Favorite MMJ songs, and why?

Started by mickeyreds, Jan 31, 2008, 08:01 PM

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This would be easier to answer if the title of the thread was "Least favorite MMJ songs and why"
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


This is one of those questions that has so many answers.( ie. The way he sings, Live might be one of the greatest tunes ever) But if I was to pick a studio track, it would probally be " I Need It Most ". If you don't know yourself,  how could you ever know me. You might just be dead if the end of this song doesn't move you.

*Come Closer and *The Dark
I also love to NO end.


QuoteSteam Engine has been a top fav...and when I finally saw it played live in Cleveland in '06, i did get teary-eyed.  my friend probably thought i was a big baby...but who cares.  I felt so completely lifted and forgot about everything else on the planet.

I also love By My Car.  The live version on AcousticCitsuoca (vinyl-only) is utterly by far my favorite live song I've heard (not to mention that entire EP is the most beautiful thing i've heard from Mr. James...period).  If anyone reading this doesn't yet own that EP, run...don't walk...run out and own it immediately.  And the fact that this last track is not on the CD is down right criminal.  CRIMINAL!

I have a theory that Evans Kicked in Head is our boy rccola/creepy in new clothes.  Just a feeling. I hope so.  (Did RC come from Cleveland?  I don't know, but it feels right.)
Cleveland :-/ :-/ :-/ Tampa is bad enough ;D ;D ;D
the fruit bats love makin' made all the kids cry


I really like 'Holy' and basically anything off of Chocolate and Ice. That album is so amazingly good. I wish they would play 'Holy' and 'Sweetheart' and 'Can You See the Hard Helmet on my Head'....and Cobra for sure the next time i see them. That album is so sincere and personal.


I can't stop listening to Mageetah and Bemuda Highway at the moment but I bet by next week I'll have a new favourite.
How loud can silence get?



It's just an honest love song.

I love when it gets to the breakdown

"So love dawg cant ye see that you only gotta dance with me."

Take off those glasses and let down your hair for me...


honest man is currently dominating me