What are they saying?

Started by The_Big_Come_Up, Feb 12, 2007, 09:08 PM

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The Big Come Up

I listen to all my jacket stuff a ton, and there are some songs that include little bits that makes you think about what exactly is going on in the background. For example..on "Anytime" right before the song kicks in, Jim whispers something that i cant make out. Also, on "Steam Engine" during the last two minutes or so as the band jams out there is this backing vocal track that is saying something over and over. Ill i can guess is that its saying "be honest". Also, during the end of "Off the Record" their are clearly speaking (backwards i think). Anyone know what is actually being said in any of these songs? Any guesses.


it's not the words that says, it's just the way that he sings that I understand.

seriously, i think that's totally true for the end of steam engine. I don't think he's saying anything in particular like the beginning of The Way That He Sings.

At the beginning of Anytime I'm pretty sure he's saying "damn".  Although it could be "dance"

Tommy is definitely talking backwards at the end of off the record.  Some of us have tried to transcribe what is being said although it's not completely audible.  I know he's saying "o my jesus" at some point.


"Be Honest" I really really like that.  It had never occorued to me, my best guess was "We Got E'm"  I like "Be Honest" though.  Mabey it IS best we don't know for sure what exactly is being said.
There's Still Time.........

The Big Come Up

couple new ones here as well-
During "Run Thru" before the rock out mid section there is one of those "ethereal" backing vocal tracks repeating a couple times. Any one got any guess with that one? I always thought it said "least it appeared to me".
Also, after the end of "I Will Sing You Songs" theres this short little one minute song thing with a new tempo, and jim repeating a chorus. My guess there is "We live....on"
Anyone have any idea?


The Run Thru stuff is "It's what appears to me".


My favorit ethereal vocal is the end of Steam Engine when the voices are chanting "Kenny Loggins".

Kevin Bacon
My jacket's gonna be cut slim and checked


Steam Engine. I always say needed. As that is the last word of the song.