly dreams fall inbetween the crack of the bed and the wall...
You had me worried, so worried this would last, but now I'm learning, learning that this will pass.

And countless others...
You think that's bad?  Remember the time I won a date to Mexico with Gary Coleman?


Your ass it draws me in like a Bermuda highway

Come to the dark side...we have cookies.


Tom, that post made me cry.



whos going to care if it smashes down
or flips you up in the air. Its justa really fast, risky ride at a fair.
On these lovely trips, the conductor likes your soft brown eyes on his hair.
No need to shut er down, go round and round in the air.
In the air.

commence banjo.......god i love this fucking band...
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


Oh cant ye hold em back, form comin on in,
to a lovely woman, that jus wans her mind back again

Hands down...the greatest song....and lyrics... ever written
No need to shut er down, go round and round in the air