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Started by Bigsky, Feb 28, 2008, 04:46 PM

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This song is very powerful, and it moves me every time I hear it. I was wondering if anyone knows the story it is telling? It sounds like memories of a lost friend...


right you are.  it is about a friend of jim's who committed suicide.


shew--a little blunt, but certainly very true, aMD.

on a side note, does anyone else have a really hard time listening to this song? I remember Meg saying the first time she heard it it caught her right in the chest and turned her into a bawling mess. I've gotten pretty close to that live---there's something in the frustration or the pain or the heartbreak or all three of the situation tha just comes through so blatantly and pained in the song, and it makes it so damn hard to listen to. I'm sitting down with the song from Bogart's in Cincy oct. 26, 2005 (the day I became a man, actually), and I'm working my way up to the chorus right now...I know what's coming....

weirdest thing--when we saw them in Oct. 2005 at City Hall in Nashville, that was the first time I'd ever heard a crowd sing along with a guitar part.

Anyway, anyone else have trouble with this song? It might be my favorite of theirs, in all honesty, but I can't just listen to it--it takes such a listening commitment...
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


It's well worth it.  It's strange but I'm listening to it right at this moment.  Carl is actually blowing the sax solo right in my ear right as I type, and I'm thinking about how awesomely strange this world really, really is.
There's Still Time.........


Everything about Dondante is perfect. I love how it builds up in the solo and then everyone goes nuts. And when it finishes, you're still thinking about it. Pat sounds like John Bonham in that song.
How loud can silence get?


Quoteshew--a little blunt, but certainly very true, aMD.


Sorry I didn't pussyfoot around it enough for ya, Tom.  Some of us don't need two pages to say what we mean.

Some more info on dondante: Jim's friend that I referred to was Aaron Todovich, Jim's bandmate in Month of Sundays.  He was a very talented musician but anyone who knew him was not surprised to hear of his suicide.  I knew him through association but my wife was good friends with him and hearing dondante always tears her heart out.  She almost had to excuse herself during the acoustic performance at the Rud when Jim himself nearly lost it.


we cover that song from time to time and sometimes when i get sucked into it, its very easy for my guitar to take the full brunt of the emotion that this song projects.

Jon T.

I want to hear this song right now.

Any idea why its called Dondante, AMD?  Not that it really even matters.

Here is a Pensacola thought for you Bowl.  When it is nice outside for lunch I sit on a bench at the foot of the Bay Bridge with some heaphones.  It is about 65 degrees right now without a cloud in the sky.  I will be there today... listening to Dondante.


What a great example of how you can play a guitar at different levels of intesity.  Jim is the all time master of playing soft when it's required.  In particular I'm talking about the end when Carl come's in with the sax but Jim keeps the going softly in the background.  NER-Ner-ner-ner    NER-Ner-ner-ner.  I'm not a guitar player and I really don't know what the hell I'm talking about but do ya'll know what I'm saying?  Most of you guys play guitar.  Tell me I'm not crazy.
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.

bowl of soup

QuoteI want to hear this song right now.

Any idea why its called Dondante, AMD?  Not that it really even matters.

Here is a Pensacola thought for you Bowl.  When it is nice outside for lunch I sit on a bench at the foot of the Bay Bridge with some heaphones.  It is about 65 degrees right now without a cloud in the sky.  I will be there today... listening to Dondante.

Do you work near there?  I'm very jealous, allthough I'll be o.k sitting on Clearwater Beach, drinking a beer, and watching my kids go crazy in 78 degree perfection tomorrow.  I'll bring Z.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.

Jon T.

Sounds like you'll be just fine.  I think we're actually doing the ZOO tomorrow.  I work downtown on Reus St.  A couple blocks west of Palafox.  

BH your usage of onomatopoeia is exemplory.

Is there a better word than onomatatopoeia?  I don't think so.


QuoteSounds like you'll be just fine.  I think we're actually doing the ZOO tomorrow.  I work downtown on Reus St.  A couple blocks west of Palafox.  

BH your usage of onomatopoeia is exemplory.

Is there a better word than onomatatopoeia?  I don't think so.

Nice!  I've never heard that word before.    How the hell do you pronounce that word?
Can you spell that out phoeneticaly?  I thought you made it up, but I wiki-d it and sure enough.....
a word or a grouping of words that imitates the sound it is describing, suggesting its source object, such as "click," "clang," "buzz," or animal noises such as "oink", "quack", "flap", "slurp", or "meow".

See if you can name this song....

