Ways to Support the band.

Started by Nipsey, Apr 21, 2008, 09:43 AM

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Albums leak. They all do, it was bound to happen. However, I cant help but feel a little bit embarrassed and sad for the band. The fact that it was so publicly shared here yesterday on the bands OFFICIAL website is disgusting.  IMO both of the threads with people begging for PMs should be deleted entirely.

I am posting to remind people that there are other ways to support the band bedsides buying their music. Here  are some of them.

Buy some merch:


Go to a show:

Buy a pre-Order of Evil Urges:



I plan on giving my favorite band plenty of my cash this summer.  The album will be bought as well as tickets for at least two shows.  I was weak, but I will not let the band down  because they worked their ASSES off for this record.

Angry Ewok

I feel bad for our moderator, who had to stay up all fucking night deleting links to the leak.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


were there any links posted in the threads? I don't remember seeing any.


I know leaks are bound to happen, but the balls of people to come to this of all places bragging about it...makes me sick.  The played a show that popped up with more than 1/2 the tracks on the new album played LIVE, release Touch Me on NPR, and let people download Evil Urges..and that doesn't suffice.  EVIL URGES
Dead on the beach,
Is where I wanna make my home......


wow...i miss all the good stuff by not getting on during the weekend!

i will also spend plenty of cash on the band...already bought tix to Louisville and NYC shows.

will buy the CD at local record store as well as the vinyl when it comes out and maybe the iTunes download if they offer an extra song.

will buy a new shirt and a new shirt for my lady friend at the shows.

will go to as many shows as possible in the Fall U.S. tour!!!
If you're lucky, MMJ will fill the void you didn't even know you ever had. If you're luckier, you'll get to see them live.


QuoteI know leaks are bound to happen, but the balls of people to come to this of all places bragging about it...makes me sick.  The played a show that popped up with more than 1/2 the tracks on the new album played LIVE, release Touch Me on NPR, and let people download Evil Urges..and that doesn't suffice.  EVIL URGES

what exactly happened yesterday?
If you're lucky, MMJ will fill the void you didn't even know you ever had. If you're luckier, you'll get to see them live.


i just think we owe them more respect than to go crazy over a leak--when they've already expressed to us (pretty clearly, too) that they want us to wait until the release date.

that's a way to support the band: repect their wishes.
all facts begin as dreams dreamt by the wizard


QuoteI know leaks are bound to happen, but the balls of people to come to this of all places bragging about it...makes me sick.  The played a show that popped up with more than 1/2 the tracks on the new album played LIVE, release Touch Me on NPR, and let people download Evil Urges..and that doesn't suffice.  EVIL URGES

what exactly happened yesterday?

someone informed us there was a leak and people began pass it around on pms.  a link was never posted on the forum as far as i know.  

you all can rake me and other zealous fans over the coals all you want.  I don't really feel like getting in a fight about it, but I'll just leave you with this:

"The world today is such a confused place. Things that people think are good values are obviously twisted, but there are other things considered evil that obviously aren't. There is real evil out there, but "Evil Urges" is about how all of these things that you've been told are evil really aren't, unless they're actually hurting something or somebody."  -Jim James


i think we all got the same email, but here's what the band had to say about the leaks:

"gosh darn-it, we're still a little old fashioned in that way of wanting the listener to be able to get the actual music when it is supposed to be released, when we say it is finished- not when someone else puts it on the interweb.... but it is the 90's now, we understand that. it's a new decade and we want to be part of this decade, but whilst still maintaining a link to the past - where one can't necessarily get everything they want immediately when they want it, but rather when they are told they can have it - by their real life keeper or their digital daddy!"
all facts begin as dreams dreamt by the wizard


QuoteI know leaks are bound to happen, but the balls of people to come to this of all places bragging about it...makes me sick.  The played a show that popped up with more than 1/2 the tracks on the new album played LIVE, release Touch Me on NPR, and let people download Evil Urges..and that doesn't suffice.  EVIL URGES

what exactly happened yesterday?

I also missed what went on...did the album leak some more?

I understand supporting the band is important, but I honestly don't think MMJ makes their money from their albums. Bands like MMJ, or Phish, or the Grateful Dead (live bands) make most of their money from touring. So don't feel too bad for them if there was a leak, just go to one of their shows and that will more than make up for it. They don't see most of the money from albums anyway, the label gets it.


