+++1st Annual One Big Jacket Festival+++

Started by aMD, Jun 07, 2007, 10:35 PM

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ms. yvon


another fave quote:
"it's more of a rhombus, but whatever."
"what's sunday morning without a shot of knob creek."
"this isn't posh mustard."
"the internet, my morning jacket and substance abuse."

from the cave tour:  "i like your style."

the capper:   check the sig line.   ;D

hey brothers benjamin!  didn't get a chance to say goodbye.  glad you made it home safe!  glad to see you on the board!
"i don't mean to brag, i don't mean to boast, but we like hot butter on our breakfast toast."



another fave quote:
"it's more of a rhombus, but whatever."
"what's sunday morning without a shot of knob creek."
"this isn't posh mustard."
"the internet, my morning jacket and substance abuse."

from the cave tour:  "i like your style."

the capper:   check the sig line.   ;D

hey brothers benjamin!  didn't get a chance to say goodbye.  glad you made it home safe!  glad to see you on the board!
Cant believe i forgot this one.....
come for the music, stay for the peeps!

hey yvon, it was great meeting you....late goodbyes. thanks for hanging at the campfire with my awake ass!


where's Zach?  We'll go witHOUT HIM.

a SAILOR?  GOOD MAN!  Have a seat...




another fave quote:
"it's more of a rhombus, but whatever."
"what's sunday morning without a shot of knob creek."
"this isn't posh mustard."
"the internet, my morning jacket and substance abuse."

from the cave tour:  "i like your style."

the capper:   check the sig line.   ;D

hey brothers benjamin!  didn't get a chance to say goodbye.  glad you made it home safe!  glad to see you on the board!
Cant believe i forgot this one.....
come for the music, stay for the peeps!

hey yvon, it was great meeting you....late goodbyes. thanks for hanging at the campfire with my awake ass!

some of my favs (that i can remember anyway):

"I don't like any mustard with more class than me."

"Ohhh a sweet shot straight into the octagon!"

"Ladies and Gentlemen, 'The Washing Machine' is set on SPIN!"

"Butter that bacon boy..."

"Hmmm, brats look a little pink in the middle.  Hope I don't kill anybody before we go on.."



Angry Ewok

I'm still creeped out by that ex-Air Force guy who kept roaming around. Most of you guys don't know just how fucking weird that got... I mean, I'm sure everyone could pick up on a little weird vibe - but eventually, I felt like I was in a Dave Chapelle skit.

The dude was pretty adamant that I looked like his son, and even ran off to bring his carpenter dude to come look at me. That was pretty weird. Naturally, wanted to take a photo with me. I was cool with that - I am a dangerously good looking guy and I have to deal with that on a daily basis. I was sort of hoping if he had a recent photo "with his son", then maybe he'd be happy and leave, right?

After taking the photo, though, the dude puts a different memory card into the camera to show me what his son looks like. He passes the camera around, nobody thinks the kid looks like me, but we're all like, "Yeah, yeah"... For some reason, in addition to just showing me the picture of his son, though, he found it necessary to show me the photos of his hookers, as well.

I don't care how fucking relaxed a person may be, you just don't do that.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


that was too funny, brad. awkard, yes, but still very funny.

;D and i still don't think that kid was his son. probably one of his myspace/internet lovers/porn ring. i mean, who does that? who is like, "hey, man; i know i don't know you, but check out these creepy nude pics on my cheapass digital camera?"

i think the best part of the weekend was when colleen and i kicked brad and sean's collective ass in a game of cornhole. sure, we may have only won by, say, two points, but we still owned.

other best part of the weekend:
"the internet, my morning jacket, and substance abuse." dave, you are too funny, man. that whole garfield spiel was solid gold.

i'm sorry for leaving saturday night. i hope no one thought i was rude. i'm just kind of (extremely) high-maintenance and didn't want to sleep in a wet tent.

can't wait to see you all next year!  :)

Angry Ewok

Meg and I were so careful about making sure the front flap of the tent was zipped COMPLETELY... not even a centimeter open. So when it started to rain, we weren't worried at all... A few hours later, we crawl into the tent to find that, uh, yeah, we left the ventilation panel open.


It may have been seedy and scary, but that hotel was soooo nice.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


QuoteI'm still creeped out by that ex-Air Force guy who kept roaming around. Most of you guys don't know just how fucking weird that got... I mean, I'm sure everyone could pick up on a little weird vibe - but eventually, I felt like I was in a Dave Chapelle skit.

The dude was pretty adamant that I looked like his son, and even ran off to bring his carpenter dude to come look at me. That was pretty weird. Naturally, wanted to take a photo with me. I was cool with that - I am a dangerously good looking guy and I have to deal with that on a daily basis. I was sort of hoping if he had a recent photo "with his son", then maybe he'd be happy and leave, right?

