Woxy.com and MMJ

Started by katkillad, Jul 21, 2007, 02:43 AM

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This might be a little long...

So a few years back while in college, I discovered the best radio station, 97x located in Oxford Ohio.  Long story short, they got bought out and luckily they became an online music radio station.  This radio station was my first exposure to My Morning Jacket.

I listen to this station everyday at work from 8-5, i discover so many new good bands to listen to.  On fridays, they do listener requests just about all day.  I decided to email and request something from the MMJ double live album.  He said that they were never "issued a copy of Okonokos".

Now, i don't technically know what that means.  I don't know why they wouldn't have this album, but it kind of sounds like maybe they wouldn't receive the royalties or whatever a radiostation would normally receive for playing these albums?  

If its just that they don't have that album, hell i'll buy and send them a copy.  If its the other reason, I would figure this would have been one of the first places to receive a copy and the first places I would have heard a track off of it.

Any insight or anything that could be done about this?


I can just reply in relation to the norwegian system, but usually radiostations get copys of albums from the records labels, and they dont get royalties for playing them, they have to pay for it.


Wait a minute katkillad,
Are you saying that Rain Man and Charlie Babbitt were listening to a real radio station on their drive through Ohio from Rain Man's clinic in Cincinnati???  "97x. Bammm! The future of rock 'n roll."


As a resident of Northern Kentucky, I can attest to the fact that the radio station was legit in Rain Man.  It was hard to pick up when it was still around, but it was possible...and obviously better the further North you went.  Another interesting fact is that the "institution" in the movie is in fact St. Anne's Convent located in Northern Kentucky.  It is now used by Catholic high schools for retreats of which I have attended.  Every time I have ever driven there it is hard not to imagine Rain Man...then come the obligatory quotes.