Look, just to be clear, I'm not going to knock anyone for downloading.  I just don't want to open my Christmas gift in November.  I did that once back 87 and it sucked.  And to be fair, let's just not make this website the place where it gets spread, eh?
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


same here. i mean, i'm not going to look down on anyone for dowloading it. i want to hear this new ablum really effin bad (times five), but i'm going to wait until it's legit because that's what they've asked us to do.
all facts begin as dreams dreamt by the wizard


There is no reason for this to turn into another lame debate about sharing music. Everyone has their own opinions and thats fine. I am sure everyone would agree that publicly sharing the new album on the bands own forum is a slap in the face to them. If you want to get it, at least do it on your own dime. The band has to pay for this bandwidth.


i respect that.  i have no problem with people who say, I want to wait for the real thing or are still old-fashioned like Jim and like to read the linear notes and whatnot when they get the new CD.  just don't tell me that I'm ripping off the band or not supporting because I listen to an album that I'm going to buy a few times over a few months early.  i think we can all agree that downloading the album and not buying it is wrong and disrespectful to the boys, but that's really beside the point.  Plenty of people will do that after June 10 as well.


There WAS a link posted... but it disappeared pretty quickly.


QuoteThere WAS a link posted... but it disappeared pretty quickly.

I'd say it was up for 30 minutes tops.  Long enough to cause quite a commotion.  
The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place


This is really sad. The Digital Age is completely fucking with the music industry, and artists. I feel so bad for the band, especially after having sent the email around telling people that they want the album to be heard once it's finally released. I for one am holding out till June 10.

Leaks simply hurt the artists, and the fans. Now, I have to tip toe around this forum until the album comes out, because I don't want the joy and surprises of Evil Urges to be ruined for me before I get the album on its release date.

I am so excited to hold Evil Urges in my hands, pop it in the CD player, and listen for the first time while I flip through the booklet. That's how the traditions of music should be kept.


QuoteThis is really sad. The Digital Age is completely fucking with the music industry, and artists. I feel so bad for the band, especially after having sent the email around telling people that they want the album to be heard once it's finally released. I for one am holding out till June 10.

Leaks simply hurt the artists, and the fans. Now, I have to tip toe around this forum until the album comes out, because I don't want the joy and surprises of Evil Urges to be ruined for me before I get the album on its release date.

I am so excited to hold Evil Urges in my hands, pop it in the CD player, and listen for the first time while I flip through the booklet. That's how the traditions of music should be kept.

the digital age has helped this band and many others who would not have been able to break into the music scene, especially not on an international level, in the old way.  You really think it'd be better if we had a bunch of stuffed-suits deciding what people like?  Don't forget that mmj is taper and trader friendly which is mainly done digitally these days.  the band makes the majority of their money touring.  the more people hear their music the more people come to their shows.  i don't see how you could possibly think the digital age hurts artists unless you're a big fan of groups conceived  by record execs and shoved down our throats via clear channel.  

EDIT: I agree that the digital age is fucking over record companies but that may be karma for years of fucking over artists and suppressing good music.


QuoteThis is really sad. The Digital Age is completely fucking with the music industry, and artists. I feel so bad for the band, especially after having sent the email around telling people that they want the album to be heard once it's finally released. I for one am holding out till June 10.

Leaks simply hurt the artists, and the fans. Now, I have to tip toe around this forum until the album comes out, because I don't want the joy and surprises of Evil Urges to be ruined for me before I get the album on its release date.

I am so excited to hold Evil Urges in my hands, pop it in the CD player, and listen for the first time while I flip through the booklet. That's how the traditions of music should be kept.

the digital age has helped this band and many others who would not have been able to break into the music scene, especially not on an international level, in the old way.  You really think it'd be better if we had a bunch of stuffed-suits deciding what people like?  Don't forget that mmj is taper and trader friendly which is mainly done digitally these days.  the band makes the majority of their money touring.  the more people hear their music the more people come to their shows.  i don't see how you could possibly think the digital age hurts artists unless you're a big fan of groups convinced by record execs and shoved down our throats via clear channel.  

You're completely right. I should of said that there are definitely negative aspects to the Digital Age that really screw over bands. But it does help to spread the awareness of bands, and such, that's true. I just hate how along with that, things like the internet have made album leaks such a common thing.

Edit* and by the digital age hurting bands, I mean more of on an emotional level, because MMJ obviously did not want their album leaking. They essentially blatantly stated that in the email they sent people.