Who is the mystery figure on Evil Urges cover?

Started by MMJ_fanatic, May 17, 2008, 12:12 PM

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Anyone have any ideas as to who the person facing away from the camera is in the front cover artwork?
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.

Angry Ewok

--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


There's Still Time.........


There's Still Time.........




ooh that was a good one, plus he knows walker.

edit:  chuck norris name in walker texas ranger was walker right? haha :o


Don't let your silly dreams,
fall in between the crack of the bed and the wall.


Quotewinston churchill.
i agree - that's what i thought, too.

question - who designed the album artwork?  i was looking at it more closely today - that big gear wheel that looks like it's inside a clock or something, and then people walking up it like stairs.  like they're walking in circles.  and what's the building in the background? and what's that spotlight on in the bottom left corner?

sorry if this has been talked about before.

maybe the album cover is just filled with all of these images and ideas to evoke thoughts about it, and then relate those thoughts and ideas to our own lives and also to history, because everything seems to be from certain parts of the past.  (costumes, buildings, the theatre)

also, i just read that m. ward article and he talked about history, so maybe that's a topic of conversation amongst all of these dudes.  

see, it's really good to have actual cds so that you can look at the artwork up close.  a computer screen just isn't the same, really.  

angry ewok, how come you don't like it so much?


This may be the greatest. I was gonna go with Bluntmasta's, but you cannot beat a Jake & The Fatman reference. EVER.


I'm not sure if she did the album artwork but all of the band photos were taken by autumn de wilde.


If you look at all of her album covers on the site, I would guess that she did do the cover.
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


The Winston Churchill one was good, but in keeping with the guessing at historical figures...i'd say maybe Teddy Roosevelt?  Maybe it's just a friend of the band.  Anybody know what the monuments are in the background?  This is a great post!


Quotewinston churchill.
i agree - that's what i thought, too.

question - who designed the album artwork?  i was looking at it more closely today - that big gear wheel that looks like it's inside a clock or something, and then people walking up it like stairs.  like they're walking in circles.  and what's the building in the background? and what's that spotlight on in the bottom left corner?

sorry if this has been talked about before.

maybe the album cover is just filled with all of these images and ideas to evoke thoughts about it, and then relate those thoughts and ideas to our own lives and also to history, because everything seems to be from certain parts of the past.  (costumes, buildings, the theatre)

also, i just read that m. ward article and he talked about history, so maybe that's a topic of conversation amongst all of these dudes.  

see, it's really good to have actual cds so that you can look at the artwork up close.  a computer screen just isn't the same, really.  

angry ewok, how come you don't like it so much?

I think you got it going on here.  I've mentioned before about how it looks like those two guys are stepping onto the ride, one seems to be introducing the other to it.  I like the two kinds of silhouettes and the two different images PHOTO/PRINT of the band.  I've gone into it a bit but I think this album plays on mirror images, two sides of the same coin, this vs. that etc.  There is a "duality" if you will, thoughts about division etc. etc.  I like where you are going with this.

There's Still Time.........


question - who designed the album artwork?  i was looking at it more closely today - that big gear wheel that looks like it's inside a clock or something, and then people walking up it like stairs.  like they're walking in circles.  and what's the building in the background? and what's that spotlight on in the bottom left corner?

The will looks like the Hyde Park Ferris Wheel...completely.

But the figure, that is a good mystery...

Jon T.

It looks like my friend Ted.  Ted sort of resembles Jim with short hair, which got me thinking...

Could that be Jim in the future?  Going back to what you touched on Brian, with the whole two-halves thing.  Could that be future Jim looking back. (I watch too much LOST, I know)  But even in the song Two-Halves he says "...41 things start to fade...when you're older you want the body you have now".  Maybe it's supposed to be be a 41 yr old Jim after things start to fade?
A stretch I know but even the first time I saw it, i thought of jim.

Nevermind, it's probably just my friend Ted.


Awesome, I really think you are onto something.  The image really does provoke a bunch of thought.  Just looking at it, it's not immediately aesthetically pleasing, but there is a bunch of stuff going on and it provokes many different thoughts, feelings etc. etc.  I love it more every day.  
There's Still Time.........



if it is steve, he's probably yelling at MMJ.
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