variety is the spice of life. a treatise on change

Started by bully, Aug 27, 2008, 08:34 AM

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if i've heard it once, i've heard it a hundred times : 'evil urges ain't the album to get to know the jacket'...this followed by : 'you, young grasshopper should really start by listening to at dawn, then it still moves then z.  etc. etc.

i don't get it.

are people that say this afraid a new listener won't love the songs, or hear our band come thru?

i think it's silly.  

i think there is no difference to me hearing mmj in the 90's and listening to them evolve and watching where they've gone compared to someone who discovers evil urges, then thru listening to earlier albums hears differences and similarirties and where the band came from.

who cares what order it happens in.

any listener should pick up the fact that mmj is quite simply diverse.

that's why we love 'em so!

i saw, i'm guessing around 15 year old kid at ear x tacy looking at the new album.  we got talking, and i said 'kid they're ALL good - take your pick'.
sincerely, my morning wood.


I always say At Dawn b/c it's one of my favorite albums of all time by any artist.

Sort of like me telling someone to get Led Zeppelin II rather than In Through the Out Door; it just makes sense, IMO.


MY order:
Magheeta on Bonnaroo compilation (I was hooked)
It Still Moves
Early Recordings
Chocolate and Ice
At Dawn
The Tennessee Fire

When I first heard ISM it didn't leave my stereo for months straight.  I had to get more of their work regardless of what it was and this just happened to be the order.  Not conventional I know but I would put my love of the Jacket up against anyone.  That said if you like what you hear from Jacket pick up all that you can get your hands on.  Some albums or songs might take time but they WILL grown on you if you let them.


'grow on you'.

you hit the nail on the head with this band - and for me, all my favorite and probably best bands.

many times, i'll here a jacket song - or with evil urges in it's entirety, not have it "click" at first listen.  but after a few, it's in your blood, BIGTIME.  that's when I know a song is going to stand the test of time.

my morning jacket has more songs that hit me in that way than any other band.
sincerely, my morning wood.


It took a long time for them to grow on me.  I liked them but not much beyond the casual listen.  Had I heard Evil Urges first, I don't know that I would be here today.

The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place


sincerely, my morning wood.