Beeerroo                        Beeeerrroo

Beerrrrr neerrr ne neerrr nehr
Beerrrrr neeerr ne neeerr nehr
Beeerrr neeerr ne neeerr nehr nehr nehr nehr ner.

;)  It makes so much sence in my head.

I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


Isn't that a weird and beautiful thing, that you can not know the name of a song; the lyrics to a song; or the meaning of a song and it's intended emotional impact still hits you.
it's a voice. and it's a choice
to call you out. or stay at home


QuoteTell me I'm not crazy.
Your not crazy.

I listened to this on the way into work, with the sun coming up. I thought I was going to have to pull over

Jon T.

QuoteSounds like you'll be just fine.  I think we're actually doing the ZOO tomorrow.  I work downtown on Reus St.  A couple blocks west of Palafox.  

BH your usage of onomatopoeia is exemplory.

Is there a better word than onomatatopoeia?  I don't think so.

Nice!  I've never heard that word before.    How the hell do you pronounce that word?
Can you spell that out phoeneticaly?  I thought you made it up, but I wiki-d it and sure enough.....

a word or a grouping of words that imitates the sound it is describing, suggesting its source object, such as "click," "clang," "buzz," or animal noises such as "oink", "quack", "flap", "slurp", or "meow".

See if you can name this song....

Beeerroo                        Beeeerrroo

Beerrrrr neerrr ne neerrr nehr
Beerrrrr neeerr ne neeerr nehr
Beeerrr neeerr ne neeerr nehr nehr nehr nehr ner.

;)  It makes so much sence in my head.

It's pretty much the only thing I remember from high school.  And you pronounce it like this-   Ahh-na-mah-ta-pee-uh , except faster.  That's how I pronounce it anyway.

I can't get the timing down on your song.  I can definitely tell it is something though...


QuoteSounds like you'll be just fine.  I think we're actually doing the ZOO tomorrow.  I work downtown on Reus St.  A couple blocks west of Palafox.  

BH your usage of onomatopoeia is exemplory.

Is there a better word than onomatatopoeia?  I don't think so.

Nice!  I've never heard that word before.    How the hell do you pronounce that word?
Can you spell that out phoeneticaly?  I thought you made it up, but I wiki-d it and sure enough.....

a word or a grouping of words that imitates the sound it is describing, suggesting its source object, such as "click," "clang," "buzz," or animal noises such as "oink", "quack", "flap", "slurp", or "meow".

See if you can name this song....

Beeerroo                        Beeeerrroo

Beerrrrr neerrr ne neerrr nehr
Beerrrrr neeerr ne neeerr nehr
Beeerrr neeerr ne neeerr nehr nehr nehr nehr ner.

;)  It makes so much sence in my head.

It's pretty much the only thing I remember from high school.  And you pronounce it like this-   Ahh-na-mah-ta-pee-uh , except faster.  That's how I pronounce it anyway.

I can't get the timing down on your song.  I can definitely tell it is something though...

The 1977 Todd Rundgren LP "Hermit of Mink Hollow" includes a track called Onomatopoeia. This song contains the rhyming couplet "Onomatopoeia, every time I see ya".


Onomontapeia IS a great word.  The kids at school like to say it.  Let's hope they remember what it means come test time!

I don't know what dondante means.  I'm guessing that was a nickname of aaron's but i don't know if it was coined before or after his death.  I'll ask my wife and post if she knows anything.

btw, I know exactly what you're talking about, BH.  We covered this one at Jacketfest and it was the highlight for me.  

We're going to have to play this one tonight, Ben.


sorry Dylan, the blunt comment wasn't an affront--there's just no way to really say "he killed himself" and have it not sound ugly.

As for the dondante, I think it was an email handle of his, if I remember correctly. There's probably a little bit more, but that's all I can recall about it...

(how's that for 2 pages?)
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Quotesorry Dylan, the blunt comment wasn't an affront--there's just no way to really say "he killed himself" and have it not sound ugly.

As for the dondante, I think it was an email handle of his, if I remember correctly. There's probably a little bit more, but that's all I can recall about it...

(how's that for 2 pages?)

very concise, Tom. Way to go!


QuoteOnomontapeia IS a great word.  The kids at school like to say it.  Let's hope they remember what it means come test time!

I don't know what dondante means.  I'm guessing that was a nickname of aaron's but i don't know if it was coined before or after his death.  I'll ask my wife and post if she knows anything.

btw, I know exactly what you're talking about, BH.  We covered this one at Jacketfest and it was the highlight for me.  

We're going to have to play this one tonight, Ben.

are you playing live again?
If you're lucky, MMJ will fill the void you didn't even know you ever had. If you're luckier, you'll get to see them live.