After taking the photo, though, the dude puts a different memory card into the camera to show me what his son looks like. He passes the camera around, nobody thinks the kid looks like me, but we're all like, "Yeah, yeah"... For some reason, in addition to just showing me the picture of his son, though, he found it necessary to show me the photos of his hookers, as well.

I don't care how fucking relaxed a person may be, you just don't do that.

it's funny you should say that because i also had a semi-creepy experience with the that dude. on saturday morning he came done to our campsite and he kept staring at me.  eventually he came over to me and said "i'm sorry if i made you feel uncomfortable last night when i told you that you were cute." i told him that it was just fine and moved to a different circle of conversation.
i have no recollection of the incident but it is completely possible that i was mildly sexualy harrassed and was too drunk to remember it. :-[

no harm no foul


Quotemore pix notes:

-in the pic of teo & angry e.  you can see only the words "music" and "peeps" on teo's shirt.  sums it up.   ;)

-in one of bug's pics of my bro. benjamin playing, one can see the stage prop peeps.  nice!

CAN'T WAIT TO GET MY PIX DEVELOPED!  xoxoxox  [smiley=beer.gif]

also:  drove past the bbc brewery tonight.  gonna hit it for lunch tomorrow!

i'm so glad that you are enjoying louisville. don't forget to get a  "beer is food." t-shirt from the BBC.
it was really nice to meet you.
definite props for farthest distance traveled!


Another of my favorite quotes:

"My hands are burning!"
-Paul, after he smeared glow stick juice on his drum!

That was classic!


yeah, ol' buddy kept staring at me, too. wierd dude, that was for sure. i couldn't tell if i was getting creepy pervert vibes from him or i was just paranoid from smoking. ether way, i still didn't get to see the nakes pics of his hooker/stripper/son. whatev.  ;D

our hotel was pretty sweet. too bad the wigwams were full.  :'(


Wow...I had no idea this guy was so creepy.  I just thought he was a little shell shocked from from being "in the shit" as it were but now that you mention it, he was weird for me too.  

He looked into his beer and almost started crying when he came over to our camp Saturday afternoon saying how he didn't understand how a "old bastard like me makes it through all that and all them young guys didn't.  Something just ain't right about all that."  

I watched him for a second or two and took a swig of my beer and just said honestly, "I got nothing."




it cracked me up when he was like, "my family owns this place," because... no. no they don't. i know the owners of the cave/campground, and they do not include this dude. sounds like ol buddy just wanted to party. which is cool, i mean, party all you want, just don't stare at my rack and show my boyfriend pictures of a naked hooker while doing so.


QuoteAnother of my favorite quotes:

"My hands are burning!"
-Paul, after he smeared glow stick juice on his drum!

That was classic!

Man, my drum took a beating that night - Everything stunk like that shit the next day!  I had to wash my djembe when I got home



He looked into his beer and almost started crying when he came over to our camp Saturday afternoon saying how he didn't understand how a "old bastard like me makes it through all that and all them young guys didn't.  Something just ain't right about all that."  

he was talking about 'nam to us, too.

I don't see any connection to Vietnam, Walter.


ms. yvon

other best part of the weekend:
...dave, you are too funny, man. that whole garfield spiel was solid gold.
;D ;D  i'd forgotten that!  "i wanna be garfield.  just say "fuck it" and eat some lasagne."
holy cow.  that WAS hysterical.

re:  camping vet dude:  i got a little weird vibe from him friday, but other than that, nothing bad.  i guess i avoided intimate conversation with him.  what  he talked about friday (late) was interesting tho, not noodz of hookers/pics of sons that don't look like brad creepy. :P
"i don't mean to brag, i don't mean to boast, but we like hot butter on our breakfast toast."

ms. yvon

Quoteit cracked me up when he was like, "my family owns this place," because... no. no they don't. i know the owners of the cave/campground, and they do not include this dude.
he said it was his nephew and wife.  seemed plausible
"i don't mean to brag, i don't mean to boast, but we like hot butter on our breakfast toast."


Wow, I'm kind of sorry I missed this guy.  Nothing like a random weirdo to provide good fodder for stories.  
Detroit Cobras @ The Mad Hatter, Covington KY - 7/11/07
Squirrel Nut Zippers @ Jim Porters, Louisville, KY - 7/18/07

Angry Ewok

Funniest moments the first night would have to be...

"I don't wanna be John. I wanna be Garfield."

or the way the creepy dude looked at Dave, when Dave said, "Your Welcome"...

--- and that's 2 real 4 u.